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NFT: Knicks Pacers Game 7

Earl the goat : 5/19/2024 10:08 am
On ABC. Knicks -3.5 favorites

Hart and OG must be playing

Go Knicks. MSG fans will rock

I despise Halliburton and TJ and most of all Reggie
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Because nobody was playing crazy minutes when theu got hurt  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 7:07 pm : link
Hartensteins achilles tendinitis was something he had last year as well playing 20 minutes, his minutes only went up due to Mitch's injury..

Randle was at 35 minutes a game, he was in a game that the Knicks were up 17 with 4 minutes left yes, but he was about to come out of the game..

Bojan was not even close to minutes..

OG was an elbow injurh and then was playing big minutes in the playoffs because well thats ehat players do in the playoffs..

Brunson was around 35 minutes a game during the regular season..

Hart eas playing 25 when everyone was helsthy and Djvo was playing 20..

This idea that Thibs just ran them into the ground willingly is absolutely stupjd the big minutes didnt happen until half the team was already hurt
Their effort in game 6 was atrocious and deserves criticism  
LW_Giants : 5/19/2024 7:13 pm : link
They came out and played like they didn't want to be there. And Brunson had his worst half of the series. You can't assume that just because you have a game 7 at home you're going to win it, and it felt like the Knicks let their guard down a bit game 6 and couldn't ever get it back up.

But the series was lost when OG went down. We just had no way to match Siakem inside, and the Pacers realized that and took advantage.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Injuries of course happen, but this is ridiculous  
Matt M. : 5/19/2024 7:13 pm : link
In comment 16520023 Kanavis said:
In comment 16519999 Matt M. said:


In comment 16519931 Antonio Fierce said:


In comment 16519921 nygiants16 said:


In comment 16519911 Anakim said:


In comment 16519896 nygiants16 said:


In comment 16519891 Anakim said:


In comment 16519887 nygiants16 said:


In comment 16519883 Anakim said:


And of course the minutes Thibs puts on certain players don't exactly help.

I am sorry blaming Thibs for any of the injuries is just plain stupid, nobidy was playing big minutes at the time of all the injuries, its just ridiculous to even say its his fualt

You don't think these minutes add up and take a toll on these players? Of course they do and this is what Thibs is known for. He will ride his racehorses into the ground.

You realize nobody was over 35 minutes a game before the injuries right? nobody in the top 14

The Knicks season will end with injuries to:

Jalen Brunson
Julius Randle
Mitchell Robinson
OG Anunoby
Bojan Bogdanovic
Josh Hart
Isaiah Hartenstein

Look at what he did to Jimmy Butler. I'm not suggesting Thibs get fired, but his Achilles Heel is by far his minutes allocation. He shortens his bench, has a small rotation and will run his starters into the ground.

Literally none of the injuries were because of minutes wtf are you talking baout?

Sorry to say you're wrong. Thibs overworked his players. Doesn't explain all the injuries but it certainly accounts for some of the soft tissue injuries.

Not a single one of those injuries had anything to do with the workload.

Happy with the season and there is a lot behind the scenes in practice, off days, and training that perhaps Thibs doesn't get credit for. He deserves to come back.

But I am not sure how some of you are so convinced workload has nothing to do with it. Injuries often result from cumulative loading and from muscles that are too fatigued to protect and react. They also come from being in the game when you shouldn't. The injuries to Hart, Randle, OG, and even some others could be related to extended minutes. Ihhart was also hurt. What would qualify the as an injury related to workload if not those types of injuries. Someone running down the court and collapsing while screaming I am too tired? You can't prove it either way. But questioning workload isn't off the table. It's a fair question for next season.
Hartenstein - aggravating a previous injury
Robinson - injured previously, came back too soon from surgery and re-injury in playoffs is due to dirty play by Embiid
OG - elbow was pre-existing and hamstring is a fluke thing
Brunson - injuries not related at all to usage
Bogdonovich - not usage related
Hart - the only one that could MAYBE be related, but also a freak injury and was also aggravated by being pulled and twisted by a defender.

I think it is valid to question why the bench wasn't used just because they have some productive players. But, the whole load management thing is bullshit. The players begging for it are just soft. I grew up watching guys mostly play every night and starters normally played 33+ minutes routinely without soft tissue injuries.
Haliburton is a tool  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 7:23 pm : link
wearing a regfie shirt eith his picutre with the choke sign...dude you beat 2 injury riddled teams, both teams if healthy would of swept you into oblivion..

I want thme game 1 next year at MSG on national televisio , beat them by 50
This series came down to the 2 things  
Chris684 : 5/19/2024 7:30 pm : link
The OG injury, and then once that happened, the 4th quarter of game 3.

With OG we roll them. Without him, we need to steal that game 3 badly once we had it in our grip.

That said, I dunno how anyone can bitch about this team or anyone associated with it right now. Drawing Philly in the 1st round this year was not easy, and that Philly team was not typical of who you would expect to play in the 1st round as a 2 seed.

The Knicks are the 2nd best team in the East when they step on the court next year in my opinion. And that’s just the baseline of what they can be when healthy. Let’s see what moves Rose has in store.
RE: This series came down to the 2 things  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 7:31 pm : link
In comment 16520051 Chris684 said:
The OG injury, and then once that happened, the 4th quarter of game 3.

With OG we roll them. Without him, we need to steal that game 3 badly once we had it in our grip.

That said, I dunno how anyone can bitch about this team or anyone associated with it right now. Drawing Philly in the 1st round this year was not easy, and that Philly team was not typical of who you would expect to play in the 1st round as a 2 seed.

The Knicks are the 2nd best team in the East when they step on the court next year in my opinion. And that’s just the baseline of what they can be when healthy. Let’s see what moves Rose has in store.

Yeah if they have even a good 4th quarter in game 3 the series is basiclaly over, the Pacers were reeling and out of gas it looked like and the Knicks let them off the hook
RE: RE: RE: …  
mfsd : 5/19/2024 7:32 pm : link
In comment 16519997 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16519983 Optimus-NY said:


In comment 16519977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


Apparently Paul Pierce was stomping on a Brunson jersey after the game.

What a pathetic bitch.

Where? Why would he do that? A large portion of these recently retired former players are morons.

I have noticed a lot of ex players and media hate this Knicks team for some reason

They’re jealous, realizing a basketball hero in NYC gets more love than they ever dreamed of getting. Many of them were too scared of the pressure of playing in NY
Tough way to go out  
ajr2456 : 5/19/2024 7:33 pm : link
But the injuries caught up with them eventually
RE: Tough way to go out  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 7:35 pm : link
In comment 16520057 ajr2456 said:
But the injuries caught up with them eventually

I know season just ended but who do you think is target 1, 2 or 3...

or do you thinj they run it back with Randle
RE: This series came down to the 2 things  
Del Shofner : 5/19/2024 7:37 pm : link
In comment 16520051 Chris684 said:
The OG injury, and then once that happened, the 4th quarter of game 3.

With OG we roll them. Without him, we need to steal that game 3 badly once we had it in our grip.

That said, I dunno how anyone can bitch about this team or anyone associated with it right now. Drawing Philly in the 1st round this year was not easy, and that Philly team was not typical of who you would expect to play in the 1st round as a 2 seed.

The Knicks are the 2nd best team in the East when they step on the court next year in my opinion. And that’s just the baseline of what they can be when healthy. Let’s see what moves Rose has in store.


That sums it up.
Even with all the injuries  
Dave in PA : 5/19/2024 7:39 pm : link
This series should have been over in 5. Knicks let them off the hook. Shit happens. Fuck the pacers, I hope Boston humiliates them in a sweep.
RE: RE: RE: …  
aimrocky : 5/19/2024 7:41 pm : link
In comment 16519997 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16519983 Optimus-NY said:


In comment 16519977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


Apparently Paul Pierce was stomping on a Brunson jersey after the game.

What a pathetic bitch.

Where? Why would he do that? A large portion of these recently retired former players are morons.

I have noticed a lot of ex players and media hate this Knicks team for some reason

Here’s my conspiracy theory… Knicks are hated because they’re try hards. The majority of NBA players aren’t that, which is why they catch shit.
Could be  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 7:43 pm : link
but this team is really talented, i know guys want to say oh they got where they are because they played harder than everyone but whrn fully healthy they were besting teams by 20
RE: RE: Tough way to go out  
ajr2456 : 5/19/2024 7:45 pm : link
In comment 16520059 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16520057 ajr2456 said:


But the injuries caught up with them eventually

I know season just ended but who do you think is target 1, 2 or 3...

or do you thinj they run it back with Randle

I’m not sure anyone actually becomes available this summer
RE: RE: RE: Tough way to go out  
bceagle05 : 5/19/2024 7:48 pm : link
In comment 16520067 ajr2456 said:
I’m not sure anyone actually becomes available this summer

Fine by me. I’m not obsessed with the Knicks adding a star, but I’m concerned with other eastern conference teams adding them.
Selfishly I’d love  
Knickstape : 5/19/2024 7:59 pm : link
To see Donovan off this team. Admittedly I don’t know how well it fits.
RE: Even with all the injuries  
Optimus-NY : 5/19/2024 8:00 pm : link
In comment 16520061 Dave in PA said:
This series should have been over in 5. Knicks let them off the hook. Shit happens. Fuck the pacers, I hope Boston humiliates them in a sweep.

RE: Selfishly I’d love  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 8:06 pm : link
In comment 16520071 Knickstape said:
To see Donovan off this team. Admittedly I don’t know how well it fits.

You would have to add another 3 and d wing next to him and Brunson, i think Randle would have to go..

I dont thinknhe gets moved, they are going to try and build around him and amobely and trade Garland and Allen to get more pieces that fit
RE: Selfishly I’d love  
Enzo : 5/19/2024 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16520071 Knickstape said:
To see Donovan off this team. Admittedly I don’t know how well it fits.

I think it works offensively. In fact, I think our offense becomes unstoppable. Defense would be my concern.
TyreeHelmet : 5/19/2024 8:48 pm : link
Hell of a year. Really fun to root for this team. No team can sustain the injuries they had, and the minutes police just shut up.

The OG injury was obviously enormous this series but I bogie was really big too. His shooting and size would have been huge.

I’d be hesitant moving on from Randle. His toughness…and it’s real toughness- will be big. They don’t lose this series with a healthy Randle.

Hartenstein was awful. Maybe he was playing hurt but he killed them.

Guess I was lucky missing this one coaching my son's baseball game  
Stu11 : 5/19/2024 8:56 pm : link
Well what can you say? Disappointing end to a great season. The nail in the coffin was Hart's injury Friday. Indiana is an elite offensive team with bigs that can score and we just ran out of people to defend them. You can talk about "effort" all you want but basketball is about matchups and when you lose your 3 best defenders since game one- Mitch, OG and Hart playing severely compromised you just run out of bodies the defend. It's no coincidence that from the mid 2nd qtr on Friday through today they shot like 65-70%. Of course no season ending thread would be complete without Anak's hysterical drama queen act and some guys parachuting in to kill Thibs when we didn't hear a peep from them all year. Thibs is by far the best coach we've had here since the Riley/Van Gundy years. The minutes police are flat out wrong but we'll never convince you so I've given up trying. This team thrived on those minutes. Maybe guys like IHart and OG got a bit banged up down the stretch playing more minutes than they have in the past and we may need to watch that going forward a bit. We needed every minute out of everyone. That Sixers series came down to a total of 1 total point differential over 6 games.

It sucks we all wanted more but this group gave us all they had. NY Giants16 you're an awesome fan but you're a bit too hard on IHart. The guy never played anywhere close to these minutes ever in his career. He was gassed much of this series. I want him back next year in a similar rotation with Mitch or if we replace Mitch. As winey and douchey as Carlysle was this series he's a good coach and he knew how to attack us once we were wounded too bad. This reminds me a bit of the Knicks team that lost to the Bulls in '92 the only team to take Jordan to a game 7. Now no way is Indiana near that good but this beat up group gave us so much and like '92 you feel like this team is on the cusp of something special the next 3-5 years.
The nba is slowly becoming like the NFL with injuries  
Essex : 5/19/2024 9:03 pm : link
It’s a battle of attrition. Pacers won two series because of huge injuries to their opponent. So many teams dealing with so many injuries.
It’s hard to fathom how much shit the Indiana pacers  
MetsAreBack : 5/19/2024 9:09 pm : link
Social media team (likely earn minimum wage) is talking

They literally have beaten the Bucks without their best two players and the Knicks without their entire starting lineup

In hockey which is 10x more violent the rangers haven’t had a window like that in 30 years (well ever, but I’m going back to ‘94)

Hate Boston but at this point I hope this Indiana franchise is exposed for the mediocre frauds that they are
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Injuries of course happen, but this is ridiculous  
BigBlueShock : 5/19/2024 9:11 pm : link
In comment 16519911 Anakim said:
In comment 16519896 nygiants16 said:


In comment 16519891 Anakim said:


In comment 16519887 nygiants16 said:


In comment 16519883 Anakim said:


And of course the minutes Thibs puts on certain players don't exactly help.

I am sorry blaming Thibs for any of the injuries is just plain stupid, nobidy was playing big minutes at the time of all the injuries, its just ridiculous to even say its his fualt

You don't think these minutes add up and take a toll on these players? Of course they do and this is what Thibs is known for. He will ride his racehorses into the ground.

You realize nobody was over 35 minutes a game before the injuries right? nobody in the top 14

The Knicks season will end with injuries to:

Jalen Brunson
Julius Randle
Mitchell Robinson
OG Anunoby
Bojan Bogdanovic
Josh Hart
Isaiah Hartenstein

Look at what he did to Jimmy Butler. I'm not suggesting Thibs get fired, but his Achilles Heel is by far his minutes allocation. He shortens his bench, has a small rotation and will run his starters into the ground.

Which of these injuries are you blaming on playing too many minutes? I cannot wait for your answer.

As bad a day it was for the Knicks, your performance on this thread is much worse. Embarrassing actually
RE: Guess I was lucky missing this one coaching my son's baseball game  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 9:15 pm : link
In comment 16520105 Stu11 said:
Well what can you say? Disappointing end to a great season. The nail in the coffin was Hart's injury Friday. Indiana is an elite offensive team with bigs that can score and we just ran out of people to defend them. You can talk about "effort" all you want but basketball is about matchups and when you lose your 3 best defenders since game one- Mitch, OG and Hart playing severely compromised you just run out of bodies the defend. It's no coincidence that from the mid 2nd qtr on Friday through today they shot like 65-70%. Of course no season ending thread would be complete without Anak's hysterical drama queen act and some guys parachuting in to kill Thibs when we didn't hear a peep from them all year. Thibs is by far the best coach we've had here since the Riley/Van Gundy years. The minutes police are flat out wrong but we'll never convince you so I've given up trying. This team thrived on those minutes. Maybe guys like IHart and OG got a bit banged up down the stretch playing more minutes than they have in the past and we may need to watch that going forward a bit. We needed every minute out of everyone. That Sixers series came down to a total of 1 total point differential over 6 games.

It sucks we all wanted more but this group gave us all they had. NY Giants16 you're an awesome fan but you're a bit too hard on IHart. The guy never played anywhere close to these minutes ever in his career. He was gassed much of this series. I want him back next year in a similar rotation with Mitch or if we replace Mitch. As winey and douchey as Carlysle was this series he's a good coach and he knew how to attack us once we were wounded too bad. This reminds me a bit of the Knicks team that lost to the Bulls in '92 the only team to take Jordan to a game 7. Now no way is Indiana near that good but this beat up group gave us so much and like '92 you feel like this team is on the cusp of something special the next 3-5 years.

Hartenstein was awful for 2 series, he had maybe 2 good games, he was slow to help he was awful defensively, he was awful offensively...

I am sorry he severely dissapointed me this playoffs, i think everyone left it all out there, to me he left a lot to be desired out there..
It just stinks that they came out hot  
ajr2456 : 5/19/2024 9:16 pm : link
And cut it to 7 and then Jalen broke his hand
I think iHart was playing hurt tbh  
LW_Giants : 5/19/2024 9:41 pm : link
They alluded to it a bit in the postgame and bill Simmons said the same in his podcast. Between the Achilles and the shoulder thing, I don’t think he was near 100%

With Mitch out too we had no one else to go to.

Precious had some nice minutes this year but I wouldn’t give him a contract unless it’s super team friendly.
Naz Reid taking over this game  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 10:19 pm : link
Towns getting his 5th was the best thing to happen for the Wolves, Reid effecting the game on both ends
JT039 : 5/19/2024 10:20 pm : link
2nd half has been something. Edwards has struggled shooting but is making a lot of big plays.

Nuggets down 10 after being up 20.
There are videos  
nygiants16 : 5/19/2024 10:37 pm : link
of Brunson and Hart getting out of their cars and giving high fives to fans who were lining the street
RE: TWolves  
Route 9 : 5/20/2024 4:26 am : link
In comment 16520147 JT039 said:
2nd half has been something. Edwards has struggled shooting but is making a lot of big plays.

Nuggets down 10 after being up 20.

I woke up and checked the score with 1:30 left to go and couldn't believe the score. I thought it was a glitch or something.
The Nuggets got everything they deserved  
Sean : 5/20/2024 6:34 am : link
wearing those hideous uniforms at home on a game 7. It's long overdue the NBA stopped all this uniform bullshit and got back to home and away uniforms.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/20/2024 6:36 am : link
Minnesota-Boston Finals, with Wolves winning.
RE: ...  
Giantology : 5/20/2024 7:44 am : link
In comment 16520174 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Minnesota-Boston Finals, with Wolves winning.

Believe that
RE: ...  
Optimus-NY : 5/20/2024 8:17 am : link
In comment 16520174 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Minnesota-Boston Finals, with Wolves winning.

The most frustrating part to me  
nygiants16 : 5/20/2024 8:28 am : link
Is the Pacers and their fans acting like they accomplished something, like Haliburton acting like they are god's gift, dude you beat a bucks team in 6 games who didnt have Giannis for the entire series and Dame for 2 of the games and the games he played he was compromised..

You then needed 7 to beat a team that was missing 4 rotation players, 3 starters..

Take your wins and be thankful because next yesr you will be a 6th seed or in the play-in
RE: The most frustrating part to me  
Optimus-NY : 5/20/2024 8:50 am : link
In comment 16520191 nygiants16 said:
Is the Pacers and their fans acting like they accomplished something, like Haliburton acting like they are god's gift, dude you beat a bucks team in 6 games who didnt have Giannis for the entire series and Dame for 2 of the games and the games he played he was compromised..

You then needed 7 to beat a team that was missing 4 rotation players, 3 starters..

Take your wins and be thankful because next yesr you will be a 6th seed or in the play-in

They are annoying as phuq, especially Halliburton.
Thibodeau reminds me of John Tortorella  
TheOtherManning : 5/20/2024 9:33 am : link
Master motivators who employ a high effort, defensive team strategy and consistently get results - but on the flip side, that intensity can burn out it's top players before the playoffs are over.

The Knicks dropping like flies has been giving me horrible flashbacks to those Tortorella teams making runs with increasingly depleted rosters and running out of steam.
RE: Thibodeau reminds me of John Tortorella  
Ten Ton Hammer : 5/20/2024 9:48 am : link
In comment 16520238 TheOtherManning said:
Master motivators who employ a high effort, defensive team strategy and consistently get results - but on the flip side, that intensity can burn out it's top players before the playoffs are over.

The Knicks dropping like flies has been giving me horrible flashbacks to those Tortorella teams making runs with increasingly depleted rosters and running out of steam.

I just don't know how this can be pinned on him. Nobody played unreasonable minutes during the year. It's not his fault Embiid is a crash test dummy flopped who dove into Mitch's ankles, nor is it his fault OG is injury prone. Hartenstein and Hart and Brunson just got hurt playing hard.
RE: The most frustrating part to me  
Enzo : 5/20/2024 9:55 am : link
In comment 16520191 nygiants16 said:
Is the Pacers and their fans acting like they accomplished something, like Haliburton acting like they are god's gift, dude you beat a bucks team in 6 games who didnt have Giannis for the entire series and Dame for 2 of the games and the games he played he was compromised..

You then needed 7 to beat a team that was missing 4 rotation players, 3 starters..

Take your wins and be thankful because next yesr you will be a 6th seed or in the play-in

this is like the Hawks making it to the conference finals 3 years ago.
RE: The most frustrating part to me  
Mike in NJ : 5/20/2024 10:09 am : link
In comment 16520191 nygiants16 said:
Is the Pacers and their fans acting like they accomplished something, like Haliburton acting like they are god's gift, dude you beat a bucks team in 6 games who didnt have Giannis for the entire series and Dame for 2 of the games and the games he played he was compromised..

You then needed 7 to beat a team that was missing 4 rotation players, 3 starters..

Take your wins and be thankful because next yesr you will be a 6th seed or in the play-in

I think it is very likely that Indiana gets swept by Boston. Jrue and White will keep Haliburton in check, and they have plenty of size up front to slow down Siakam.

It took the Pacers 7 games to get passed a decimated Knicks team, they are in for a rude awakening when it comes to facing a nearly full strength (and well rested) Celtics team.
Pacers have a good young team  
shyster : 5/20/2024 10:16 am : link
They were missing Bennedict Mathurin for the playoffs, a significant piece (26 MPG, 14.5 pts, .374 3-pt).

They were 4-1 against the Bucks in the regular season, three of those wins against Giannis. They beat the Celtics twice.

In a conference that's the Celtics and everyone else, Indy is very much in the picture.
If the Pacers shoot 67% against any team they will  
Essex : 5/20/2024 10:20 am : link
win whatever game they play against whatever team they play. People are right, the injuries sunk the Knicks (but that is becoming more common in the modern NBA--all teams suffer injuries at alarming rates these days in the playoffs), but yesterday's result was because of how well Indiana played. Both can be true that 1) Indiana got lucky (in two series with injuries) and that 2) Indiana would have beaten any team thrown at them yesterday with the way they were shooting and moving the basketball.
Watching 5 minutes of OG  
Chris684 : 5/20/2024 10:25 am : link
and then Brunson ultimately breaking his hand, eased the pain of losing for me a little bit.

We were almost at a full 2 weeks from the initial OG injury, and other than shooting a few jumpers, he looked like he literally could not move. He would have been out for games 1 and 2 at a minimum and probably that whole series.

I don't know why we had to become so decimated by injuries but it's what happened. I take solace in the fact that I have no doubt this team is ascending into a championship caliber group and they are only getting started. The Garden is going to be alive in the spring for years to come.
RE: RE: Thibodeau reminds me of John Tortorella  
TheOtherManning : 5/20/2024 10:27 am : link
In comment 16520250 Ten Ton Hammer said:
In comment 16520238 TheOtherManning said:


Master motivators who employ a high effort, defensive team strategy and consistently get results - but on the flip side, that intensity can burn out it's top players before the playoffs are over.

The Knicks dropping like flies has been giving me horrible flashbacks to those Tortorella teams making runs with increasingly depleted rosters and running out of steam.

I just don't know how this can be pinned on him. Nobody played unreasonable minutes during the year. It's not his fault Embiid is a crash test dummy flopped who dove into Mitch's ankles, nor is it his fault OG is injury prone. Hartenstein and Hart and Brunson just got hurt playing hard.

I guess the key question to answer is if the player burnout is from overuse or is it inherent to the style Thibodeau has them play? Or just plain bad luck - but didn't he have similar injury issues in Chicago?

I watch more hockey than basketball so I admit I'm firing from the hip here. With Torts it was obvious - telling everyone to dive in front of every slap shot clearly wears down players.

Could Popovich style rest days during the regular season help preserve some of these guys? Easier to do when you have Tim Duncan, I suppose hah.
Agreed Shyster and Essex  
Larry from WV : 5/20/2024 11:43 am : link
Pacers are a young team that is ahead of schedule. They got lucky with injuries in their matchups, but lost their 6th man and Haliburton for a significant part of the season. Shooting close to 70 percent is an achievement that aligns with what their offense has done all season being #2 in ORtg. To dismiss them as purely lucky and a fluke doesn't match the body of evidence they put together. I fully expect them to be battling for a top 4 finish in the East again next season, although long term keeping that bench together is going to be a challenge.
Went to MSG  
Pete in MD : 5/20/2024 12:26 pm : link
for the game, my first playoff experience. Losing sucked, but what an amazing atmosphere.
RE: Agreed Shyster and Essex  
nygiants16 : 5/20/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16520365 Larry from WV said:
Pacers are a young team that is ahead of schedule. They got lucky with injuries in their matchups, but lost their 6th man and Haliburton for a significant part of the season. Shooting close to 70 percent is an achievement that aligns with what their offense has done all season being #2 in ORtg. To dismiss them as purely lucky and a fluke doesn't match the body of evidence they put together. I fully expect them to be battling for a top 4 finish in the East again next season, although long term keeping that bench together is going to be a challenge.

Look the Pacers should be happy with what they have done, they best what was in front of them, but lets be real they got extremely lucky and i am not even talking about the aknicks..

They best a Bucks team eith no Giannis and Lillard missing 2 ganes and being significantly hindered in the others and still needed 6 games

and Haliburton missed 13 games, i dont want to hesr he missed a significant amount of time...

athey got taken to 7 games by a team missing 4 starters 2 of which are their 2nd and 3rd best player..

As currently constructed they are not better than the Celtics, Knicks Bucks, Magic, Sixers, cavs are all better than the Pacers, they are good offensively but they are still a terrible defensive team
RE: RE: Agreed Shyster and Essex  
Larry from WV : 5/20/2024 1:52 pm : link
In comment 16520429 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16520365 Larry from WV said:


Pacers are a young team that is ahead of schedule. They got lucky with injuries in their matchups, but lost their 6th man and Haliburton for a significant part of the season. Shooting close to 70 percent is an achievement that aligns with what their offense has done all season being #2 in ORtg. To dismiss them as purely lucky and a fluke doesn't match the body of evidence they put together. I fully expect them to be battling for a top 4 finish in the East again next season, although long term keeping that bench together is going to be a challenge.

Look the Pacers should be happy with what they have done, they best what was in front of them, but lets be real they got extremely lucky and i am not even talking about the aknicks..

They best a Bucks team eith no Giannis and Lillard missing 2 ganes and being significantly hindered in the others and still needed 6 games

and Haliburton missed 13 games, i dont want to hesr he missed a significant amount of time...

athey got taken to 7 games by a team missing 4 starters 2 of which are their 2nd and 3rd best player..

As currently constructed they are not better than the Celtics, Knicks Bucks, Magic, Sixers, cavs are all better than the Pacers, they are good offensively but they are still a terrible defensive team

They were 8-3 against the Bucks this season and 4 of those wins came while Giannis was playing. That included eliminating them in the in season tournament. So the Bucks have a hard time with the Paces even with all their starters.

Yes Haliburton only missed 13 games, but he came back early to remain eligible for Key season awards, which now require 35 games played. His minutes were reduced and he wasn't the same player for most of the following month.

Either way doesn't matter, I just enjoy Turner finally getting to be a part of a promising young team.

Larry from WV : 5/20/2024 1:53 pm : link
should read 65 games played for in season awards
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