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NFT: Cargo ship on the move almost 2 months after crash into FSK

Del Shofner : 5/20/2024 9:14 am
bridge in Baltimore. The whole sequence of events is still kind of mind-boggling.

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It will be interesting to  
section125 : 5/20/2024 9:32 am : link
see why those two breakers tripped causing the blackout.
be interesting to see how hard  
Giantsfan79 : 5/20/2024 9:59 am : link
the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.
RE: be interesting to see how hard  
section125 : 5/20/2024 10:05 am : link
In comment 16520265 Giantsfan79 said:
the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.

Singapore has nothing to do with it. The owner is a Singapore based company and the insurance company (not sure where they are based) is the one on the hook first and the residual after insurance payout will be on the owners.
RE: It will be interesting to  
Jim in Fairfax : 5/20/2024 10:06 am : link
In comment 16520237 section125 said:
see why those two breakers tripped causing the blackout.

RE: be interesting to see how hard  
compton : 5/20/2024 11:00 am : link
In comment 16520265 Giantsfan79 said:
the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.

Unfortunately, the damages the ship owner legally has to pay is capped at $3 million. Blame international maritime law for that. I doubt that the US will seriously go after the ship owners for more.
MontyPi : 5/20/2024 8:26 pm : link
If I read it right the company asked that the cap be $43.6 million. That's still a small amount considering the damage and loss of life.
RE: RE: be interesting to see how hard  
section125 : 5/20/2024 8:49 pm : link
In comment 16520324 compton said:
In comment 16520265 Giantsfan79 said:


the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.

Unfortunately, the damages the ship owner legally has to pay is capped at $3 million. Blame international maritime law for that. I doubt that the US will seriously go after the ship owners for more.

Where did you get that amount? There is no cap that I know of. They may have a $3 mill deductible on their insurance policy - where they pay the 1st $3 mill and then insurance takes over, but I'm not sure I ever heard of a cap on damages.

There will be all kind of parties involved. The manufacturers of the breakers that tripped, the machinery that tripped the breakers, the fuel....the judge will assign percentages to each at fault for the total damages awarded.
RE: RE: RE: be interesting to see how hard  
bluefin : 5/20/2024 9:41 pm : link
In comment 16520814 section125 said:
In comment 16520324 compton said:


In comment 16520265 Giantsfan79 said:


the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.

Unfortunately, the damages the ship owner legally has to pay is capped at $3 million. Blame international maritime law for that. I doubt that the US will seriously go after the ship owners for more.

Where did you get that amount? There is no cap that I know of. They may have a $3 mill deductible on their insurance policy - where they pay the 1st $3 mill and then insurance takes over, but I'm not sure I ever heard of a cap on damages.

There will be all kind of parties involved. The manufacturers of the breakers that tripped, the machinery that tripped the breakers, the fuel....the judge will assign percentages to each at fault for the total damages awarded.

Was there an issue with fuel? I read that a bad chain of events happened after someone mistakenly closed a damper that blocked exhaust from moving thru the stacks.
RE: RE: RE: RE: be interesting to see how hard  
section125 : 5/20/2024 11:38 pm : link
In comment 16520876 bluefin said:
In comment 16520814 section125 said:


In comment 16520324 compton said:


In comment 16520265 Giantsfan79 said:


the US goes after Singapore for damages since Singapore has asked that damages to them be capped at $3 million only.

Unfortunately, the damages the ship owner legally has to pay is capped at $3 million. Blame international maritime law for that. I doubt that the US will seriously go after the ship owners for more.

Where did you get that amount? There is no cap that I know of. They may have a $3 mill deductible on their insurance policy - where they pay the 1st $3 mill and then insurance takes over, but I'm not sure I ever heard of a cap on damages.

There will be all kind of parties involved. The manufacturers of the breakers that tripped, the machinery that tripped the breakers, the fuel....the judge will assign percentages to each at fault for the total damages awarded.

Was there an issue with fuel? I read that a bad chain of events happened after someone mistakenly closed a damper that blocked exhaust from moving thru the stacks.

You read wrong, go back a read again. They were doing maintenance and closed an exhaust damper while doing the work and forgot to open it, that caused a gennie to shut down earlier in the day. Had nothing to do with anything during the transit.

I just added fuel to the list of things the lawyers will examine to see if they can blame it for something. In these cases the lawyers will look to blame everyone and anyone so they can spread out the cost of the accident.
A lot of legal confusion on this  
bhill410 : 5/21/2024 3:53 am : link
Thread. What I think some posters are alleging is that they yell try and limit damages on some old obscure law to the value of the ship and cargo. While they will likely try to, the odds of succeeding are very small given the known facts. Insurance as you know has a deductible, then coverage going up the stack to the umbrella policy. I am sure all of those will be exhausted here and the owner/operator will be on the hook for a significant amount. I would also expect however that the owner/operator is set up in such a way to limit the exposure of the parent company. Which shall make this a legal quagmire of historical proportions.
RE: A lot of legal confusion on this  
section125 : 5/21/2024 6:54 am : link
In comment 16520974 bhill410 said:
Thread. What I think some posters are alleging is that they yell try and limit damages on some old obscure law to the value of the ship and cargo. While they will likely try to, the odds of succeeding are very small given the known facts. Insurance as you know has a deductible, then coverage going up the stack to the umbrella policy. I am sure all of those will be exhausted here and the owner/operator will be on the hook for a significant amount. I would also expect however that the owner/operator is set up in such a way to limit the exposure of the parent company. Which shall make this a legal quagmire of historical proportions.

That is why each ship is it's own company/corporation. Yep, it will be a legal free for all.
My brother is  
Pete in MD : 5/21/2024 10:34 am : link
an attorney for the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), so I'll keep everyone posted. :-)

(Obviously, he can't really talk about it publicly and he just started with them, so it's mainly being handled by more senior people.)
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