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NFT: Anyone here ever have a hip replacement?

NJBlueTuna : 5/20/2024 6:07 pm
Just had one 3 weeks ago and what a difference it makes. I’m relatively young (55) and put it off for a long time so main thing now is getting the leg muscles used to walking normally and without a limp. Tons of swelling down the leg but that’s to be expected.

The adductor muscle in my upper leg is my biggest PIA right now and start PT this week. Can walk relatively good and without pain but lifting that leg “knee up” is not easy. Have to literally drag the leg into a car for now.
Ive had 1 in each leg.  
BigBlueNH : 5/20/2024 6:26 pm : link
First at age 48, second at 57. Thru-hiked the AT at age 53, after the first. Just avoid running, do everything else.
RE: Ive had 1 in each leg.  
NJBlueTuna : 5/20/2024 6:30 pm : link
In comment 16520695 BigBlueNH said:
First at age 48, second at 57. Thru-hiked the AT at age 53, after the first. Just avoid running, do everything else.

Did you have issues with the adductor muscle? From a standing position, feels almost impossible to lift the foot on my “new “ leg more than 2 inches off the floor. Walking seems pretty good within a day after the surgery. A lot of swelling in lower leg as that will linger for a bit.
Mrs. in UT has had both knees replaced  
Bill in UT : 5/20/2024 8:00 pm : link
and my understanding is that hips heal easier. So hopefully you be in full swing soon
Had an anterior procedure last October. After a few weeks the muscle  
chiro56 : 5/20/2024 8:03 pm : link
Will come back. I was back walking normally in 3 weeks. Sore the first 2 weeks. But I only took aspirin no other meds. 8 months later able to do everything but no more running. Still experiencing some tightness in the thigh.
I had both done (posterior)  
GiantMike92 : 5/20/2024 8:18 pm : link
a month apart in 2017, life changing for me 24/7 pain sucks. People ask why I waited so long. My pain was mostly lower back and truth be told I was very worried about back surgery so I kept putting it off. I tried everything from acupuncture, chiropractic foam rollers, tens units, rolling on every size ball one could image, along with hundreds of crunches 5x’s a week at the gym and of course every over the counter pain reliever all to avoid back surgery. Almost forgot I even got a inversion table. Luckily for me the back surgeon I saw did see some issues but he recommended I get my hips checked out. Long story short after my hips were replaced my back pain virtually disappeared. I tell people all the time how fortunate I am to be pain free now. I hope you have the same outcome as I did.
Giant Mike 92  
chiro56 : 5/20/2024 8:23 pm : link
Exactly my story. Hurt for 10 months. Finally went to a friend a chiropractor, asked for a hip X-ray, boom , no hip joint left.bone on bone. Years of running distance. Had the hip replacement, no more back pain. Learned a lot from that experience
had both replaced, was playing tennis in 6 weeks both times  
gtt350 : 5/20/2024 8:25 pm : link
a few points for anyone considering one.
first get the mini hip operation performed through a 3 or 4 inch incision. This is relatively common now a days without cutting muscle. This leading to the most important part,you must do the research and get a top of the line surgeon even if it means going out of state.
I had mine done at Johns Hopkins by the head of orthopedic surgery and a teaching physician. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, Many of my friends have one leg a bit longer than the other and walk with a limp.
Third no all metal, you want a Stryker Accolade prosthesis, poly urethane and titanium and no cement, The titanium has
small holes in it that your bone grows through and basically becomes part of your leg.
and last do the rehab religiously, trust that any pain you feel is not the replacement but just getting surrounding tendons strong again. walk as much as possible and don't use a walker.
Forgot to add  
NJBlueTuna : 5/20/2024 8:34 pm : link
I had the anterior replacement. Waking a lot it’s just the extreme tightness in top of quad towards groin. I believe it’s the adductor muscle. Takes quite a bit to get into a car and out of a car is best way to describe it. Walking is pretty good. Swelling in lower leg and foot is high. I’m 3 weeks out.
had my right one done  
RasputinPrime : 5/20/2024 8:45 pm : link
at 42. Live changing. I was walking within a week and better than before after a month.

5 years out and it's better than a new hip. No guy should choose to live with bone on bone pain.
This operation is in my future  
State Your Name : 5/21/2024 6:23 am : link
And I’m encouraged to hear all the positive stories here, since surgeons always lie about how horrible the recovery from surgery is.
Thanks for all the positive comments  
TheMick7 : 5/21/2024 8:07 am : link
Have needed a replacement for 2+ years,but have put it off because I have a 15 year old lab who has gone through a myriad of medical situations & it's just her & I. She's very much regimented on a certain schedule,so any changes over even a 3 week period(optimistic hope) wouldn't work. I'll deal with the pain as long as she is in my life,she's my priority right now! But,I'm happy to know that when I do get it done,it'll be a life changer!
ok, weird question but ...  
Csonka : 5/21/2024 9:38 am : link
how did you know it was time for a replacement? what were the symptoms.

I'm 59 and my left hip hasn't been right for a long time but I haven't had it looked at.

If your hip joint feels like a rusty hinge you need a replacement. Get  
gtt350 : 5/21/2024 11:50 am : link
and x-ray if it shows bone on bone you are a candidate.
Do it you won't regret it. Please research the surgeons.
You want a teaching physician and hopefully the head of his department.
I’m starting to plan  
Dave on the UWS : 5/21/2024 6:34 pm : link
to have my right hip replaced.
Thanks for all the input. I haven’t
Been looking forward to it, in my late
60s. Arthritis is progressing, pain is still fairly easily manageable.
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