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BBV o line review

Hilary : 5/21/2024 6:11 am
Nice write up on additions to o line.
Each of the players holds up against average competition but not against the better defensive tackles.
o line - ( New Window )
Good article - detailed but easy to read. It seems like most of us  
Ira : 5/21/2024 7:02 am : link
understand we didn't sign top players, but they should be significant improvements over the ones we have.
Yeah, last year  
section125 : 5/21/2024 7:14 am : link
was woof...
I have always felt OL needs to be men, not boys.  
George from PA : 5/21/2024 8:10 am : link
Experienced OLmen are more reliable than rookies.

I am perfectly fine with the Giants strategy.

I also hold some hope this OL coach can resolve this puzzle.
One thing many fans confuse  
jvm52106 : 5/21/2024 8:37 am : link
is the difference between top name talent and team concept talent.

At no point in time in the last 25 years have the Giants had they BEST individual Olinemen at any of the positions. But, many times we have the perfect group working together that made all the difference.

I am very hopeful we signed guys who know their roles, know their jobs and can work together- sum of the parts far greater than the individual values..
Andrew Thomas factor  
Eli Wilson : 5/21/2024 9:20 am : link
Doing some quick math of the average with and without Thomas in the lineup. I did not include him in game 1 since he only played 1 healthy series.

With Thomas - 56.6
Without Thomas - 38.5

With the new additions and coaching I hope we can bump that up well over 60.
Holding up against average comp  
Section331 : 5/21/2024 9:33 am : link
would be significant improvement for that group.
Excellent article  
EJNNJ : 5/21/2024 9:40 am : link
Clear and highlights the correlation of passpro with Win/Losses ... and the potential for a QB to perform imo

Not saying DJ is the LT answer but no QB was going to produce at an elite level with the OL performances we had
HitSquad : 5/21/2024 12:37 pm : link
Yeah, O-line is the life blood of the team.

Even Patrick Mahomes only had a 61.5 QB rating and a 48.9 completion percentage when under pressure last year.

Btw, from looking at the pics the Giants put up on the website (photos number 38 and 43), it looks like the O-line to start will be:

LT - Thomas
LG - Eluemunor
RG - Runyan Jr.
RT - Neal
probably swap sides  
David B. : 5/21/2024 1:12 pm : link
Eluminor probably plays right side.

Good article.
Heard the same optimism last year  
Festina Lente : 5/21/2024 3:21 pm : link
The reality is we have two young starters that had a rough time last season and that were hoping can pull through. I really think they should've taken another one during the draft. I would have and there were some still available during the 3rd. I agree with everything else they did but not addressing the lines in the draft was a mistake. I think they'll struggle again this year.
RE: Good article - detailed but easy to read. It seems like most of us  
Del Shofner : 5/21/2024 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16520989 Ira said:
understand we didn't sign top players, but they should be significant improvements over the ones we have.

Agree. Also makes clear how *bad* our OL was last year ...
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