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Cowpukes now least successful Dallas team

Giantsfan79 : 5/21/2024 8:13 am
The Cowboys, though, have fallen behind the other major sports teams in DFW in on-field success.

The Rangers won their first World Series in October, beating the Arizona Diamondbacks.

The Stars and Mavericks both clinched berths into their conference finals on Saturday.

Dallas’ NHL team beat the Colorado Avalanche 2-1 in double overtime of a game that started Friday and ended early Saturday morning. The Stars advance to the Western Conference finals for the second consecutive season and for the third time the past five seasons.

Dallas’ NBA team advanced to the Western Conference finals for the second time in three seasons, with Luka Doncic leading the Mavericks to a Game 6 win over top-seeded Oklahoma City.

The Cowboys, of course, have not played in the NFC Championship Game since 1995, which also was their last Super Bowl title. That was more than 10,300 days ago. Since then, the Mavericks have won an NBA title, the Stars a Stanley Cup and the Rangers a World Series.

It has turned the Cowboys into the butt of jokes in Dallas-Fort Worth, even among their own fans.

And may it last for many more decades
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They’ve beaten us  
JoeyBigBlue : 5/21/2024 8:53 am : link
13 out of the last 14 games we’ve played against them. Let’s not make fun of franchise that has owned us the last 7 seasons.
RE: They’ve beaten us  
IchabodGiant : 5/21/2024 8:59 am : link
In comment 16521034 JoeyBigBlue said:
13 out of the last 14 games we’ve played against them. Let’s not make fun of franchise that has owned us the last 7 seasons.

Knew this ignorant statement was coming. Just didn't think it was going to be the first one. It's OK to laugh at the Cowboys, even though they've been better than us lately. 1995!!!! Love bringing that up to my Cowboys buddies.
Now do NY’s least successful team.  
Section331 : 5/21/2024 9:31 am : link
I’m not sure we’re in a position to mock the Cowboys at this point.
RE: RE: They’ve beaten us  
k2tampa : 5/21/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16521039 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16521034 JoeyBigBlue said:


13 out of the last 14 games we’ve played against them. Let’s not make fun of franchise that has owned us the last 7 seasons.

Knew this ignorant statement was coming. Just didn't think it was going to be the first one. It's OK to laugh at the Cowboys, even though they've been better than us lately. 1995!!!! Love bringing that up to my Cowboys buddies.

As a New York fan, I consider it ignorant to be making fun of one team not winning a title since 1995 when none of the nine pro sports teams in your team's city has won a title since 2011, the second longest streak NY has ever suffered through. And the record (which ended in 1921, when there were only 3 NY teams) is getting close That's 12 years for 9 teams - 0 for 108 (actually 113 because the NBA and NHL teams failed again this year).

It's been 51 years for the Knicks, 30 for the Rangers, 37 for the Mets, 41 for the Islanders, 47 for the Mets, 50 for the Nets (and that was in the ABA), and of course, 53 for the Jets. The Devils have only been on the outside looking in for 21, the Yankees 14, and the Giants 12. The Yankees are in their worst title stretch ever - 1 in 23 years (the Red Sox have four titles in that time). 2010 to 2019 was only the second decade since 1910 to 1919 that they didn't win a title. And it's the first decade since then that they did not even reach the Series (that streak is now at 14 years).

But, if it makes you happy to belittle the Cowboys, who have only had 6 losing records in those 28 seasons, hey, have at it. Enjoy yourself. Raise a glass. But it's like the guy who finished 9th in a 10-man race trash talking the one guy he beat. The Giants have had 6 losing seasons in just the last 7 years, and 14 in those 28 years. The Cowboys have one SB title over the time period you describe, the Giants have, wow, a whopping 2. Is that one extra title worth the extra 8 dismal seasons? And but for the miraculous helmet catch and an amazing throw by Manning, and even better catch by Manningham, the Giants would have zero titles.
Fuck that  
Boatie Warrant : 5/21/2024 11:00 am : link
We should make fun of the Cowboys any chance we get. Last I checked we have 2 Superbowl wins since there last one. I don't care about other NY team accomplishments(or lack of)

The only team fans Giants fans can't argue with are Ravens fans. Other than that we have good arguments 😌
RE: They’ve beaten us  
UConn4523 : 5/21/2024 11:05 am : link
In comment 16521034 JoeyBigBlue said:
13 out of the last 14 games we’ve played against them. Let’s not make fun of franchise that has owned us the last 7 seasons.

Naaa, I’m going to make fun of Dallas anytime I want. It’s a game, lighten up.
You can feel free to stand up for the honor of the...uhhh...Cowboys  
Greg from LI : 5/21/2024 11:08 am : link
Me, I will mock the ever-loving shit outta them.
Giantsfan79 : 5/21/2024 11:15 am : link
it makes me very happy to make fun of the Cowboys, you should try it too it might rub off.

And none of the New York teams are considered "America's team" or make statements about how they are the best like Jerry and Boys do. It's a big difference.
i'd prefer to see dallas as the least successful NFC east team  
djm : 5/21/2024 11:15 am : link
they win 10+ every year. I am a big believer in making the playoffs year after year quite possibly leading to great things. And if it doesn't, it's still better than the alternative.

What I would give to make the postseason nearly every year. Last time NYG did that they won 2 titles.
RE: RE: They’ve beaten us  
JoeyBigBlue : 5/21/2024 11:34 am : link
In comment 16521039 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16521034 JoeyBigBlue said:


13 out of the last 14 games we’ve played against them. Let’s not make fun of franchise that has owned us the last 7 seasons.

Knew this ignorant statement was coming. Just didn't think it was going to be the first one. It's OK to laugh at the Cowboys, even though they've been better than us lately. 1995!!!! Love bringing that up to my Cowboys buddies.

Ignorant statement LOL. The Cowboys have been a model franchise compared to us the last 12 years. They draft well, they develop their players, and are always in contention. It’s not my fault that you refuse to acknowledge that this team has been shit for over a decade.
RE: k2tampa  
k2tampa : 5/21/2024 11:36 am : link
In comment 16521146 Giantsfan79 said:
it makes me very happy to make fun of the Cowboys, you should try it too it might rub off.

And none of the New York teams are considered "America's team" or make statements about how they are the best like Jerry and Boys do. It's a big difference.

I prefer to focus on my teams, and you can certainly make the case the Yankees do very much what the Cowboys. Just a day or two ago the Yankees TV crew was gushing about how more Yankees fans show up at every away game than fans for any other team. They brag about their number of championships and about making the playoffs something like 26 out of 28 years. Yet they only have one tile in 23 years. Sounds a lot like the Cowboys.

And the Cowboys didn't come up with the whole America's Team schtick, it was the producer for NFL Films in 1978 who coined the term. And Pat Summerall, a Giant, introduced them as America's Team at the start of the first game broadcast the next season and the media loved it and ran with it. So don't blame the Cowboys for that one.
Joey, it’s not hard  
UConn4523 : 5/21/2024 11:41 am : link
The Giants suck and have sucked for a long time. Zero people are claiming otherwise, so that’s a strawman. Laughing at the cowboys not winning a title will always be funny, even if we go 0-17. And they can go nuts an laugh at us back, that’s how it works. It’s not that serious.
4 playoff wins in 27 years.  
charlito : 5/21/2024 11:47 am : link
RE: Joey, it’s not hard  
IchabodGiant : 5/21/2024 11:49 am : link
In comment 16521181 UConn4523 said:
The Giants suck and have sucked for a long time. Zero people are claiming otherwise, so that’s a strawman. Laughing at the cowboys not winning a title will always be funny, even if we go 0-17. And they can go nuts an laugh at us back, that’s how it works. It’s not that serious.

+1. Well said.
America's Team? Hahaha they're not even Dallas' team  
Stu11 : 5/21/2024 11:55 am : link
RE: 4 playoff wins in 27 years.  
k2tampa : 5/21/2024 1:01 pm : link
In comment 16521188 charlito said:

Since the year after they won the Super Bowl (28 years) the Cowboys have won a playoff game in five different seasons. They have been to the playoffs 13 times. The Giants have won playoff games in four different seasons, and been to the playoffs 10 times. Neither team is being confused with the Patriots or the Chiefs.
RE: RE: RE: They’ve beaten us  
Greg from LI : 5/21/2024 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16521167 JoeyBigBlue said:
are always in contention.

Maybe it's just me - I don't consider a team "always in contention" when they haven't even played in a conference title game since 1995, let alone a Super Bowl.

Kind of hard to contend when you haven't even put yourself in a position to even play for a title.
Fuck Boston  
Route 9 : 5/21/2024 5:57 pm : link
If anyone knows about stretches without World Series it's Boston Red Sox fans over the age of 30

They won 4 since 2004 ... and ... are still in the single digit total for WS right? Go ahead on about the the Jets and Mets and all of that useless shit but comparing the Yankees not winning for 15 years to Boston who went almost 90 years without a WS is just stupid lol
Route 9 : 5/21/2024 5:59 pm : link
And who is that ardent about defending the Dallas Cowboys on a New York Giants message board?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/21/2024 6:58 pm : link
While we suck, it warms my heart that there are people nearing the age of 30-starting families, buying houses, etc.-who weren't alive the last time Dallas made a Super Bowl, much less a conference title game.
Very happy to see other Dallas sports teams achieve playoff success  
Rick in Dallas : 5/22/2024 6:15 am : link
Rather than the hated Cowboys. Although in regular season Cowboys have been good over last 3 seasons.
It sure as hell not gone unnoticed down here in Cowboy country.
Great stretch for Rangers,Stars and Mavs in playoffs.

Having said all the above Texas is crazy about football. From Friday night high school games to professional football. Nothing like it…
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