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NFT: Has anyone ever fasted for long periods?

pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 10:25 am
I don't mean intermittent fasting. That's for pussies. That just seems like skipping breakfast to me which I always did anyway except for rare occasions.

I mean big boy fasting. 48 hours, 72 hours, 72+?

I got stuck in a reddit rabbit hole on this topic and got intrigued. Just wondering if i could do it, if so, how long.

It seemed kind of similar to driving your car when the E gas light comes on and seeing how many miles you can get out of it before running out of gas.

I have no health reason to do it, in fact it's probably not the healthiest thing to do, but still I kept wondering.

So I'm approaching 48 hours. I feel great. No lack of energy, not famished or feeling extreme hunger, brain still sharp (well as sharp as before lol). At around the 24 hour mark I lost any hunger feeling I had and just got an adrenaline rush.

It's kind of my way of climbing Everest. I feel like I'm approaching the lower summit and now that I'm getting there I'm wondering do I have it in me to get to he higher peak and go for 72 hours.

Anyone ever tried this? Possibly for health reasons or as a cleanse of your system. Some people view analogous to flushing your router. Your internet is sluggish and you just unplug for 15 min, they view fasting similarly with a body reboot. I just viewed it as a quest. Also though I do plan on overeating this weekend, so maybe it balances out.

I may fast from Tuesday 6pm to Thursday 6pm every week if I can keep it up. Maybe push to 72 hours one week.

If you have done this, what is your best time?
I haven’t but I can definitely do atleast a day  
UConn4523 : 5/23/2024 10:29 am : link
as long as you have shit to do it’s not that difficult. Not sure I can voluntarily do 48 hours but if there was a specific reason to than sure, it can be done.
NYG123 : 5/23/2024 10:35 am : link
Have done a 6 day fast, also a few 48 hr fasts. I do it to cleanse the system and usually feel great doing it. Just be sure to get some salt in. Also if you do a really long fast make sure you start off with something easy to digest or you might be in trouble.
Costy16 : 5/23/2024 10:40 am : link
Is quite healthy for you. As someone else said, just make sure you're getting salt/electrolyte intake so you're not depleting your stores and nutrients.
I've done a few 72's  
GiantsLaw : 5/23/2024 10:43 am : link
and multiple 48s. I really want to try a 7 day, but then again I don't lol
Is it safe to fast  
US1 Giants : 5/23/2024 10:43 am : link
if taking a prescription. Say with a statin?
I did a 5-day to recover after all the  
FranknWeezer : 5/23/2024 10:44 am : link
eating, drinking and lethargy of the holidays. Thought I may make it 2 days. But surprisingly never really got hunger pains, so I just kept going. Hardest part was watching/smelling the food when my family would be eating dinner. Turned down a few lunch invites just so I wouldn't put myself in a restaurant situation. Lost about 10 lbs, probably mostly water weight. First thing I had when I quit it was bone broth b/c I'd read you can get a pretty bad stomach ache if you have a heavy meal as your first one back. Next time I'm going for 7.
The only  
pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 10:44 am : link
thing I'm drinking is water and unsweetened iced green tea (which is "approved" for fasting) I think it's 0 calories but there is some mild debate on that possibly having 2.

How would I get electrolytes without adding anything else?
RE: The only  
Costy16 : 5/23/2024 10:52 am : link
In comment 16522996 pjcas18 said:
thing I'm drinking is water and unsweetened iced green tea (which is "approved" for fasting) I think it's 0 calories but there is some mild debate on that possibly having 2.

How would I get electrolytes without adding anything else?

You could add celtic salt, just a pinch. It has a ton of minerals and nutrients.
i did my first 72 hour water fast recently  
GiantNatty : 5/23/2024 10:53 am : link
and was amazed at how NOT hungry i was after the first skipped meal.
make sure to get water with electrolytes (i used essentia)
did an 11 day fast with my church  
blueblood : 5/23/2024 10:53 am : link
longest fast i have done so far.
I did five days once.  
81_Great_Dane : 5/23/2024 10:55 am : link
I was trying to get into ketosis and trigger autophagy. I wanted to do two weeks but my doctor strongly advised I stop. I’m diabetic so that was probably good advice. I stopped some of my meds and monitored my glucose closely. Kept drinking water and taking vitamins.

A few thoughts:

My blood glucose stayed up pretty much the whole time. The human liver is a goddam miracle.

I finally got into ketosis on day 5, keto breath and all.

No idea whether I triggered autophagy.

I was lightheaded at times.

I dropped wight quickly but I don’t think I lost much body fat in just five days.

Be sure to research “re-feeding syndrome” before trying this. It can kill you.
robbieballs2003 : 5/23/2024 10:55 am : link
I did multiple 40, 50, 70, 80+ hours when I was also doing the keto diet. I don't think I could do it without keto. When you are in ketosis, I never had hunger. I would push myself. The time I went 80+ hours was crazy. I was full of energy until the very end when I started to get light-headed and that is when I said enough. But at no point was I ever hungry. It is such a different feeling. I loved it but it isn't sustainable.
I've done 72 hours. What pjcas is feeling is what I felt.  
Marty in Albany : 5/23/2024 10:58 am : link
The hunger goes away after a day or so. The body uses its energy to make repairs rather than to digest food. It's all good.
Interestingly enough  
DC Gmen Fan : 5/23/2024 11:23 am : link
I was having this discussion with a couple endocrinologists just yesterday.

Both were against fasting with the exception of maybe not eating after 6 pm. They both stated that there is limited long term science backing up the long term benefits of fasting and they have seen enough people try it without proper guidance leading to A-Fib, as well as other arrhythmias due to electrolytes getting thrown out of whack.

Also, there is a real threat of some rebounding effect which can be fatal though I don't remember the exact mechanism.

The advice I was given is limit processed meat/refined carbs. Carbs in the morning are better than later in the day. Eat early dinner and try not to snack late in the evening. Drink lots of water. Walk after eating.

Be careful with fasting.
NYG123 : 5/23/2024 11:29 am : link
Bought fasting salts online. It is just straight salt, magnesium, and potassium. Mix it in a few water bottles a day and you’re good.
NYG123 : 5/23/2024 11:32 am : link
Thoughts are. Once you get through 72 hours it’s pretty easy. I felt like I could keep going. But I had some events coming up and I wanted to enjoy them and they included food and alcohol.
I did a 21-day water fast back in 2020.  
DCGMan : 5/23/2024 11:33 am : link
Personal notes if you intend to do an extended water fast...

1. Days 3 and 4 were the worst by far for hunger pains. Heightened sense of smell throughout the fast.
2. I had strong upper leg and lower back pains days 5-7 as my stomach contracted, and my body shape began to change. Stretching didn't help. Getting a full night sleep was impossible during these days.
3. I had incredible mental focus the final two weeks. My mind was clear throughout the day. Great activity for building discipline. Also, I had vivid nightly dreams, and I almost never had or remembered dreams prior to the fast.
4. Dealt with acid reflux the final week of the fast.
5. While my mind was clear, my body shutdown most energy expenditures. I didn't do any exercise outside of walks. Walks could be physically draining especially in the heat and walking up stairs/hill. Could not workout or do strenuous cardio activities. Also, I couldn't get up too quickly or else I would get dizzy.
6. Lost 32 pounds. My blood pressure and ketone levels were very good throughout the fast (measured both three times a day).
7. My tongue turned white after the third day as my body moved into an extended ketosis phase
8. I did drink a cup of black coffee the final five days. Some will argue that it isn't water fasting, but I didn't break ketosis. Mixed electrolytes into water twice a day to get critical minerals.

8. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ON REFEEDING: Please do your research on refeeding. I ate mostly broth and soup for the week after breaking fast. Only solid food I did eat were water dense foods like melons and some berries. Avoid bread and processed foods as your stomach needs to expand gradually over a 1-2 weeks. Often times, refeeding is the most dangerous period of an extended fast.
In 2021 I did it religiously for about 6 months  
CMicks3110 : 5/23/2024 11:38 am : link
every weekend from Friday morning to Sunday evening. It was the most effective weight loss method and nothing else comes close. With that said it was very, very hard.

I would have continued but I got a new job and the intensity was too much to fast. I have subsequently put a lot of the weight back on.

Everyone is different, but I just yoyo back and forth, and trying to find a method that will keep me at my ideal weight indefinitely, been a lifelong journey.

But if you want to get to a low baseline, it's the best body hack. But I don't think it's a sustainable lifestyle.
RE: In 2021 I did it religiously for about 6 months  
DC Gmen Fan : 5/23/2024 11:41 am : link
In comment 16523072 CMicks3110 said:
But I don't think it's a sustainable lifestyle.

Therein lies the problem. Just like every diet fad out there it's not sustainable, which is why a lifestyle change is needed for long term success.
RE: The only  
FranknWeezer : 5/23/2024 12:20 pm : link
In comment 16522996 pjcas18 said:
thing I'm drinking is water and unsweetened iced green tea (which is "approved" for fasting) I think it's 0 calories but there is some mild debate on that possibly having 2.

How would I get electrolytes without adding anything else?

I recommend Gatorade Propel packets in water bottles.
It looks like for  
pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 12:22 pm : link
re-feeding to be an issue you need to fast longer than I am for this one. 48 hours. Agree?

Also, I'm not doing it to lose weight.

I could probably stand to lose 15-20 pounds but this isn't how I will do it, this was more a quest.

I also do some eating challenges. One place in Worcester (now closed) had a "Gronk challenge" I successfully did

Eat a 24 ounce burger on an Italian loaf topped with eight slices of bacon, seven pieces of kielbasa, a half pound of American cheese, and loaded with onion rings. Plus a basket of fries. TIME LIMIT: 30 minutes.

I also did one at Hash House in Mohegan Sun - my buddies made that one up. it was fried chicken and waffles with eggs benedict over mashed potatoes. lol.

I am trying to diversify a little.
Well I wrestled and cut a lot of weight  
56goat : 5/23/2024 12:22 pm : link
so yeah...
Don’t they say that as a human,  
State Your Name : 5/23/2024 12:28 pm : link
We’re all 4 days away from killing our neighbor for a meal?
RE: It looks like for  
DCGMan : 5/23/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16523132 pjcas18 said:
re-feeding to be an issue you need to fast longer than I am for this one. 48 hours. Agree?

Also, I'm not doing it to lose weight.

I could probably stand to lose 15-20 pounds but this isn't how I will do it, this was more a quest.

I also do some eating challenges. One place in Worcester (now closed) had a "Gronk challenge" I successfully did

Eat a 24 ounce burger on an Italian loaf topped with eight slices of bacon, seven pieces of kielbasa, a half pound of American cheese, and loaded with onion rings. Plus a basket of fries. TIME LIMIT: 30 minutes.

I also did one at Hash House in Mohegan Sun - my buddies made that one up. it was fried chicken and waffles with eggs benedict over mashed potatoes. lol.

I am trying to diversify a little.

Correct. You don't need to worry about re-feeding. Would recommend re-feeding plan if fast is four or more days.
RE: RE: The only  
NYG123 : 5/23/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16523129 FranknWeezer said:
In comment 16522996 pjcas18 said:


thing I'm drinking is water and unsweetened iced green tea (which is "approved" for fasting) I think it's 0 calories but there is some mild debate on that possibly having 2.

That is not acceptable for fasting

How would I get electrolytes without adding anything else?

I recommend Gatorade Propel packets in water bottles.
You should  
WhoCares : 5/23/2024 12:46 pm : link
Try and fasting mimicking diet (FMD) if you are worried about doing a real fast.
i'm a pussy who skips breakfast pretty much daily  
djm : 5/23/2024 12:49 pm : link
but that's easy to do. It helps me save some calories and my weight usually hovers within a good range for me.

My friend did the intense fasting for about 2 months. He went days on end without eating and lost about 35 pounds last I heard. I think he's back to a more normal routine. It definitely worked for him. He just drank tons of water.
WhoCares : 5/23/2024 12:50 pm : link
I should elaborate. It's a 5 day diet that mimicks fasting. Prolon will give you soup packets and other bars that will keep you in the fasting state.

I did it and it wasn't too bad. But I fucked up when transitioning back to my regular diet. I ate too much and too poorly so I started to get eczema like rashes on my face.

I wasn't that hungry but I was constantly thinking about food.
I'm the opposite. To quote Artie Lange  
oghwga : 5/23/2024 12:59 pm : link
I can't swim. I know how it's that's it's never been more than two hours since I've eaten.

That's why I thought this would be harder  
pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 1:04 pm : link
I am constantly thinking about food.

I'm always planning my next meal.

and I'm a bread-a-holic, like many Italians. if there is sauce there is bread and often if there isn't sauce there is bread.

I don't eat fast food, and I don't really eat sweets, but just about anything else is fair game.

I expected this to really test me. It did not. I am going to end it at 48 hours because I don't want to risk all the smoking/grilling I'm planning to do this weekend, but I will try 72 hours next.
I have been fasting on and off for 2 years  
larryflower37 : 5/23/2024 1:05 pm : link
Longest I go is 72 hrs at 52 I am past the "Everest" prove I can do it mode.
I use it to clean my system or cut weight before Vacations and such. I now eat super clean and do one solid meal a day unless I am on vacation or a holiday weekend. I enjoy food and it allows me to indulge on special occasions. Could I do 7 days if I wanted to but don't see the point. IMO.
ten years ago when I was in shock and depression...  
jnoble : 5/23/2024 2:42 pm : link
...from being let go from my job, I didn't eat for two or three days. I just totally lost my appetite. Was down to 152 pounds from 178 by August three months later. For those looking to slim down I can't recommend this diet enough: Lose your career, lose your appetite and spirit and get afraid of spending money on anything even food and watch those pounds melt away!
RE: RE: RE: The only  
FranknWeezer : 5/23/2024 3:10 pm : link
In comment 16523166 NYG123 said:
That is not acceptable for fasting

Says who?

Whether Propel, Gatorade Zero, and diet sodas break a fast depends on the type of fast you are following and your specific goals for fasting. In general, these beverages are low in calories and sugar, which are two factors that are typically avoided during fasting to maintain the physiological effects of fasting. Here are some considerations for each of these beverages:

Propel: Propel is a flavored water beverage that is typically low in calories and sugar. It is designed to provide hydration and electrolytes without added sugars. Since Propel is low in calories and sugar, it is unlikely to significantly impact most types of fasting regimens. However, some strict fasting protocols may recommend consuming only water during fasting periods.

Sounds like it depends on what you (personally/subjectively) believe breaks a fast. For me, this didn't.
RE: Don’t they say that as a human,  
Milton : 5/23/2024 3:30 pm : link
In comment 16523145 State Your Name said:
We’re all 4 days away from killing our neighbor for a meal?
It depends on the neighbor. For some all it takes is a light breakfast.
jtfuoco : 5/23/2024 3:38 pm : link
Always good to test your physical and mental limits every so often. It gives you a good time frame of how long you can last and plan accordingly in a dire situation should it ever happen.
if fasting for long periods really good for you?  
BillKo : 5/23/2024 3:44 pm : link
I would think not.....
RE: ten years ago when I was in shock and depression...  
pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 3:50 pm : link
In comment 16523316 jnoble said:
...from being let go from my job, I didn't eat for two or three days. I just totally lost my appetite. Was down to 152 pounds from 178 by August three months later. For those looking to slim down I can't recommend this diet enough: Lose your career, lose your appetite and spirit and get afraid of spending money on anything even food and watch those pounds melt away!

lol, I'd rather not, but also I haven't weighed 152 pounds since I was in middle school. so maybe that's a quest too. See if I can get my weight down to maybe 180 which is where I was when I graduated high school. Not by fasting per se, but more healthy ways.
This fella seems to  
FranknWeezer : 5/23/2024 4:12 pm : link
know his stuff.
X Post on water fasting - ( New Window )
It was thirty years ago,  
Gruber : 5/23/2024 5:10 pm : link
but I was living in an ashram in India and I fasted for definitely three days, it may have been five.
The key thing if you are doing a prolonged fast is that you are resting your system, so you need to rest your body. Do not fast and go out and do activities. Short walks are okay, but nothing more strenuous. Best is to combine it with meditation practice. You'll feel very light.
I do it occasionally.  
Crispino : 5/23/2024 7:07 pm : link
I have done Sunday dinner to Friday dinner a few times. Once you get past the first two days it’s pretty easy. Water only. No big deal. I’ve never felt overwhelmingly hungry during that stretch. But Friday dinner is pretty damned good. You’ll find that just a little food will fill you up quickly immediately following.
RE: It was thirty years ago,  
pjcas18 : 5/23/2024 7:10 pm : link
In comment 16523503 Gruber said:
but I was living in an ashram in India and I fasted for definitely three days, it may have been five.
The key thing if you are doing a prolonged fast is that you are resting your system, so you need to rest your body. Do not fast and go out and do activities. Short walks are okay, but nothing more strenuous. Best is to combine it with meditation practice. You'll feel very light.

like George Costanza, you didn't want to take a shit in India?

If you want to really challenge yourself  
SomeFan : 5/23/2024 9:43 pm : link
this is the fast to try!
My kind of fast - ( New Window )
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