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NFT: Behind the Scenes of the NBA’s Most Unlikely Revival

DanMetroMan : 5/23/2024 2:42 pm
"TheThe most revealing thing a New York Knicks executive has said in the past half decade—an admittedly low bar, since Knicks executives seldom speak publicly—came in the summer of 2020, when Steve Stoute, a branding expert hired to buff up the team’s image, explained how the Knicks’ new leadership would, at long last, attract a marquee star.

“The three of us? I think we’re the best sort of team as it relates to being able to speak to a free agent,” Stoute said during an interview with The Breakfast Club, a popular New York radio show. The “three of us” he was referring to were new team president Leon Rose, a former NBA superagent; Rose’s associate William “World Wide Wes” Wesley, a renowned power broker in league circles; and Stoute himself, a prominent record executive. The Knicks, Stoute asserted, had “never had this level … of (front office) talent that can go out and pitch a free agent or convince a player why New York is great.”"
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PhilSimms15 : 5/23/2024 5:01 pm : link
It's been 20 years (other than the 2012-2013 season) and the Knicks are no longer a laughing stock.

The team is deep (when healthy) they have two firsts and a high second in this upcoming draft; they have all of their own firsts and Detroit's, Washington's and Milwaukee's over the next few years; and they have arguably a top 10 player in Jalen Brunson.

Their key players are all 27/28 and just entering their prime and maybe most important, the team has bought into Thibs philosophy and they are a team that will fight you tooth and nail from the opening jump to the closing whistle.

The future is bright.
I mean…that’s a lot of posturing for a guy that hasn’t  
CooperDash : 5/23/2024 8:01 pm : link
signed a marquee star yet. The whole comment was a bit cringy. You had to resort to tampering just to sign Leon’s godson (Brunson) who wasn’t even a star yet.

Less talk, more action. Put your money where your mouth is. Or just stop talking, lol.
Star or not, I just hope they keep acquiring players like  
bluefin : 5/24/2024 7:04 am : link
Anunoby and Hart - defense and rebounding got them to the edge of the ECF, keep building that identity.
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