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Transcript: Quarterback Daniel Jones

Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/23/2024 4:14 pm
Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q. How does it feel doing stuff that looks a lot like football?

DANIEL JONES: It feels good. Feels good. Felt good out there today. Just getting back in the swing of things, playing football against a defense, against guys moving around. Thought it was good today. Continue to kind of progress and continue to work on things.

Q. How does your leg feel when you're moving around?

DANIEL JONES: It feels good. Feels really good. The rehab process has been smooth to this point. Feels good doing all of that kind of stuff.

Q. Are you wearing a brace?

DANIEL JONES: No, I'm not.

Q. How long does it take to get through the mental part of an injury?

DANIEL JONES: Not very long. Our trainers and strength coaches have built a rehab program that kind of takes a step every week. You make progress, do a little bit more on kind of a gradual process. I think because it's built that way, I've been able to feel good about every next step that we've had. So, the mental part has been good.

Q. Do you want to be physically completely cleared by the time you get to the middle of June? Is that the goal?

DANIEL JONES: I think just kind of continue day by day with the process. I think I'm in a good spot. Obviously, the goal is to be ready to go by the first day of training camp. I'm going to push to be ready as soon as possible. I think we've got a good plan. I have a lot of trust and faith in our trainers and coaches.

Q. Is this where you expected to be, where you hoped to be? Are you ahead of schedule?

DANIEL JONES: I would say about where I hoped to be. We've done a good job kind of adjusting the schedule based off of what I'm able to do. Every week I'm able to do a little bit more. The schedule can change or progress kind of as I'm progressing, which I think has been the right way to do it. I feel good. I think I'm in a good spot.

Q. You've gone through a lot of seven-on-seven drills in your career. Are you restricted in any way in what you're doing?

DANIEL JONES: No, I'm not restricted at all.

Q. Are you focused on being full go day one of training camp? I know that's what your hope is, but is that what you anticipate?


Q. Is there any doubt at this point that you think you can be ready for contact come beginning of the season?

DANIEL JONES: No, I don't have any doubt about it right now.

Q. What was the first night of the NFL Draft like for you? Did you think there was a chance they'd pick a quarterback?

DANIEL JONES: I wasn't sure what was going to happen or how it was going to play out. I was just watching and waiting to see like everybody else. But I'm fired up to get Malik (Nabers). I watched some of his tape in college. He's a dynamic, dynamic player. I was fired up to see that we got him. It's been fun getting to work with him.

Q. Any chip on your shoulder, all the work they did on quarterbacks, who would have been a challenge to your job had they taken one?

DANIEL JONES: I'm focused on what I need to do. That's part of it. I'm focused on playing the best football I can play. I'm always motivated. I consider myself a really driven guy. I'm always going to work as hard as I possibly can. It's part of it, but I'm fired up we got Malik and looking forward to getting to work.

Q. What are you learning about him?

DANIEL JONES: For one, you can tell he loves football. It's important to him. He cares a lot about it. Wants to get it right. Obviously, he's extremely talented. Everybody knows that. Great route runner, strong, fast, adjusts to the ball well. All the things you look for. It will be a process. I look forward to putting in the work with him.

Q. You say you expect to be ready. How have you been balancing pushing yourself versus sticking to the plan and being patient?

DANIEL JONES: Well, I'm always going to push myself and try to do as much as I can, as much as they'll let me do. To me, that is kind of the plan, so...that is sticking to the plan. As they see fit, they'll pull back and say what I can and can't do. I'm always going to push to do as much as I can.

Q. You mentioned on draft night you were watching like everybody else. That potentially affected your career. What was your thought process when you know there might be a quarterback out there? Were you thinking is this a vote for me or not me?

DANIEL JONES: I mean, I wasn't fired up about it. But I think it's part of it at this level, like I said. What I can do is focus on myself and getting healthy, play the best football I can play, and that I know I'm capable of playing. That's my job and that's what I'm going to do.

Q. Did you talk to Joe (Schoen) and Brian (Daboll) after they picked Malik about the quarterback pursuit?

DANIEL JONES: No. We talked about the pick, talked about getting Malik and getting to work with him.

Q. Do you feel they're committed to you for the long-term?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, I feel good about where we're going. I feel good about this team. My job is to get healthy and play good football.

Q. Do you view Drew (Lock) as a competition for quarterback one job or do you think that's your job when you're healthy?

DANIEL JONES: I think we're all trying to do what we can to make this team as good as possible. Like any other year, I'm competing with the guys in there. Like every room on our team, there's competition. Like I've said a couple times, I'm going to try to get healthy, play good football.

Q. Do you feel like you got a lot to prove this year?

DANIEL JONES: I always feel like I have a lot to prove. I'm motivated, I'm doing everything I can to be ready to go.

Q. They tried aggressively to trade up three spots to draft Drake Maye. Do you take that personally?

DANIEL JONES: I don't think you can take anything personally at this level. How exactly it happened and what happened, I'm not sure I know and I'm not sure you know. At the end of the day, I'm focused on playing good football.

Q. Back in college, they are always recruiting over you. Is the mindset the same at the pro level? Do you look at it the same?

DANIEL JONES: Similar, yeah. I think I've always kind of had that kind of mindset. I don't think that changes how I work, how I go about my job, how I see my job and how I'm going to approach every day. That's not changing regardless of the situation.
Danny Boy.....  
bklynGman : 5/23/2024 4:16 pm : link
You got one more year.. Make it happen!
christian : 5/23/2024 4:33 pm : link
How exactly it happened and what happened, I'm not sure I know and I'm not sure you know. At the end of the day, I'm focused on playing good football.

That's pretty awesome.
RIZZBIZZ : 5/23/2024 4:42 pm : link
would have answered this the same exact way:
DANIEL JONES: I'm focused on what I need to do. That's part of it. I'm focused on playing the best football I can play. I'm always motivated. I consider myself a really driven guy. I'm always going to work as hard as I possibly can. It's part of it, but I'm fired up we got Malik and looking forward to getting to work.
I want to keep track (going forward)  
jvm52106 : 5/23/2024 4:47 pm : link
on the number of times he says Fired up or Not fired up in response to questions asked. It will be like a drinking bingo game..
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/23/2024 6:11 pm : link
Much like Eli, his pressers are boring AF. Not saying that’s a bad thing…just an observation.
Giantsbigblue : 5/23/2024 8:14 pm : link
"I'm not sure you know" comment is the chip on shoulder comment I like to see.
He has a lot of detractors  
Darwinian : 5/23/2024 9:35 pm : link
if he has the ability to take a step, he really has to do it now. I don't think he can, but there are rare exceptions, it would be nice if he turned out to be one of them in 2025. This was a good interview by him, by what I read. It seems there is urgency.
RE: …  
TheBlueprintNC : 5/24/2024 3:12 pm : link
In comment 16523459 christian said:


How exactly it happened and what happened, I'm not sure I know and I'm not sure you know. At the end of the day, I'm focused on playing good football.

That's pretty awesome.

I liked that too.. I think we are going to see a different Dan this year.
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