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Transcript: Outside Linebacker Brian Burns

Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/23/2024 4:16 pm
Outside Linebacker Brian Burns

Q. Talk about how working with Kayvon and how you guys complement each other.

BRIAN BURNS: Right now, we're just pretty much getting used to each other, bouncing a lot of ideas off of each other. We just spend a lot of time trying to develop that chemistry. Also, healthy competition. We almost compete in everything we do, on the field, off the field. Having somebody to push me and I'm able to push, that's going to be a positive this year.

Q. How important is that for the growth of a young player? Did you have that guy when you first came into the league?

BRIAN BURNS: My experience was a little different. In my rookie year, I had a lot of vets to learn from. In my second year, I was kind of the leader of the group. My third year, that's when Haason (Reddick) came to the Panthers. That's when I developed that competitive nature with the other end on the other side. I was able to learn a lot from him. It's a similar situation going into my sixth year, he's going into his third year. That's the same as me and Hasson. That definitely did wonders for my career.

Q. What did you learn from Haason?

BRIAN BURNS: Pretty much just football. IQ, moves, small things you don't really think about, things only a vet can tell you about because they've been through that experience.

Q. Have you spoken to him lately?

BRIAN BURNS: We're supposed to get together next weekend to work out and train. It's kind of nice that he's close by so we can hang out again.

Q. What are you going to pick his brain about now that you're in a similar situation?

BRIAN BURNS: Kind of just like his mindset, his mentality when he came to the Panthers. Kind of what he was thinking. I want to know how I helped him, as well. Other than that, I want to pick his brain because he had a crazy season once he got to Philly. I want to know what he did that was different.

Q. As one of the pass-rushers, how much does the pressure excite you, you got four guys, let's go?

BRIAN BURNS: Yeah, it is exciting, especially when you got four guys that can do it. Allowing those guys to work is exciting, but it's earned. We have to show that we can get to the quarterback at a consistent rate by ourselves. That's going to take chemistry. It's going to take a form of a brotherhood. If I got Dex with me, just know if I got Dex with me, I got a plan.

Q. About Dex, what have you learned about him that perhaps tells you why he is the dominant presence on the field?

BRIAN BURNS: Have you seen him? That speaks volumes, just his size alone. He has a God-given ability of strength and athleticism. For a guy that big to move that fast, that agile, it's truly a gift. Something I didn't know before I got here, he's very clever. That probably came through experience. We were going into our sixth year together. Probably came with experience. Yeah, he has a lot of tricks he picked up along the way.

Q. What do you mean by 'clever'?

BRIAN BURNS: Personality, too. From a football standpoint, his IQ is second to none as far as the D-linemen I've played with. I think he definitely knows ball, knows how to rush, knows how to get to the quarterback, and knows how to work together. There are certain things he told me I definitely wasn't in tune. Yeah, he's helping me, as well.

Q. Thoughts on Daniel Jones

BRIAN BURNS: Getting to know him as a guy, he's a cool dude. Before I didn't know him at all. As an opponent, we always honored his athleticism. That was something we keyed in on. He definitely burned me to the sideline once. Please don't play that clip (laughter). He's a true competitor. I haven't really got to see him on the field yet because he's going through whatever he's going through. Looking forward to it.

Q. Going into your sixth year, the trade, the contract, how has your plan going into the season changed from what you were trying to get out of the spring to what you're going to try to get out of training camp helped you to go ahead to where you want to be week one versus two years ago what you would have thought going into the off-season program?

BRIAN BURNS: I wouldn't say anything changed. I feel like it was motivation. I've always worked hard. I always put the work in. In the sense of like I'm trying to reach a new level, always trying to get better. Being with these guys, it's a new city, a new team. It's a new everything for me right now. After I soaked all that in, it's back to work. Nothing too difficult.

Q. Does dominating a practice in May make a difference to you?

BRIAN BURNS: No, it means nothing, no. It means nothing. The main thing I'm focused on right now is pretty much getting my wind up. The moves and everything that's natural, that's going to come, that's going to be there. Yeah, me doing what I did today in OTAs...Training camp will show more. That's real football.

Q. You have a resume and an elite reputation in the league. Do you think coming here to New York with a new team with a big contract, there is a potential for you to reach a different plateau as far as stardom, everything that comes along with being a star in the NFL?

BRIAN BURNS: Is there potential for that?

Q. Yes.

BRIAN BURNS: That wouldn't be my main focus honestly. I feel like if I do what I have to do on the field, it will come naturally. I think the main thing, one of my sayings is to keep the main thing the main thing. Right now, my main focus is ball, getting better, and helping the team. Everything else will follow right behind it.

Q. Is any of that important to you?

BRIAN BURNS: It's important. But the main thing is football and everything else will follow. I feel like if I dominate the first step of it, everything else will come along.

Q. What does stardom mean to you?

BRIAN BURNS: What does it mean?

Q. Pro Bowls, Super Bowls. What threshold is there that he's a star?

BRIAN BURNS: Just generally speaking, I'm thinking maybe like a household name. I'm not pretty sure what the question is. I've been to a Pro Bowl. There are a couple of things I still want to check off my list that I've definitely striving for. If you're talking about that, yes, it's definitely on my list, on my mind. I have to do it on the field, first.

Q. What else is on the list?

BRIAN BURNS: A lot of things.
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