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Transcript: Cornerback Cor'Dale Flott

Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/23/2024 4:17 pm
Cornerback Cor'Dale Flott

Q. Talk about the progress you're making out there and the competition while going into camp.

COR'DALE FLOTT: We've got a good DB room. Great players, great guys all around. As far as competition, I'm alongside to Tae Banks. Excited for this opportunity that (Head Coach Brian) Daboll and Coach Rome (Henderson) gave me. Take it day-by-day and continue to get better and compete against the offensive guys too.

Q. Do you prefer the outside role?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Either/or. Whatever works for the team. Just fitting the puzzle pieces around, fitting wherever, whether nickel or corner or whatever works for the team.

Q. How has Banks helped you with your game, with this transition?

COR'DALE FLOTT: We are two different types of corners. So, with this transition, Tae, learn from him and his press techniques. Nickel, you'll be five yards off rather up on the line and also use the sideline as a corner, too. Just taking notes basically from each guy and the other veterans in the room and that's what I'll continue to do.

Q. These coaches don't give a lot of depth chart updates and Daboll said the last couple of weeks "Cor'Dale I have a lot of confidence outside." Jerome said today, "If we played today, Cor'Dale is the starting role." What does that vote of confidence mean for you and also that they didn't go out and sign a free agent to replace Adoree'?

COR'DALE FLOTT: It gives me confidence too that the coaches have confidence in me, that the team has confidence in me. Like I said, just continue to be the best version of myself.

Q. You came into this league and here as one of the youngest players in that draft class at 20?

COR'DALE FLOTT: I'm still 22. A lot of the rookies are still older than me.

Q. But for you age-wise, it's one thing, but going into year three now, which is hard to believe. How much do you feel the urgency to kind of take advantage of the opportunity that's in front of you this year?

COR'DALE FLOTT: I took advantage of every opportunity I had from year one all of the way to year three now. The same urgency still applies. Continue to try to up my game. Continue to learn from older veterans. Continue to learn from other players. That's my approach to it.

Q. How different is what you'll be asked to do, like obviously when you're in Wink's defense, you're playing a lot of press man coverage. You know everybody's blitzing. Jerome was saying today, it's more like keep the ball in front of you, maybe a little bit more zone. Can you tell us what you'll be asked to do that's a little different?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Just like you said, zone. Being able to have a back to the sideline, being able to look at the quarterback, get more plays and opportunities on the ball. I feel us as a defense, as a unit, we continue to take control of that, approach this as a different defense than what we're used to and learn, and right now we're still doing that.

Q. Do you feel like this suits your skill set?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Oh, yes, most definitely. I'm excited for it, actually.

Q. How much interaction did you have with the rookie receiver from your old stomping grounds?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Malik (Nabers)?

Q. When you guys were down there, same player, how has he grown?

COR'DALE FLOTT: He's grown for sure. Same abilities but growing into his form. He continuing to learn right now. Excited to go against him, right now we are practicing, competing against each other. He's getting me better; I'm getting him better. I'm just glad to have an LSU brother on the team.

Q. That change of direction today…

COR'DALE FLOTT: He's quick. He's definitely quick. And a lot of DBs will have to deal with it. I have to deal with it myself. It's good I get to go against him.

Q. What was your first impression when you saw him out here for the first time again?

COR'DALE FLOTT: It was like déjà vu. It's just like back at LSU. I was a junior then. He was a freshman. I was excited to see him moving around. He looks explosive. He's ready to be in this scheme and explode.

Q. LSU used to be call DBU?


Q. Is it DWRU now?

COR'DALE FLOTT: It's both. It's definitely both.

Q. You guys talk a little trash out there?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Always, that's how we do.

Q. Are you doing anything different in your offseason program to make sure that you can stay healthy? I think you missed three games maybe last year, maybe five the year before that. How do you make sure you stay healthy?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Just taking care of the body more. Adding more massages, more acupuncture, compression boots. Just staying on top of it, keeping the routine going weekly, daily, finding more time to be able to take care of your body and stuff. I continue to work on it.

Q. So you and Banks will probably be, without me doing any research, probably one of the youngest pairs of corners in the league. It's obviously a position where the more experience you have is a good thing. How do you guys -- will you guys look at that challenge and being some of the youngest guys, maybe teams wanting to attack you guys?

COR'DALE FLOTT: That's personal – we don't really look at it being the youngest on the field. We don't let that get in front of us. We don't really even think about that, if I'm being honest. We just think about being the best duo that there will be.

Q. You mentioned Jerome, the idea to have the same position coach for your first two years now going into year three, how much has he meant to your development going into year three?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Rome has been growing with us. He's a good coach all around, even off the field. He'll take care of us as players. Take care of our mental. Make sure we are good off the field, too. When we're on the field and he's coaching us, we take it to heart, everything that he tells us, and we appreciate it. I'm glad to grow with Rome going on year three.

Q. I know your goal is always to get a little bigger. That was one thing coming out. Have you made strides in that field?

COR'DALE FLOTT: I am at 177 right now. The goal is 180 obviously. But obviously to get comfortable in the weight. I don't want to gain weight and it be bad weight and be out of shape and not be able to move around. I feel good so far, continue to build with the weights staff.

Q. What were you when you came in?

COR'DALE FLOTT: What was I? I was like 174.

Q. For the first two years, how hard was it to kind of get opportunities and to sit and watch and be patient at times and pressed, how much did you learn about yourself that you've kind of set yourself up now to know what to expect?

COR'DALE FLOTT: Most importantly, everybody is on their own the timeline, and you can't compare yourself to other guys and what other guys are doing. The best thing you can do is take notes from the veterans, the guys that have been around, and figure out what works for you, whether that's routine, whether that's on the field, off the field, film work, and just picking guys' minds – that's what I started working on and get better at.
nyjuggernaut2 : 5/23/2024 5:36 pm : link
That’s my son’s weight. He’s the same height as Flott too,
and he was considered undersized as a sophomore high school football player last season as a WR/S. Flott needs to put on at least 10 pounds IMO.
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