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NFT: ESPN / NBA Female sports announcers

sb2003 : 5/27/2024 11:43 pm
I find it incredibly boring. The lack of excitement is brutal.
Announcers don't make the game but the calls can certainly add to it.

Not that it means anything and I'm not a hater. Just an observation where the soft voice doesn't work at all for me. Especially in the playoffs.
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holy misogyny  
ElitoCanton : 5/27/2024 11:46 pm : link
RE: holy misogyny  
sb2003 : 5/27/2024 11:49 pm : link
In comment 16525508 ElitoCanton said:

No. It's not. It's just boring.
Did you ever hear Leah Hextal call an NHL game?  
Adam G in Big D : 5/27/2024 11:57 pm : link
Panic/hair on fire hilarity.

Now she does interviews from behind the bench LOL.
I'm with you...  
BC Eagles94 : 5/28/2024 12:09 am : link
Don't people realize most men watch sports to get away from hearing women? We don't want to listen to them commentate the games. And they just don't do as good a job either. But what can you do. All that matters is equity these days.
I feel for Doris - because she knows it and keeps reserved.  
fanoftheteam : 5/28/2024 12:46 am : link
But yeah - who the hell wants to listen to a woman announce male sports- no one.

Also - ESPNs audio mixing is terrible. Its been that way for every sport. I always noticed for instance if the Giants were on ESPN it sounded like no crowd was there. You can especially tell with the Knicks/rangers in the playoffs. They do an awful job of picking up stadium noise.
Holy shit  
jvm52106 : 5/28/2024 2:24 am : link
This thread is wow.
The number 1 announce team for ESPN is pretty bad  
moespree : 5/28/2024 2:35 am : link
Dorris Burke and JJ Reddick don't talk enough at all.

You can tell there are moments where Breen is intentionally trying to get something from either of them and it's just silence.

It does seem like Dorris is intentionally trying to dial it back. But now it's to the point where she barely says anything.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/28/2024 6:41 am : link
If you enjoy the sounds of  
JT039 : 5/28/2024 6:51 am : link
SVG, Reggie Miller, Richard Jefferson and some of these other male announcers - then I don’t know what to tell you.

The majority of men who do the color commentary are unbearable.
Agreed. 100%>  
Route 9 : 5/28/2024 7:14 am : link
We are men and we are the best.
Route 9 : 5/28/2024 7:15 am : link
Lol they make me pine for the days of Joe Buck
christian : 5/28/2024 7:19 am : link
I typically watch with the volume off. There are fans who want announcers to talk more?
RE: If you enjoy the sounds of  
Route 9 : 5/28/2024 7:21 am : link
In comment 16525531 JT039 said:
SVG, Reggie Miller, Richard Jefferson and some of these other male announcers - then I don’t know what to tell you.

The majority of men who do the color commentary are unbearable.

That's the thing. We have ripped on men sports commentators since the dawn of time without thinking of it.

Someone doesn't like a particular woman announcer?and it's a big deal? Eh. That's life.
christian : 5/28/2024 7:31 am : link
Let's put aside the bizarre sexist stuff for a minute. People really want louder commentators who talk more?
Put me in the who cares bucket  
UConn4523 : 5/28/2024 7:31 am : link
outside of a handful of truly special announcers, most make zero impact and i dont pay attention to them
RE: I'm with you...  
bluefin : 5/28/2024 8:02 am : link
In comment 16525512 BC Eagles94 said:
Don't people realize most men watch sports to get away from hearing women? We don't want to listen to them commentate the games. And they just don't do as good a job either. But what can you do. All that matters is equity these days.

I don’t know what’s funnier - this post, or the pearl clutching in response.
I'm hoping some of these comments are a joke  
Kevin_in_Pgh : 5/28/2024 8:08 am : link
but I'm not confident.

Oh, and it's not pearl clutching - it's pointing out stupidity and bigotry - in part because it's not ripping on individual announcers, it's painting with a ridiculously wide brush.

Mostly, it's pathetic.
Monica McNutt  
bluefin : 5/28/2024 8:09 am : link
is great
christian : 5/28/2024 8:14 am : link
Mark Jackson is the single reason I switched to closed captions during basketball games. I dare anyone say they'd rather have him than Burke. That's loco.
RE: Monica McNutt  
Heisenberg : 5/28/2024 8:21 am : link
In comment 16525551 bluefin said:
is great

Agree. Fun personality and knows the game.

I personally really like Doris Burke too. She really knows her shit.

On the flip side, I don't like Suzyn Waldman. I find her color commentary to be pretty inane. I don't find her insights to be anything better than the average fan and she has a voice best suited for print journalism.
RE: …  
Heisenberg : 5/28/2024 8:22 am : link
In comment 16525553 christian said:
Mark Jackson is the single reason I switched to closed captions during basketball games. I dare anyone say they'd rather have him than Burke. That's loco.

Haha, +1. I loved him as a Knick but man, I'd rather listen to Reggie fucking Miller than him in a game. Terrible.
in hockey  
pjcas18 : 5/28/2024 8:32 am : link
I have no problem with the women. they know their shit. Many played at a very high level - like AJ Mleczko and Jennifer Botterill. Sure, my high school team could beat their teams at their highest levels, but relatively speaking they were far more accomplished than 99.9% of the population in the sport they are broadcasting. I think Jennifer Botterill should be in the hockey hall of fame.

Some over-talk (like AJ), but that's not unique to the women, so many men announcers do it too. you need a real pro to be confident letting the moment do the talking.

I do think the format is a little too formulaic though - make it more natural. Most fans don't care about the gender of who describes the game for them as long as they do it well.
RE: I'm with you...  
BigBlue7 : 5/28/2024 8:49 am : link
In comment 16525512 BC Eagles94 said:
Don't people realize most men watch sports to get away from hearing women? We don't want to listen to them commentate the games. And they just don't do as good a job either. But what can you do. All that matters is equity these days.

This is satire, right?

Not a fan of Doris Burke for the NBA  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 8:54 am : link
But, I have enjoyed Monica McNutt this year. I never heard of her before she started doing Knicks radio + pre and post on MSG. But, she is fun and knows the game.

I do find it interesting, though, that such an unaccomplished female athlete so quickly ascended in broadcasting. That said, I think she deserves it, so maybe not so crazy.

I don't have a problem with female announcers, per se. What I do have a problem with is, and this is especially in football, when they get sideline gigs clearly for nothing more than looks. If they offer nothing to the broadcast, then skip them.
Wait a minute  
averagejoe : 5/28/2024 9:08 am : link
Monica McNutt is a real name ???

It's more miss than hit for me with women announcing but  
DCGMan : 5/28/2024 9:16 am : link
as said earlier in this thread I find most men or modern day commentating in general to be annoying.

I would rather listen to men call the games or talk sports in general. There are some great female studio hosts especially Rebecca Lowe covering the EPL for NBC. She's one of the best in the business regardless of gender.

I like the old school hosts like Hannah Storm and Linda Cohn but again that's more of a generational thing than a gender one. Probably because I'm getting old.
Svengali : 5/28/2024 9:17 am : link
I agree, it sucks . Do I have to be politically correct while home watching a game? I have to watch it with the volume off as well. Boring…
RE: It's more miss than hit for me with women announcing but  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 9:18 am : link
In comment 16525585 DCGMan said:
as said earlier in this thread I find most men or modern day commentating in general to be annoying.

I would rather listen to men call the games or talk sports in general. There are some great female studio hosts especially Rebecca Lowe covering the EPL for NBC. She's one of the best in the business regardless of gender.

I like the old school hosts like Hannah Storm and Linda Cohn but again that's more of a generational thing than a gender one. Probably because I'm getting old.
I don't think it's a generational thing in terms of preference. I think after some of those women paved the way, the doors opened and networks ran with it in a different direction. More often than not, they are choosing women for reasons other than what they offer to the broadcast.
RE: RE: Monica McNutt  
Del Shofner : 5/28/2024 9:21 am : link
In comment 16525556 Heisenberg said:
In comment 16525551 bluefin said:


is great

Agree. Fun personality and knows the game.

Re: Suzyn Waldman  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 9:21 am : link
I think it's unfortunate they added her to the booth with John Sterling. Prior to her doing game broadcasts, she was very good as a locker room reporter. She had great relationships with players, coaches, and management and always had good information nobody else had. As a game broadcaster, she leaves a lot to be desired and also had to pander to him.

We'll see how she is as a mentor, though. She is very close with Meredith Marakovits, whoseems to be one of the people potentially in line to fill in for Suzyn and ultimately replace her, as she did last weekend. I didn't get to hear her broadcast, though.
Unfortunately, even good female broadcasters still face obstacles  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 9:25 am : link
because of their gender and looks. Marakovits is a good example. She does a pretty good job on field before and after games. But, you get a lot of snickers and comments when her name comes up due to her looks (or features). That's an extra hurdle for them to deal with.
christian : 5/28/2024 9:26 am : link
It's almost as if some women are good at it, and some not. Kind of like how some men are good at it, and some not?
RE: …  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 9:33 am : link
In comment 16525595 christian said:
It's almost as if some women are good at it, and some not. Kind of like how some men are good at it, and some not?
Anecdotally, I find most are not. But, I think it's the wrong women chosen for the wrong reasons most of the time.
So no one enjoyed  
JT039 : 5/28/2024 9:40 am : link
Listening to Beth mowins do a ESPN noon college game between Noethwestern and Indiana for years?
RE: RE: …  
christian : 5/28/2024 10:04 am : link
In comment 16525603 Matt M. said:
It's almost as if some women are good at it, and some not. Kind of like how some men are good at it, and some not?

Anecdotally, I find most are not. But, I think it's the wrong women chosen for the wrong reasons most of the time.

What percentage of male commentators do you find good at their job?
RE: RE: RE: …  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 10:09 am : link
In comment 16525633 christian said:
In comment 16525603 Matt M. said:


It's almost as if some women are good at it, and some not. Kind of like how some men are good at it, and some not?

Anecdotally, I find most are not. But, I think it's the wrong women chosen for the wrong reasons most of the time.

What percentage of male commentators do you find good at their job?
Good question. Not overwhelming, but I think more because I don't think most of them are being hired for their looks. Also, more often than not, in the booth, the color-men/analysts are often former players or coaches, who offer a unique insight, which most of the females counterparts do not. At least not in football and in baseball, the softball experience isn't the same thing.
RE: RE: RE: RE: …  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16525635 Matt M. said:
In comment 16525633 christian said:


In comment 16525603 Matt M. said:


It's almost as if some women are good at it, and some not. Kind of like how some men are good at it, and some not?

Anecdotally, I find most are not. But, I think it's the wrong women chosen for the wrong reasons most of the time.

What percentage of male commentators do you find good at their job?

Good question. Not overwhelming, but I think more because I don't think most of them are being hired for their looks. Also, more often than not, in the booth, the color-men/analysts are often former players or coaches, who offer a unique insight, which most of the females counterparts do not. At least not in football and in baseball, the softball experience isn't the same thing.
And, all that said, your inference may be correct that there are just as many shitty male broadcasters who aren't under the same scrutiny.
christian : 5/28/2024 10:19 am : link
I'm not a big fan of generalizing, so I'm more comfortable judging on a case-by-case basis.

If the decision is Doris Burke vs. Mark Jackson, it's Burke by a mile. The guy who she replaced is terrible.

The reason I ask about male commentators, is my sense is fans just don't like a lot of the people who do that job.
RE: …  
Matt M. : 5/28/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16525643 christian said:
I'm not a big fan of generalizing, so I'm more comfortable judging on a case-by-case basis.

If the decision is Doris Burke vs. Mark Jackson, it's Burke by a mile. The guy who she replaced is terrible.

The reason I ask about male commentators, is my sense is fans just don't like a lot of the people who do that job.
I don't disagree on Jackson. The problem is I just don't like Burke either. Never have.
christian : 5/28/2024 10:32 am : link
In comment 16525649 Matt M. said:
I'm not a big fan of generalizing, so I'm more comfortable judging on a case-by-case basis.

If the decision is Doris Burke vs. Mark Jackson, it's Burke by a mile. The guy who she replaced is terrible.

The reason I ask about male commentators, is my sense is fans just don't like a lot of the people who do that job.

I don't disagree on Jackson. The problem is I just don't like Burke either. Never have.

Would it be fair to say you don't like Jackson nor Burke, because they are bad commentators, and not because of their gender?
I really like Monica McNutt,  
LW_Giants : 5/28/2024 10:35 am : link
but can't stand Doris Burke.

I don't think it's a men versus woman thing, I think like anything else it's just a matter of talent. Doris knows basketball, but is brutally boring to listen to.
Agree that most commentators suck in general  
widmerseyebrow : 5/28/2024 10:39 am : link
So if someone happens to not like any of the women doing it, that's not outside the realm of possibility to me.

I think it was ABC one year had free online streaming of MNF games where you could control the camera you were watching from and could toggle the announcer/color guy off. It was a sublime home viewing experience.

It's one of the reasons I like going to local college football games. Avoid the hassle of NFL games and watch a game with perfect picture and no one telling me what I just saw every play.
I'm open to the idea of watching and enjoying  
allstarjim : 5/28/2024 10:40 am : link
A sports broadcast with a female announcer, but so far, it just hasn't happened yet.

It just sounds kind of annoying to me.

When I'm watching a cooking show, however, I'm hanging on every word! 😂 day
christian : 5/28/2024 10:49 am : link
I think a good place to start is, what NBA commentators are good?
To echo a few others  
Mike from SI : 5/28/2024 10:49 am : link
Monica McNutt is fantastic and tied with Ruocco for me as my favorite young-ish, new-ish announcers.
RE: Holy shit  
MotownGIANTS : 5/28/2024 10:58 am : link
In comment 16525519 jvm52106 said:
This thread is wow.

Pure entertainment .... but a reminder how the "isms" live and thrive ...
Here come the White Knights  
BJacobs The Tiptoe Bandit : 5/28/2024 12:28 pm : link
to save the day.

RE: Here come the White Knights  
christian : 5/28/2024 12:31 pm : link
In comment 16525730 BJacobs The Tiptoe Bandit said:
to save the day.

Wah. Someone started a thread and then people discussed the topic. Did that make you sad?
RE: Here come the White Knights  
Mike from SI : 5/28/2024 12:33 pm : link
In comment 16525730 BJacobs The Tiptoe Bandit said:
to save the day.

The fact that a bunch of us like Monica McNutt does not qualify as white knighting.
Enzo : 5/28/2024 12:40 pm : link
has come up a couple of times on the Knick threads and she has and almost 100% approval rating. People really seem to like her.
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