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If the Giants moved....

DanMetroMan : 5/29/2024 3:26 pm
Yeah, I'm bored. If the NY Giants moved to say...SD replacing the Chargers (city doesn't really matter, I'm picking SD at random) but the Giants were to be replaced by a new NY/NJ expansion team would you

1) Remain a fan of the Giants, geography be damned
2) Become a fan of the new expansion team
3) Cease having your "own" team and/or stop following the NFL?
Thats a weird hypothetical.  
Bold Ruler : Mod : 5/29/2024 3:30 pm : link
Think I'd follow the original team/org. I don't have time or energy to start on an expansion team.
Danny Kanell : 5/29/2024 3:32 pm : link
If it ended up like a Browns situation where they became the NY Giants again, it would 100% root for the expansion team. If not, I'd probably stick with the team in SD.
I'm moving toward the first part of #3 even as it is  
Go Terps : 5/29/2024 3:35 pm : link
I enjoy watching the NFL very much, but the experience is very different now than years ago. Now you kind of watch the entire league collectively, whereas before it was just the Giants and maybe one of two other games a week.

The ability to watch all the games at the same time, plus the Giants being pretty tough to like these past few years on their own, has really changed the experience.
*one or two  
Go Terps : 5/29/2024 3:36 pm : link
I'd probably  
pjcas18 : 5/29/2024 3:38 pm : link
just focus on my sports gambling and not have a favorite team. lol.

Did Oilers fans become Titans fans and then abandon the Titans and become Texans fans?

Did Cardinals fans stay loyal with the move from STL to ARI and then become Rams fans when they moved from LA to STL only to be abandoned by football team. again. (and what about the LA Rams fans - that one is complicated)?

Did Browns fans become Ravens fans and then return to being Browns fans?

not sure of the precedent but I do know I don't have much patience for the greed (or worse greed). And I don't even live in NY. I was a CT Giants fan, so I had other geographic options. I now live in metro Boston.

Id probably be #3  
Jerry in_DC : 5/29/2024 3:40 pm : link
I like watching the NFL. As Terps said, it's been real tough to get invested in the Giants for a while anyway. So I'd just let it slide away.

It is a weird phenomenon though. I haven't lived in NJ for 25 years. I have no real desire or plan to go to a game to MetLife. I don't even have that much affinity for the NY metro area anymore. But still, if they moved, that would sever something for me.
I would root for the new team  
Darwinian : 5/29/2024 3:41 pm : link
and be happy not to root for Mara's team.
It's a pretty implausible hypothetical,  
Mad Mike : 5/29/2024 3:41 pm : link
but I'd definitely move on from the original team. I'd probably be like OG Dodgers fans, burning with hate for the team that abandoned me. As for picking up with a new team, I'm not sure, probably.
It's amazing to me still that the Dodgers & Giants moved  
Sean : 5/29/2024 3:42 pm : link
Way before my time, but two franchises moving from NY to CA is crazy. I doubt many fans if any went on to root for LA/SF. Although Vin Scully is an example as someone who started in Brooklyn and ended up in LA.

As for the hypothetical, I'd not have a team and probably wait for the expansion team hoping the branding is the same.
It sounds strange to say it  
BlackLight : 5/29/2024 3:46 pm : link
but it would probably depend on what changed about the uniform in conjunction with the move. If they completely altered the color scheme, even if they called themselves the Giants, I'd probably tune out. Strictly speaking, if they were in San Diego, they'd be geographically closer to where I live now than when I lived across the river from Albany.

Then, as now, as ever, just rooting for laundry.

It's impossible to imagine  
HBart : 5/29/2024 3:46 pm : link
But also impossible to say, because to me the departure circumstances and destination would matter. If say they wanted a better stadium but got somehow held over a barrel, that might matter. Destination, I can't what's acceptable but it could matter.

But it's inconceivable because as the historic and valuable franchise they are, and where they are (not just the biggest media market but NFL HQ is NYC), there would be dozens of qualified buyers who'd pay to keep the team in NY (including the NFL).
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/29/2024 3:51 pm : link
1. I have never lived in the NYC metro area so WTF would I care?
christian : 5/29/2024 3:52 pm : link
So we get rid of ownership and Daniel Jones -- and get to keep the Giants?

What's the problem here = )
I would probably  
section125 : 5/29/2024 3:54 pm : link
switch to the new franchise.

Or find another team - since I live in FL, Miami or Jax.
I know that many old Rams fans ....  
Manny in CA : 5/29/2024 3:54 pm : link

Were delighted to get them back. Georgia Frontiere couldn't wait to move the Rams to her home town (St Louis), when her old man died, she eventually did.

At that time the Rams had to compete with the Raiders; Al Davis also screwed LA, using them to make money and get back to Oakland.

Georgia/Davis cut out of the same rock.
Does the hypothetical new team  
Wiggy : 5/29/2024 3:54 pm : link
Have a decent O line?
RE: I'd probably  
Blue21 : 5/29/2024 4:00 pm : link
In comment 16526849 pjcas18 said:
just focus on my sports gambling and not have a favorite team. lol.

Did Oilers fans become Titans fans and then abandon the Titans and become Texans fans?

Did Cardinals fans stay loyal with the move from STL to ARI and then become Rams fans when they moved from LA to STL only to be abandoned by football team. again. (and what about the LA Rams fans - that one is complicated)?

Did Browns fans become Ravens fans and then return to being Browns fans?

not sure of the precedent but I do know I don't have much patience for the greed (or worse greed). And I don't even live in NY. I was a CT Giants fan, so I had other geographic options. I now live in metro Boston.
This is how I would feel too. I live in Massachusetts. But I hate the Pats. Would my feelings toward them change? Doubt it but who knows.
Some of these responses are hysterical  
JT039 : 5/29/2024 4:00 pm : link
Think some of you should abandon ship now. Sorry Christian - I am going to use your favorite word here…

But it seems the “narrative” is some fans are here just to bitch and complain rather than root for the team.
RE: …  
JT039 : 5/29/2024 4:00 pm : link
In comment 16526862 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
1. I have never lived in the NYC metro area so WTF would I care?

But if the Giants did move ....  
Manny in CA : 5/29/2024 4:03 pm : link

Say to San Antonio (like the Raiders thought about in 2016), I don't think they would keep the name.

It would be hilarious if they called themselves the "Vaqueros", Jerry Jones would poop his pants !
CV36 : 5/29/2024 4:06 pm : link
I live in the south and am a "walk-on" fan from the mid-80's.  
FranknWeezer : 5/29/2024 4:12 pm : link
That said, such a change wouldn't affect someone like me (admittedly a small percentage of fans) all that much, and it would be easier for me to 'travel' my fandom of the Giants to another location than most...since I mostly only get to see them in person when they play below the Mason-Dixon anyhow.
Would any of you  
crackerjack465 : 5/29/2024 4:32 pm : link
become Jets fans?

I'd probably not follow the Giants. Usually when teams leave it's a messy divorce (like St Louis). Many there are pretty bitter.

I'd probably initially pick a new team. Maybe even the Jets by default since that's the market we'd get on TV.

But if we got a new team I'd probably switch back depending on how soon it was.

This happened in NY with the Dodgers. Felt like most became Mets fans.
I remember the angst of the Giants moving to New Jersey  
GiantBlue : 5/29/2024 4:41 pm : link
I know...I am old...but I remember the angst because my Dad was a huge Jets fan and he was giving it to me day and night about the Giants moving to NJ. He said: "Root for a real NY team like the Jets....not a NJ team."

I stayed true to the Giants even moving to NJ and loved going to the old Meadowlands to watch games....any and every game I could go...I went!

Then the Jets moved to NJ. LOL.

But anyway, I am true to the Giants and the Giants BLUE! Hence my BBI handle. I would follow them anywhere they moved.
I would  
jtfuoco : 5/29/2024 4:42 pm : link
Be in boat 2 as long as the expansion team is tge NY Giants similar ar to the browns situation a d other outcome i go with number 3
A little of all 3  
UConn4523 : 5/29/2024 4:47 pm : link
I’d never not be a Giants fan but if they moved a new local team would be interesting to follow. But I also don’t care all that much as well, which is where #3 comes in.
BrettNYG10 : 5/29/2024 4:49 pm : link
If the Giants moved today, I'd 'player hop', rooting for teams with a player or two I liked. Lamar or Joe Burrow, for example.

If they moved when we had Eli, I'd follow the franchise and likely remain a fan after he was gone. The team just has nobody I really like right now.
RE: .....  
Go Terps : 5/29/2024 4:53 pm : link
In comment 16526926 BrettNYG10 said:
If the Giants moved today, I'd 'player hop', rooting for teams with a player or two I liked. Lamar or Joe Burrow, for example.

If they moved when we had Eli, I'd follow the franchise and likely remain a fan after he was gone. The team just has nobody I really like right now.

I've felt similarly the last few years. There's so little that is compelling about what the Giants are. The team has no identity, no one likes the stadium, there are no compelling players, coaches, or personalities. It's all pretty dull.

If you started following the NFL today what reason is there to become a Giants fan? We're basically all here due to inertia.
RE: RE: .....  
BrettNYG10 : 5/29/2024 4:58 pm : link
In comment 16526930 Go Terps said:
In comment 16526926 BrettNYG10 said:


If the Giants moved today, I'd 'player hop', rooting for teams with a player or two I liked. Lamar or Joe Burrow, for example.

If they moved when we had Eli, I'd follow the franchise and likely remain a fan after he was gone. The team just has nobody I really like right now.

I've felt similarly the last few years. There's so little that is compelling about what the Giants are. The team has no identity, no one likes the stadium, there are no compelling players, coaches, or personalities. It's all pretty dull.

If you started following the NFL today what reason is there to become a Giants fan? We're basically all here due to inertia.

Yeah, it's been forever. It's really just been rooting for laundry the past 5+ years.
I will stay loyal for awhile  
compton : 5/29/2024 5:17 pm : link
but will slowly drift away. I will embrace an expansion team if one is available else I will just be a casual bandwagon fan.
Anakim : 5/29/2024 5:34 pm : link
Or if no expansion team came, I'd become a fan of the Jets...God help me.
Looks like a lot of fair weather fans  
JT039 : 5/29/2024 5:51 pm : link
If the Giants won a SB this year and moved right after it - everyone would still follow them.

4. I'm moving with them!  
gogiants : 5/29/2024 6:00 pm : link
Not sure, but definitely cancel my season tickets  
George from PA : 5/29/2024 6:28 pm : link
RE: I'd probably  
81_Great_Dane : 5/29/2024 6:31 pm : link
In comment 16526849 pjcas18 said:
just focus on my sports gambling and not have a favorite team. lol.

Did Oilers fans become Titans fans and then abandon the Titans and become Texans fans?

Did Cardinals fans stay loyal with the move from STL to ARI and then become Rams fans when they moved from LA to STL only to be abandoned by football team. again. (and what about the LA Rams fans - that one is complicated)?

Did Browns fans become Ravens fans and then return to being Browns fans?

not sure of the precedent but I do know I don't have much patience for the greed (or worse greed). And I don't even live in NY. I was a CT Giants fan, so I had other geographic options. I now live in metro Boston.
Browns fans HATED Art Modell for moving the team and did not consider the Ravens in any way an extension of their team. I live in Cleveland now; my extended family just wanted Modell to leave the name and colors and get outta town.

So, no, Clevelanders did NOT root for the Ravens.

The owners of the current Browns are threatening to move out of their nice new lakefront stadium in downtown Cleveland to a site in the exurbs where they can build a new whole retail complex and large development. Probably a way to squeeze the city for tax incentives or land. Locals are unhappy about either option.
If the New Team became the  
Svengali : 5/29/2024 6:36 pm : link
New - NYG then I would continue to watch. I personally would never root for the team that left again. Sour grapes or whatever. If the team moved and no team replaced them or a new team with a different name I would probably become a casual fan of football overall but would never spend a dime. Anywho….
RE: 2  
56goat : 5/29/2024 6:44 pm : link
In comment 16526954 Anakim said:
Or if no expansion team came, I'd become a fan of the Jets...God help me.

Not the Jets, never.
I would not root for them if they moved and I’d be  
Jimmy Meatballs : 5/29/2024 6:44 pm : link
less than ecstatic about a replacement team. I’m in the Philly market so I’d probably care less about football but focus all remaining energy on hating the Eagles.
Never the Jets, never  
PatersonPlank : 5/29/2024 6:55 pm : link
Either root for the expansion team, or if none is given pick a random new team to root for
I too.  
Bill E : 5/29/2024 7:18 pm : link
...have never lived in the NYC metro area, unless you consider Rhode Island to be the NYC metro area. (Which the NFL did, way back in the day!)

That, plus the fact that I now live in SD, sticking with the giants is a no brainer!
what if they name the expansion team the New Jersey Giants?  
SteelGiant : 5/29/2024 7:25 pm : link
I would root for New Jersey Giants expansion team.

But a backstory on your hypothetical situation is important. Did the state kick them out or did they move in the middle of the night like the browns/ravens thing?

I would go fishing more often...  
DefenseWins : 5/29/2024 7:57 pm : link
haven't lived in NY for 33 of the last 41 years.  
mfjmfj : 5/29/2024 9:14 pm : link
So I guess I stay with the team wherever they end up.
widmerseyebrow : 5/29/2024 9:27 pm : link
I've been gradually tuning out of the NFL year by year so it'd be an easy out. Overall I think the product is pretty boring and spread too thin now.

I think I'm only really hanging around the Giants to see what comes after Jones, see what's beyond that hill. A team with some kind of possibility ahead of itself. Will I continue the fan journey with a new QB and all the bumps and bruises? I don't know, there's a lot more important things in life than feeling angst about an NFL team.

What little sports I watch now are mostly the ascending local college football team and the Knicks just to see something I haven't seen before.
RE: I'm moving toward the first part of #3 even as it is  
djm : 5/29/2024 9:32 pm : link
In comment 16526847 Go Terps said:
I enjoy watching the NFL very much, but the experience is very different now than years ago. Now you kind of watch the entire league collectively, whereas before it was just the Giants and maybe one of two other games a week.

The ability to watch all the games at the same time, plus the Giants being pretty tough to like these past few years on their own, has really changed the experience.

I think I might be with you. They can stab me in the heart with bad play and I’ll keep coming back as a die hard but leaving town and heading across the country? That’s like cheating. Bad cheating like rub your face in it cheating like that scene in boogie nights when Willam H Macy finally cracks and blows his brains out.

Giants leave town and leave the tri state area? I’m done with them. And I think I’d be done rooting for any one team and just go the casual fan route.
RE: Id probably be #3  
JoeSchoens11 : 5/29/2024 10:36 pm : link
In comment 16526850 Jerry in_DC said:
I like watching the NFL. As Terps said, it's been real tough to get invested in the Giants for a while anyway. So I'd just let it slide away.

It is a weird phenomenon though. I haven't lived in NJ for 25 years. I have no real desire or plan to go to a game to MetLife. I don't even have that much affinity for the NY metro area anymore. But still, if they moved, that would sever something for me.
I’ve been going the opposite way - watching fewer non-Giants games. With the Giants mostly eliminated 2 months in, most other games don’t have much of an impact on the season so it’s hard for me to care about the outcomes which takes the emotion out of it for me

As for the Op, I would definitely go the ‘jilted lover’ route and move on if they ended up in the west.
I’d be done with football altogether  
exiled : 5/29/2024 10:49 pm : link
The Giants keep me invested, even if the game has become less fun to watch.

If the team left NY, fuck them and fuck football.
Funny question  
upnyg : 5/30/2024 3:35 pm : link
I grew up in Fairfield County CT, saw them play at Yale Bowl, practice in Fairfield. Went to college in Westchester County. Eventually moved to Rochester NY in 2005.

My wife asks why Im not a Bills fan, "You're rooting for Football Jerseys".

It was my dad's team, it's my brothers and my team. It would be really weird for that to happen. Logically, I would say if it was a move to the West coast, I think Im done with the NFL.

If it was East Coast or Mid West. maybe I stay as a fan. Would be hard to start over at my age.
My view of the NFL has dimmed considerably over the past 10-15 years  
Greg from LI : 5/30/2024 3:42 pm : link
So I'd probably more or less abandon the NFL. I don't understand "following the whole league without a favorite team" - what's the point? Even though I haven't lived in NY since I was a kid, a Giants team located somewhere else where I never lived just wouldn't have a connection to me and my family anymore. Not interested in that.
Thats a great hypothetical  
NNJ Tom : 5/30/2024 4:36 pm : link
As others have stated, My interest in the NFL would definitely go down. As is, I watch RedZone a lot, because the Giants just play a crappy style of football these days. They are flat out SOFT and boring. For the love of God, can they please stop throwing 5 yard passes on 3rd and 8.

If Belichick became CEO of the new team, I would probably root for them. 2nd, I probably stick to RedZone even more. 3rd would be sadly rooting for the relocated Giants.
NNJ Tom : 5/30/2024 4:41 pm : link
and Never those green bastards with the retarded fan base.
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