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LOL at the NFL...

Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/6/2024 7:14 pm
NFL Rumors @nflrums


The #NFL is telling Green Bay #Packers & Philadelphia #Eagles players that they are NOT ALLOWED TO WEAR THE COLOR GREEN in Brazil for the opener, due the GANGS.

Teams will likely be forced to stay in the hotel all week and travel in armored vehicles, per former #Raiders Josh Jacobs
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/6/2024 7:19 pm : link
Is this satire? I'm half serious too.
OBJRoyal : 6/6/2024 7:20 pm : link
Two teams whose colors happen to be green, get chosen to play in Brazil, who happens to have green as a part of their identity, and now said teams can’t wear green???? Way to go NFL
The Onion,  
bluefin : 6/6/2024 7:24 pm : link
This post in the comments provided some more context  
SimpleMan : 6/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
So here’s the thing, for the fans worried about this message:

The real issue with the color "green" is related to the local soccer rivalry. Corinthians, the team that plays at the stadium where the game will be held, has a fierce rivalry with Palmeiras, a team that wears green. As a joke during the announcement, a Corinthians representative suggested the teams avoid wearing green.

It's well known that, as this is a separate event, Corinthians and their supporters will respect the team and its visitors like any other event. We will also make sure to treat the stadium like our own home.

SĂŁo Paulo is a vast metropolis, one of the largest in the world. Like many other big cities, it faces social inequality and crime. Any foreigner should be mindful of this, just as someone from a small town in the USA would need to be cautious when visiting cities like NY or LA. This doesn't mean you'll be targeted for wearing green. However, like any big city, there's a risk of being mugged if you're not careful with your belongings or surroundings.

For millionaire football players, there are certainly additional precautions to consider. It's sensible to advise players to be cautious and use only authorized transportation. However, telling players not to wear green is unnecessary and the "gang references" reinforces stereotypes that only escalates prejudice.

We hope that the @NFLBrasil can show how SĂŁo Paulo is welcoming the fans and how our NFL Fan Community is ready for a party like no other.
I thought  
Giantsbigblue : 6/6/2024 7:43 pm : link
The green thing had to do with it being the color of the soccer team in that stadium rivals or something. Either way, terrible choice to put 2 green wearing teams.
Why would the NFL put the players, coaches, and families in a  
Jack Stroud : 6/6/2024 7:43 pm : link
dangerous environment? Money rules!
I've been saying this for months  
j_rud : 6/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
Look, I don't want to see a couple of south Philly goombas get kidnapped, unsuccessfully ransomed, and dumped in a shallow, unmarked grave...but if that's what it takes to get rid of this international game bullshit...I'll buy the zip ties...
RE: Why would the NFL put the players, coaches, and families in a  
Chris in Philly : 6/6/2024 8:20 pm : link
In comment 16532212 Jack Stroud said:
dangerous environment? Money rules!

Why? For the…….green.

christian : 6/6/2024 8:24 pm : link
Yikes, that's a pretty rough interview if you listen to Jacobs.

Just some minor clarifications. As noted above, the not wearing green thing appears to stem from a joke about not wearing a rival soccer clubs colors by the host city.

Sao Palo definitely has a robbery problem, but otherwise is as safe overall as many US metro areas.

As far as not being able to visit Rio, probably not in the cards since it's about 500 KM away. When the Packers play the Chargers do they plan on visiting San Francisco?
RE: …  
UConn4523 : 6/6/2024 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16532243 christian said:
Yikes, that's a pretty rough interview if you listen to Jacobs.

Just some minor clarifications. As noted above, the not wearing green thing appears to stem from a joke about not wearing a rival soccer clubs colors by the host city.

Sao Palo definitely has a robbery problem, but otherwise is as safe overall as many US metro areas.

As far as not being able to visit Rio, probably not in the cards since it's about 500 KM away. When the Packers play the Chargers do they plan on visiting San Francisco?

Not sure I’d compare traveling to US locations with a country most of the players have never been to. They also have 9 and 10 days off - they can easily see Rio and head back (unless there’s some rules against it that I’m unaware of).
RE: This post in the comments provided some more context  
Larry in Pencilvania : 6/6/2024 8:52 pm : link
In comment 16532209 SimpleMan said:
So here’s the thing, for the fans worried about this message:

We will also make sure to treat the stadium like our own home.

So here's the thing. Eagles have Big Dom the South Philly tough guy to protect them so they're good. Other than that they'll get drunk and fight with Packers fans and locals. Just like any Sunday at the Linc
London, Toronto, Vancouver and Honolulu  
gridirony : 6/6/2024 8:53 pm : link
get my endorsement for expansion teams.

Honolulu should get to schedule almost all home games in pairs of back-to-back weeks. Then a vacation to Hawaii could consist of about a full 8 day stay, more or less if they do Monday night football, and much more if they do Thursday night football, in taking in the two games. The same with London.

You world travelers can thank me, if it ever happens.

And, I'd like to see those individual foreign games disappear.
christian : 6/6/2024 9:00 pm : link
In comment 16532258 UConn4523 said:
Yikes, that's a pretty rough interview if you listen to Jacobs.

Just some minor clarifications. As noted above, the not wearing green thing appears to stem from a joke about not wearing a rival soccer clubs colors by the host city.

Sao Palo definitely has a robbery problem, but otherwise is as safe overall as many US metro areas.

As far as not being able to visit Rio, probably not in the cards since it's about 500 KM away. When the Packers play the Chargers do they plan on visiting San Francisco?

Not sure I’d compare traveling to US locations with a country most of the players have never been to. They also have 9 and 10 days off - they can easily see Rio and head back (unless there’s some rules against it that I’m unaware of).

The Packers aren't skipping a day trip to Rio because Brazil is so dangerous. They're not taking a day trip to Rio because it's not particularly close to Sao Paulo.

I suspect the Packers aren't spending 10 days in Brazil. Jacobs is a fabulously wealthy person, I'm confident he can holiday in Rio during the chunk of the year when he's not working.
Not commenting on the safety  
UConn4523 : 6/6/2024 9:10 pm : link
simply pointing out that I can see players bummed to not even be able to explore a country they likely have never been to, and that it’s not apples to apples with US travel.
RE: I've been saying this for months  
DefenseWins : 6/6/2024 9:14 pm : link
In comment 16532233 j_rud said:
Look, I don't want to see a couple of south Philly goombas get kidnapped, unsuccessfully ransomed, and dumped in a shallow, unmarked grave...but if that's what it takes to get rid of this international game bullshit...I'll buy the zip ties...

I already bought them for an occasion like this.
christian : 6/6/2024 9:19 pm : link
You know, they say that the part of Brazil we go, you can't even wear green there. They say, like, I guess it's gotta do with the gangs and stuff ... we're not going to Rio. They told us, they was like, man this one of them places where they probably won't even let us leave. They probably going to have armored vehicles following around. I'm like, 'Bro, why are we out here?

Here's his quote BTW.
jomps : 6/6/2024 10:41 pm : link
Guys, there's nothing to worry about what Jacobs said. Green is Palmeiras color, Corinthians (stadium owner) most fierce rivals, but it has absolutely no influence in an NFL game. And SĂŁo Paulo is not very dangerous, people just need to be smart about what they do and where they go, same as it is for everyone visiting a place they don't know.

Sometimes I think some people believe we live in the middle of the jungle, haha.
RE: RE: Why would the NFL put the players, coaches, and families in a  
eric2425ny : 6/6/2024 11:55 pm : link
In comment 16532239 Chris in Philly said:
In comment 16532212 Jack Stroud said:


dangerous environment? Money rules!

Why? For the…….green.

lol, this is totally a Caruso one liner.
Jacobs is a moron is the  
LauderdaleMatty : 6/7/2024 12:00 am : link
Take away. Got more than a few friends from Brazil and SĂŁo Paulo. It's a very safe city. . But no city should s 100'% sage. And I was in Philly for a convention last November. It's a shit hole. Traq addicts every where near the convention center. But don't wear. Green. What a dumb ass
Nothing to see here  
SomeFan : 6/7/2024 12:04 am : link
please move along
RE: I've been saying this for months  
Mike from Ohio : 6/7/2024 8:57 am : link
In comment 16532233 j_rud said:
Look, I don't want to see a couple of south Philly goombas get kidnapped, unsuccessfully ransomed, and dumped in a shallow, unmarked grave...but if that's what it takes to get rid of this international game bullshit...I'll buy the zip ties...

"Meanwhile, local authorities are encouraging Eagles fans to not only wear green, but also to wear gaudy jewelry and expensive clothing as they walk about the city in the evening hours. Many local businesses only accept cash, so Eagles fans are encouraged to carry significant amounts of it on their person at all times."
christian : 6/7/2024 9:15 am : link
So in summary the NFL has advised players to not go out alone in a foreign country, where they presumably don't know the language, and because of their perceived wealth to not risk getting robbed. This feels like a very reasonable approach and nothing to do with wearing green or the alleged hell scape of Sao Paulo.
RE: ...  
4xchamps : 6/7/2024 1:28 pm : link
In comment 16532423 christian said:
So in summary the NFL has advised players to not go out alone in a foreign country, where they presumably don't know the language, and because of their perceived wealth to not risk getting robbed. This feels like a very reasonable approach and nothing to do with wearing green or the alleged hell scape of Sao Paulo.

This isn't as fun as making up a garbage narrative though
As an fyi  
Andy in Halifax : 6/7/2024 1:39 pm : link
NFL Rumors @nflrums is not a legit source.
RE: As an fyi  
christian : 6/7/2024 1:42 pm : link
In comment 16532589 Andy in Halifax said:
NFL Rumors @nflrums is not a legit source.

The actual interview with Jacobs is a rough listen.
RE: London, Toronto, Vancouver and Honolulu  
JohnF : 6/7/2024 4:01 pm : link
In comment 16532270 gridirony said:
get my endorsement for expansion teams.

Vancouver is too close to Seattle, and is likely part of the SeaHawks TV market. You can't put a team in Toronto as well, too close to Buffalo. And if you put NFL franchises in either city, you kill the CFL teams there. The TV markets in both areas are too small, IMO. Both are unlikely to happen.

Yes, I know the NFL still has some small market teams (Buffalo, Green Bay). They are grandfathered in. They wouldn't be considered for expansion in the future if their teams ever left.

If you have a team in London (and we know Goodell is hell bent on doing that, likely reflecting what the owners want), then you need to put two teams in Germany (for travel and TV reasons.) Germany is a prime NFL market, even more so than London.

Fans and players would LOVE to see Hawaii as a potential target for expansion. But the TV market there is way too small. Honolulu's TV market rating is 66th. The Albany Capitol District TV market is 59th...and Albany isn't getting an NFL franchise. Don't forget, TV pays the bill for the NFL.
cool story bruh  
4xchamps : 6/7/2024 10:27 pm : link
But not true... - ( New Window )
christian : 6/7/2024 10:43 pm : link
So, not LOL at the NFL?
Know what kind of drives me nuts  
bhill410 : 6/8/2024 6:54 am : link
These tourist writers saying “just like any other city” because no the Brazilian cities are not just like any big US city. They are multiple factors more dangerous. You shouldn’t have to be on constant guard to exist in a city which you have to there. I remember my company wouldn’t let employees bring their laptops when visiting the São Paulo office because it was almost guaranteed to get them mugged.
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