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Met Evan Neal

SuperRonJohnson : 6/10/2024 2:03 pm
in Okeechobee Fl this past Saturday.He is a native of Okeechobee. (He played there his freshman year , then transferred to IMG Academy). He and his foundation had a football camp that was free to everyone. There were several hundred boys football players and this year he invited girls high school football teams to compete in a tournament( I had my girls team there). He met individually with each team and posed for pictures. There was no cost for anything. Games, food, drinks shirts and sports bags all free. I know many athletes do this kind of thing. But it was great to see this and makes me really hope this kid turns the corner and becomes successful.
wow, that is really nice to hear  
SteelGiant : 6/10/2024 2:05 pm : link
hope he figures it out
Absolutely awesome.  
robbieballs2003 : 6/10/2024 2:06 pm : link
I hope he shuts up all the naysayers. He seems like a great dude.
If you have been to Okeechobee, you know that Evan Neal’s camp  
Ivan15 : 6/10/2024 2:14 pm : link
Is probably the biggest event in town except for the annual rodeo. Okeechobee is real Old Florida.
And it was close to  
SuperRonJohnson : 6/10/2024 2:18 pm : link
100 degrees out there. Definitely not the Florida people imagine, Cattle country,orange groves, and sugar cane.
Nice post  
solarmike : 6/10/2024 2:32 pm : link
RE: And it was close to  
Ivan15 : 6/10/2024 2:32 pm : link
In comment 16534014 SuperRonJohnson said:
100 degrees out there. Definitely not the Florida people imagine, Cattle country,orange groves, and sugar cane.
I believe it! 98 degrees here now and we are 50 miles away on the coast.
Good to hear. I'm rooting for him to play better out of the gate  
Ira : 6/10/2024 2:37 pm : link
SuperRonJohnson : 6/10/2024 2:46 pm : link
I'm on the east coast-PSL
Was he  
Bill in UT : 6/10/2024 2:51 pm : link
RE: Absolutely awesome.  
FranknWeezer : 6/10/2024 3:00 pm : link
In comment 16534002 robbieballs2003 said:
I hope he shuts up all the naysayers. He seems like a great dude.

Robbie, meaning us?! ;-)
Wow, all free.  
Pete in MD : 6/10/2024 3:01 pm : link
Looks like he doesn't block anybody...from participating.

(I kid, I kid)
RE: Ivan  
Ivan15 : 6/10/2024 3:19 pm : link
In comment 16534039 SuperRonJohnson said:
I'm on the east coast-PSL
Now only 96 in Jupiter, but still too hot to be outside. I used to consult for GDC in PSL. In 45 years, we rarely saw any day over 93-94. This year, it looks like 93 will be a break.
It was there too Coach P  
fl giants fan : 6/10/2024 3:45 pm : link
He was very nice and supportive - said his ankle was doing well - sighed autographs - chatted - worked with the kids during drills - stayed to the end.

Agreed, hope he has a great year - career.
How were the hot dogs  
Larry in Pencilvania : 6/10/2024 4:06 pm : link
Was he roaring like a lion  
The_Boss : 6/10/2024 4:16 pm : link
While flipping the burgers?
That's awesome  
DavidinBMNY : 6/10/2024 4:18 pm : link
I'm sure those kids had a great experience. Well done Mr. Neal

Thanks for sharing!
Another pleasant thread!  
HopePhil and Optimistic : 6/10/2024 4:43 pm : link
This is nice. ( Apologies if this is considered trolling)
Thanks for posting SRJ  
Lines of Scrimmage : 6/10/2024 5:08 pm : link
Great effort by Neal. Awesome seeing NFL players contribute to helping kids establish sports as a big part of their life.
xman : 6/10/2024 5:19 pm : link
generosity. Great to hear
Good way to give back to the community.  
Giant John : 6/10/2024 7:59 pm : link
Hope he ends up HOF’er.
RE: ... while flipping the burgers?  
Trainmaster : 6/10/2024 8:12 pm : link
I was in the Neal camp before the burger comment.

"The person that’s commenting on my performance, what does he do? Flip hot dogs and hamburgers somewhere? … Most critics really don’t understand the game of football to the level that we understand it in this building. So why would a lion concern himself with the opinion of a sheep?"

The fact is even a burger flipper can see that Neal looks like another overpaid, under achieving player that will likely have a short career.

I hope I'm wrong.

Burger Flipper Comment - ( New Window )
So I guess a person that  
Dave on the UWS : 6/10/2024 8:42 pm : link
is very frustrated and disappointed, shouldn’t EVER express it, because it will haunt them the rest of their lives.
Nice society we’ve got going here.
You guys should be proud:

He Has Every Reason To Be Frustrated And Disappointed  
Trainmaster : 6/10/2024 9:06 pm : link
And should be free to express it.

What has that got to do with demeaning the fan base that essentially pays his check?

Again, I hope he has a successful career with the Giants and learns to direct his frustration at the person staring back at himself in the mirror in the morning.
Florida summers are brutal ....  
short lease : 6/11/2024 1:13 am : link
I would love to move there but, I am not a heat guy.
RE: He Has Every Reason To Be Frustrated And Disappointed  
BigBlueShock : 6/11/2024 8:10 am : link
In comment 16534273 Trainmaster said:
And should be free to express it.

What has that got to do with demeaning the fan base that essentially pays his check?

Again, I hope he has a successful career with the Giants and learns to direct his frustration at the person staring back at himself in the mirror in the morning.

This is precious. So fans get to run their drunk ass mouth, insult players and their families and sometimes some of these useless nitwits even send out death threats to the players because they aren’t playing good enough but then those same morons get all sensitive when a player fires back? Haha, classic.

If you don’t want to be insulted, keep your damn mouth shut. All of you fans that have gone after him so severely have plenty of massive flats in your pathetic lives to, why aren’t YOU looking in the mirror and directing your frustrations on on THAT guy?
RE: ... why aren’t YOU looking in the mirror  
Trainmaster : 6/11/2024 10:39 am : link
It didn't require a drunk fan to criticize the very poor play from a player who received many millions of dollars as a top draft pick and have him perform at an undrafted free agent level.

And again, he accuses fans who rightly criticize his disappointing play as burger flippers?
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