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Daniel Jones is absolutely the man

Ralph.C : 6/12/2024 2:40 am
It’s mind boggling the short fuses and low level of loyalty Giant fans have now.

Then again, maybe it’s nothing new.

Many people wanted Phil Simms gone after 1981 because he was injury prone. Many people wanted Eli gone after the 4 interception Darren Sharper game.

So, when it comes to “the base” evaluating Giant QBs?

Maybe Giant fans aren’t as football intelligent as they think they are.

I was banging my steering wheel today listening to a NY sports talk radio
guy complaining and ranting about how he can’t believe in the team while DJ is QB. He said “While he had some success 2 years ago, last year was a disaster.”

Yes, it was a disaster:

1) The offensive line was beyond abysmal early on. No running lanes meant no running game and no pass protection meant
no passing game .

2) His “go to guy” Waller was washed up - hence his retirement this year.

3) He was relentlessly pummeled and was crushed from his blindside and basically suffererd whiplash.


How the hell can you ignore 2022 and not give Daniel the benefit of the doubt?

Look at how hard he’s worked and how he’s apparently ready for the start of training camp.

Check out this video.

1) He looks rock solid
2) He seems relaxed, focused and unaffected
3) He looks like a confident leader

You guys who want him out the door?


Me, personally?

I think this 27-year old NY Giants QB has the talent, drive, work ethic and mental toughness to have a super amazing season IF the offensive line just gives him just DECENT play upfront.

DJ is a star player who has had incredibly bad luck.

Don’t wish him away - GET BEHIND HIM. I can’t believe that I have to attempt to convince Giant fans to believe in their QB.

Because all of you who want him gone for someone else?

You’ll be the same people pushing the next QB out the door as well.

We’ve upgraded the offensive line.
We can only pray that Evan Neal becomes the player we thought he was.
Devin Singletary is a solid - still young - running back.
Malik has star potential and may make Hyatt a better player.
Burns is a great addition to the defense.

I could go on and on about the upside of this team.

But for once?

Can we all rally behind the guy quarterbacking our team and give him a shot?

If he plays badly? (which he won’t )

Then fine, we move on.

Let’s just start the season collectively as Giants fans and pull for our QB to have a breakout season.

It’s not like he’s Ryan f****** Leaf.

Leader of the team - ( New Window )
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RE: RE: …  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 2:08 pm : link
In comment 16535434 Jack Stroud said:
In comment 16534983 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:



& this is why other fans of other teams laugh at us.

That is not true, any proof? I know you are a true Jones hater, but there are those of us, like Ralph C whwo think Jones is a top tier qb, we believe he can get the Giants 10 wins. Until proven other wise we will stick with him!

"Until he proves otherwise..."

This is the lense so many of you use that I don't understand. The world has to "prove" Jones isn't a good QB, and as long as he can play one more game, that hasn't been proven.

Why does Jones have no responsibility to prove he is good? Why is it assumed that if there are bad players around him, he must be good? Does that also mean Taylor and Devito are good because they had the same bad players around them and produced similar results?

I have never in my life seen a fan base have lower expectations for a single player than Giants fans for Daniel Jones.

"He got out of bed and made it to the facility today! You can't teach leadership and desire like that!!!"
ChrisRick : 6/12/2024 2:08 pm : link
What quality of discourse rating should be assigned to this thread?

Mike from Ohio.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 2:12 pm : link
It’s fucking lunacy. I’m not joking when I call it a cult because it is.
RE: .  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16535464 ChrisRick said:
What quality of discourse rating should be assigned to this thread?

It was about a 4, trending to a 3, when the usual "you're a dupe / no you're a dupe" idiots showed up and drove it to a zero.
RE: RE: The excuses are always there. Just look.  
bwitz : 6/12/2024 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16535376 JT039 said:
In comment 16535370 bwitz said:


If this, if that, if, if, if…

I can’t wait until the team is completely perfect around Jones so he can finally start to show how good he really is. Think that’ll happen by year 12?

So no excuses are being cited. Thanks.

So, you’re delusional and can’t read. Thanks. Good to know.
RE: Mike from Ohio.  
Giantsbigblue : 6/12/2024 2:20 pm : link
In comment 16535470 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It’s fucking lunacy. I’m not joking when I call it a cult because it is.

You are in the cult on the opposite of this.

Threads like this exist because some of you have taken it too far with shitting on Jones every chance you can get. It's all tit for tat at this point.
People get extreme enjoyment trolling YouTube, Reddit etc.  
UConn4523 : 6/12/2024 2:20 pm : link
why would BBI be any different? Jack Stroud playing you guys like a fiddle.
RE: Mike from Ohio.  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 2:21 pm : link
In comment 16535470 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It’s fucking lunacy. I’m not joking when I call it a cult because it is.

I root for the Giants team. If a player helps them win, I root for them. If a player doesn't help them win, I want them replaced with someone better.

I am trying to understand that that is not how everyone views it, which is fine.
Johnny5 : 6/12/2024 2:30 pm : link
I guess all you cry babies who hate the QB can keep crying about it in 10,000 threads everyday. The staff liked him enough after 2022 to keep him even after foregoing his 5th year option, and Schoen Paid him. He is going to be the starting QB this season barring injury issues. Sadly for the crying expert BBI QB evaluators, for all of your jumping up and down and screaming and proclaiming how much he sucks (and how much you know he sucks) it didn't change that fact.

I myself will root for the team to actually have improved this year, especially the OL and skill positions (but ESPECIALLY OL) and actually root for Daniel Jones (or any other QB behind center this season) to be successful. I'm actually looking forward to the season. The team is not good enough to make a super bowl, but if they are improved and keep themselves relevant into playoff crunch time, and if the offense shows some real life, I'll consider that a successful season.
RE: The Jake  
kickoff : 6/12/2024 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16535037 mittenedman said:
Ah the old “6 YEARZ” argument. (It’s been 5, but OK.) His rookie year was promising and 2022 was solid. So now we’re down to 3 bad years. 2 played for Judge/Garrett (does that count?) and 1 last year when everything collapsed around him. 6 Yearz huh?

Give Patrick Mahomes 6 Yearz of what Daniel experienced last year and see what you get. No QB is performing well in those types of circumstances. I would think that’s understood by everyone, but here we are, and there are still people here trying to use last year against him.

Jake, you make so much sense. It's amazing how DJ haters totally ignore the conditions he's played under. The OL not only stinks but has been getting him battered for several years, ignored. Oh, he's supposed to rise above that, what BS. Mediocre receivers, at best, ignored. Oh, he's supposed to make all around him better, BS. Even 2022 when he took the team to the playoffs, the surrounding cast was not that great, does he get credit? No, ignored. The cry is he stunk against Philly when the entire team got blitzed, even our pro bowlers. Ignored. Oh, but it's been 5 years, yes, 5 years with the same incompetent team, ignored. Three different systems in 5 years, ignored. These are called excuses by some but they're facts totally ignored so they can keep the anti-DJ train moving. Then of course, you get the contract argument, with that money he has to play better, so if his contract was less would his play then be acceptable? Ralph made the point that DJ is mentally tough. Better believe it. Only a mentally tough person can play under those constant bad conditions and unrelenting criticism from fans and yes, so called experts. Of course, I'm no QB expert just a fan, but I have seen flashes of excellent play from him and wonder what he could do under better circumstances. This is nothing I haven't stated before but so obvious to me that it merits repeating.
How dare you insult the OL and receivers  
Jerry in_DC : 6/12/2024 2:33 pm : link
Toxic fan right there. Bonafide hater.
RE: Well  
kickoff : 6/12/2024 2:34 pm : link
In comment 16535488 Johnny5 said:
I guess all you cry babies who hate the QB can keep crying about it in 10,000 threads everyday. The staff liked him enough after 2022 to keep him even after foregoing his 5th year option, and Schoen Paid him. He is going to be the starting QB this season barring injury issues. Sadly for the crying expert BBI QB evaluators, for all of your jumping up and down and screaming and proclaiming how much he sucks (and how much you know he sucks) it didn't change that fact.

I myself will root for the team to actually have improved this year, especially the OL and skill positions (but ESPECIALLY OL) and actually root for Daniel Jones (or any other QB behind center this season) to be successful. I'm actually looking forward to the season. The team is not good enough to make a super bowl, but if they are improved and keep themselves relevant into playoff crunch time, and if the offense shows some real life, I'll consider that a successful season.

Nice sensible post.
RE: RE: RE: The excuses are always there. Just look.  
JT039 : 6/12/2024 2:35 pm : link
In comment 16535473 bwitz said:
In comment 16535376 JT039 said:


In comment 16535370 bwitz said:


If this, if that, if, if, if…

I can’t wait until the team is completely perfect around Jones so he can finally start to show how good he really is. Think that’ll happen by year 12?

So no excuses are being cited. Thanks.

So, you’re delusional and can’t read. Thanks. Good to know.

You know you provided absolutely no examples. Good try though.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Jones criticism is no longer about Jones  
JT039 : 6/12/2024 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16535445 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16535408 JT039 said:


In comment 16535403 Go Terps said:


In comment 16535401 Blue21 said:


In comment 16535142 Go Terps said:


What he is is well established.

Jones criticism is about Daboll, Schoen, and Mara. They opted to pay this stiff and have not tried to improve on him. That's on them.

They had better win those 10-11 games this year. Anything less and they should all get destroyed.

Anything less and very very unlikely Jones sees 2025 with the Giants.

Anything less and none of them should see 2025 with the Giants. Unfortunately though the owner can't be fired.

Same owner with two SB wins?

How many did Coughlin and Reese have? They both got fired by that owner, didn't they? So I guess John Mara is really the one who deserves the credit for those trophies?

So I guess we can only judge an owner when things are bad. But not when they’re good? Or should be like certain posters who accuse him of being racist?

Hard to keep up.

But the fact people keep referring to the owner as a reason this team has been tend to be very low IQ people. But hey - maybe that’s why you relate so well to them.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 2:38 pm : link
I have higher standards than ‘Well, I just hope we’re in the playoff mix come December.’

I would like to compete regularly for Super Bowls.
Fighting over Sobel.  
logman : 6/12/2024 2:40 pm : link
That's smart.
RE: …  
JT039 : 6/12/2024 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16535499 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I have higher standards than ‘Well, I just hope we’re in the playoff mix come December.’

I would like to compete regularly for Super Bowls.

I’m not trying to pick a fight. But we have to get to the playoffs first. If we win 10-11 games and get there - that’s a huge step forward. We can keep adding to the team (and finding a new QB at the same time).

This season shouldn’t be SB or bust. It should be getting to the playoffs.
RE: Well  
Go Terps : 6/12/2024 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16535488 Johnny5 said:

I myself will root for the team to actually have improved this year, especially the OL and skill positions (but ESPECIALLY OL) and actually root for Daniel Jones (or any other QB behind center this season) to be successful.

Here's the thing about what you root for: no one cares.

When the Giants play against Patrick Mahomes or Joe Montana or Otto Graham you can root for those guys to suck but it won't matter; those guys are great players.

Daniel Jones is a shitty starting NFL quarterback. Of the 90 or so quarterbacks currently on NFL rosters he'd probably rank around 40-50; he's firmly backup quality and arguably the third best QB currently on the team. Root for him all you want - it doesn't make any difference. If they pulled a random guy off the street to be the Giants' QB you'd root for him too. It wouldn't make him any good.

No one cares what you're rooting for. There's what we want, and then there's what's real.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 2:44 pm : link
That’s a fair point.
RE: RE: Mike from Ohio.  
Brown_Hornet : 6/12/2024 2:44 pm : link
In comment 16535481 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16535470 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


It’s fucking lunacy. I’m not joking when I call it a cult because it is.

I root for the Giants team. If a player helps them win, I root for them. If a player doesn't help them win, I want them replaced with someone better.

I am trying to understand that that is not how everyone views it, which is fine.
Stop trying so hard.
That is exactly how everyone (well, except Jack, he's special) feels.
The difference is how you respond when the roster is set.
RE: RE: …  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16535504 JT039 said:
In comment 16535499 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I have higher standards than ‘Well, I just hope we’re in the playoff mix come December.’

I would like to compete regularly for Super Bowls.

I’m not trying to pick a fight. But we have to get to the playoffs first. If we win 10-11 games and get there - that’s a huge step forward. We can keep adding to the team (and finding a new QB at the same time).

This season shouldn’t be SB or bust. It should be getting to the playoffs.

Of course you are trying to pick a fight. Just a few minutes ago you accused anyone being critical of the owner as being "low IQ."

If you want to be nasty and insulting, just embrace it. God knows enough others do. But don't pretend to be trying to bring common sense or moderation to a discussion where people with differing opinions are all stupid.
is there another equally  
santacruzom : 6/12/2024 2:50 pm : link
mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.
RE: RE: RE: …  
JT039 : 6/12/2024 2:57 pm : link
In comment 16535510 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16535504 JT039 said:


In comment 16535499 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I have higher standards than ‘Well, I just hope we’re in the playoff mix come December.’

I would like to compete regularly for Super Bowls.

I’m not trying to pick a fight. But we have to get to the playoffs first. If we win 10-11 games and get there - that’s a huge step forward. We can keep adding to the team (and finding a new QB at the same time).

This season shouldn’t be SB or bust. It should be getting to the playoffs.

Of course you are trying to pick a fight. Just a few minutes ago you accused anyone being critical of the owner as being "low IQ."

If you want to be nasty and insulting, just embrace it. God knows enough others do. But don't pretend to be trying to bring common sense or moderation to a discussion where people with differing opinions are all stupid.

Actually I wasn’t picking a fight at all. I know SFGF doesn’t like Jones as the QB. And I understand the goal is contend for the SB. But we aren’t there yet. Even if everything goes right this season. But if this team makes the playoffs and some of your younger players take off - it would be a very successful season. No matter who the QB is. We need some success first. And you can have success and also look for a new QB along the way.

That should be the goal for this season. IMO.
RE: is there another equally  
Johnny5 : 6/12/2024 2:59 pm : link
In comment 16535512 santacruzom said:
mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.

It's not about a specific person. You can insert any QBs name there, and if the team doesn't win a super bowl (or sometimes even when it just gets to or even does win one) you have a few dooshbags who will flood every thread about how much they know about NFL quarterbacking (more than the GM and staff) and that [INSERT QB NAME HERE] NEEDS to be replaced and that the owner is conspiring to suck and handcuffing the staff and literally SCREAM into every other thread here about it incessantly.
RE: is there another equally  
UConn4523 : 6/12/2024 2:59 pm : link
In comment 16535512 santacruzom said:
mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.

Of course there are, we just aren’t on those message boards. You don’t think Darnold, Mayfield, Winston, etc didn’t have big support from a minority group of fans?
Go Terps : 6/12/2024 3:01 pm : link

Trubisky and Darnold have changed teams three times since being drafted. Daniel Jones has made 60 starts on the same team and has a $160M contract.
RE: RE: is there another equally  
JT039 : 6/12/2024 3:02 pm : link
In comment 16535525 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16535512 santacruzom said:


mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.

Of course there are, we just aren’t on those message boards. You don’t think Darnold, Mayfield, Winston, etc didn’t have big support from a minority group of fans?

Forget athlete. What about coaching? Marvin Lewis coached something like 14 years for the bengals and never won a playoff game.
RE: .  
eric2425ny : 6/12/2024 3:41 pm : link
In comment 16535526 Go Terps said:

Trubisky and Darnold have changed teams three times since being drafted. Daniel Jones has made 60 starts on the same team and has a $160M contract.

Numbers don’t lie.
RE: RE: is there another equally  
santacruzom : 6/12/2024 3:52 pm : link
In comment 16535525 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16535512 santacruzom said:


mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.

Of course there are, we just aren’t on those message boards. You don’t think Darnold, Mayfield, Winston, etc didn’t have big support from a minority group of fans?

I don't know, but if so, their big support wouldn't exist in the same vacuum as Jones' support does because all three were more highly touted prospects with considerably more collegiate success than Jones ever had.
Whether or not you think DJ is the answer (and I don't think he is)  
56goat : 6/12/2024 3:58 pm : link
to me the biggest single reason we need to move on is his significant injury history, esp the neck. If we put all our eggs in the DJ basket for the foreseeable future (which it looks like we have done), we are potentially 1 solid hit away from relying on Lock & Tommy to save the day. I get the $$$ dilemma, but "I don't have a good feeling about this."
RE: RE: RE: is there another equally  
UConn4523 : 6/12/2024 4:08 pm : link
In comment 16535558 santacruzom said:
In comment 16535525 UConn4523 said:


In comment 16535512 santacruzom said:


mediocre, inconsequential, and eventually irrelevant and forgettable athlete anywhere who has inspired debates with this much passion and vitriol? It really is astonishing.

Of course there are, we just aren’t on those message boards. You don’t think Darnold, Mayfield, Winston, etc didn’t have big support from a minority group of fans?

I don't know, but if so, their big support wouldn't exist in the same vacuum as Jones' support does because all three were more highly touted prospects with considerably more collegiate success than Jones ever had.

What’s your sample size though, 4 posters on BBI? WFAN callers don’t like Jones, most of the media has moved on, people that play fantasy don’t use him. People that gamble might bet rushing stats?

You guys might be arguing with trolls and that’s the sample size.
My views on Jones have been clear  
Sean : 6/12/2024 4:37 pm : link
He needs to go out and win this year. He has a very strong WR group. He's got an all pro level left tackle. He's got an OL which was invested in heavily through free agency. He's got an offensive coordinator who is viewed as an up and coming coaching prospect who will likely get a HC job. He's got a head coach who won COY in 2022.

He needs to go out and start fast and win. He needs to quiet the fans and lead a strong offense. He's making $40M and he's got a strong supporting cast. Enough of the excuses.

If it's a slow start, move to Lock and don't let Jones see the field again.
Great post UConn  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 4:44 pm : link
While the debates are heated here on BBI, it is a very small, vocal subset of the fan base that is all in on Daniel Jones.

There is no real debate on Jones. 98% of this fan base has moved on from thinking he is any sort of answer for this franchise.
RE: Great post UConn  
Sean : 6/12/2024 4:52 pm : link
In comment 16535580 Mike from Ohio said:
While the debates are heated here on BBI, it is a very small, vocal subset of the fan base that is all in on Daniel Jones.

There is no real debate on Jones. 98% of this fan base has moved on from thinking he is any sort of answer for this franchise.

Yes, the far majority of NYG fans wanted to move on from Jones leading up to the draft. BBI tends to skew older and more patient which I imagine is why we see some posts like we do from Ralph. The far majority of Giant fans will be booing heavily if Jones struggles week 1. The leash needs to be short otherwise the fans will let it be known rather quickly.
RE: Great post UConn  
Snorkels : 6/12/2024 5:03 pm : link
In comment 16535580 Mike from Ohio said:
While the debates are heated here on BBI, it is a very small, vocal subset of the fan base that is all in on Daniel Jones.

Nice strawman there Mike! Maybe the only people 'all in' on Jones are Schoen, Daboll and the Giants but then WTF do they know. I also doubt very much there are any fans at all 'all in' on Jones; What they have done is accepted the reality that Jones is going to be the guy this year and like the Giants feel that Jones has shown some stuff in the past and would like to see what he can do surrounded by a better supporting cast.

There is no real debate on Jones.
True there isn't. The Giants have made their decision and all the sqwuaking in the world isn't going to change anything.

98% of this fan base has moved on from thinking he is any sort of answer for this franchise.
Exactly where are they going to go! And when the Giants do start to win again I hope they just keep on going!
RE: RE: Great post UConn  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/12/2024 5:06 pm : link
In comment 16535588 Snorkels said:
In comment 16535580 Mike from Ohio said:


While the debates are heated here on BBI, it is a very small, vocal subset of the fan base that is all in on Daniel Jones.

Nice strawman there Mike! Maybe the only people 'all in' on Jones are Schoen, Daboll and the Giants but then WTF do they know. I also doubt very much there are any fans at all 'all in' on Jones; What they have done is accepted the reality that Jones is going to be the guy this year and like the Giants feel that Jones has shown some stuff in the past and would like to see what he can do surrounded by a better supporting cast.


There is no real debate on Jones.

True there isn't. The Giants have made their decision and all the sqwuaking in the world isn't going to change anything.


98% of this fan base has moved on from thinking he is any sort of answer for this franchise.

Exactly where are they going to go! And when the Giants do start to win again I hope they just keep on going!

Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 5:06 pm : link
You never disappoint with your silliness.
Jones isn't really the discussion though, is he?  
Go Terps : 6/12/2024 5:20 pm : link
To me the discussion should probably center on the Giants' approach to the quarterback position.

If this past offseason was not a favorable enough landscape to try to improve the QB situation, then what circumstances have to be in place?

Or is it like Sy said above...they paid Jones so that's that...?
Larry in Pencilvania : 6/12/2024 5:30 pm : link
Jones is what he is  
Mike from Ohio : 6/12/2024 5:34 pm : link
60 starts in the NFL is a sufficient sample size to tell you a lot about a player.

My concern is not about Jones and what he will and won't be. my concern is the front office and why they seem convinced Jones gives them the best chance to win year in and year out since this will be year 3 for Schoen and Daboll hitching their fortunes to him?
RE: My views on Jones have been clear  
Ivan15 : 6/12/2024 5:42 pm : link
In comment 16535578 Sean said:
[quote] He needs to go out and win this year. He has a very strong WR group. He's got an all pro level left tackle. He's got an OL which was invested in heavily through free agency. He's got an offensive coordinator who is viewed as an up and coming coaching prospect who will likely get a HC job. He's got a head coach who won COY in 2022.

He needs to go out and start fast and win. He needs to quiet the fans and lead a strong offense. He's making $40M and he's got a strong supporting cast. Enough of the excuses.

If it's a slow start, move to Lock and don't let Jones see the field again. [/quote ____________
You are right, Sean. Everything else is jousting at windmills. It isn’t worth arguing about until we see what happens in September. For the next 3 months, I’m just going to see what happens with the other 89 players.
RE: Jones is what he is  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 6:12 pm : link
In comment 16535606 Mike from Ohio said:
60 starts in the NFL is a sufficient sample size to tell you a lot about a player.

My concern is not about Jones and what he will and won't be. my concern is the front office and why they seem convinced Jones gives them the best chance to win year in and year out since this will be year 3 for Schoen and Daboll hitching their fortunes to him?

Imagine hitching your ride to Daniel Jones. Wow, just wow.
RE: RE: Jones is what he is  
Mbavaro : 6/12/2024 6:15 pm : link
In comment 16535615 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In comment 16535606 Mike from Ohio said:


60 starts in the NFL is a sufficient sample size to tell you a lot about a player.

My concern is not about Jones and what he will and won't be. my concern is the front office and why they seem convinced Jones gives them the best chance to win year in and year out since this will be year 3 for Schoen and Daboll hitching their fortunes to him?

Imagine hitching your ride to Daniel Jones. Wow, just wow.

I still feel confident that this will be his last year in a Giant uniform
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 6:23 pm : link
I tend to agree, but him being QB 1 without even a QB competition has really soured my optimism on this season.
RE: Mbavaro.  
Mbavaro : 6/12/2024 6:29 pm : link
In comment 16535619 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I tend to agree, but him being QB 1 without even a QB competition has really soured my optimism on this season.

I get that
But I’m excited to see how the young talent develops
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 6:44 pm : link
I'm sure I'll talk myself into the season come Week 1, which I'll be in Asheville for a bachelor party where I'm the best man.
RE: RE: the ferocious tenacity shown by some in defending such a lousy QB  
NINEster : 6/12/2024 6:51 pm : link
In comment 16535258 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16535252 Greg from LI said:

Quote: just surreal. I've never seen anything like it. It would be one thing if the team were winning games despite his crap play, but that's not remotely what's happening.

We need that image of the "2022 Wild Card Win" banner.

You should add:

"Only NFC QB to beat Lamar"

RE: RE: .  
kickoff : 6/12/2024 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16535552 eric2425ny said:
In comment 16535526 Go Terps said:


Trubisky and Darnold have changed teams three times since being drafted. Daniel Jones has made 60 starts on the same team and has a $160M contract.

Numbers don’t lie.

Sometimes they do, if ambient reasons are not taken into consideration.
the rubber  
Giants4me : 6/12/2024 8:14 pm : link
will meet the road this year with Jones. If he falters, it's over. If he plays well he pushes the can down the road.
kickoff & others...  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/12/2024 8:16 pm : link
Why is it never Daniel Jones' fault? Why is it always other factors?

I'm legit curious. No QB has a perfect situation, but some make it work anyways. Meanwhile, Jones gets the 'Well ____ was out' or 'He didn't have ____ to throw it to.'
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