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NFT: NFT: Mounjaro Update

Thegratefulhead : 6/12/2024 5:09 pm
I have been on Mounjaro for 6 weeks and still on the 2.5ml dose and have lost 30 lbs as of today.

Day 1 after No side effects. Feelings of fullness after 1 bite of food… I could not eat more than 1000 calories and I forced myself. Very choosy about food, taste not important, protein content greater than all.

End of week 1 settled into a food routine. 1 Orgain from Costco sometime before noon, when hungry. Lunch is a glass of meta Mucil which leaves me full. Dinner is often Greek yogurt, granola and fresh fruit or some form protein. I graze fresh fruits, vegetable or jerky in miniscule portions as needed. 1 almond can satisfy.

Food budget is cut down 1/5 of what is now. No Starbucks or Door Dashes . It doesn’t even enter your mind.

Sugar is kind of yucky now, best way to describe it. Alcohol is not as desirable.

Grocery store is fun now.

Red Rock Pharmacy ~200 per month.

Food savings far greater than the 2 hundie

I use marijuana

Munchies no longer exist.

The 30lbs lost has taken enough pressure from joints that I am up to 7. Miles a day and some weight training.

I put on clothes I have not worn in 6 years today.

This is as close to magic as there is.

It is beyond effective.

I am adding years to my life expectancy.

I am not suggesting this for dropping the last 15 although it would work, but if you are obese or morbidly obese and depressed about your weight, this is a REAL answer.

I lost  
Pete in MD : 6/12/2024 5:49 pm : link
a lot using Ozempic, maybe 25, but I'm also diabetic and wasn't overweight. It definitely helps control BG, but the lack of food craving is no joke. Especially in the first few days after the week's dose.
this sounds terrible  
pjcas18 : 6/12/2024 6:11 pm : link
but good for you, bud.
tator : 6/12/2024 6:28 pm : link
just wait a few years and see how all these drugs affect you.. Eat right exercise and have some control of what you shove down your throat and you can be in good shape All these drugs do is addict you and make you stuck. Just want the pharm companies want. They dont want to help you then want to addict you,, Drugs for weigh loss.. KA CHING...
don’t neglect your pushups  
bluefin : 6/12/2024 7:56 pm : link
it’s great that you’re burning fat, but dropping that much like that means you’re probably losing muscle, which is not good… make sure to work out
RE: but  
Mike from SI : 6/12/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16535623 tator said:
just wait a few years and see how all these drugs affect you.. Eat right exercise and have some control of what you shove down your throat and you can be in good shape All these drugs do is addict you and make you stuck. Just want the pharm companies want. They dont want to help you then want to addict you,, Drugs for weigh loss.. KA CHING...

This is a little too much, I think. I am very much with the "eat right and exercise" crowd if possible. But some people's brains cause them to want to eat too much; there are literally chemical reactions in the brain that affect appetite. So I don't begrudge anyone's decisionmaking here.

That said, I hear you on long term effects. I think it's a risk, but I understand why people take that risk.
Did they make you qualify for that drug?  
capone : 6/12/2024 8:12 pm : link
I thought mounjaro you needed bad, blood work, etc. not so much with ozempic
RE: but  
black aces : 6/12/2024 8:44 pm : link
In comment 16535623 tator said:
just wait a few years and see how all these drugs affect you.. Eat right exercise and have some control of what you shove down your throat and you can be in good shape All these drugs do is addict you and make you stuck. Just want the pharm companies want. They dont want to help you then want to addict you,, Drugs for weigh loss.. KA CHING...

Diet and exercise are certainly important but being overweight and being obese is not that simple. It’s multifactorial. These medications are prescribed always as adjuncts to lifestyle modification. In select patients they also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease and renal insufficiency.
The South Park special on Obesity drugs  
tommcd66 : 6/12/2024 9:02 pm : link
Trey and Matt should get a special Emmy for it.
I’m all for the new drugs btw. Hopefully they can be cheaper moving ahead.
Just be careful:  
Anakim : 6/12/2024 9:03 pm : link
"As of June 2024, patients have filed multiple lawsuits against the manufacturers of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro, claiming that the drugs caused serious side effects and that the manufacturers didn't warn them about the risks. Some of the alleged side effects include:
Gastroparesis: A chronic condition that causes stomach paralysis by weakening the stomach wall's nerves and muscles
Gallbladder disease: Studies have linked Ozempic and similar drugs to an increased risk of gallbladder disease
Intestinal obstruction: A severe side effect that some patients claim they weren't warned about."
RE: Just be careful:  
Mike from SI : 6/12/2024 9:44 pm : link
In comment 16535700 Anakim said:
"As of June 2024, patients have filed multiple lawsuits against the manufacturers of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro, claiming that the drugs caused serious side effects and that the manufacturers didn't warn them about the risks. Some of the alleged side effects include:
Gastroparesis: A chronic condition that causes stomach paralysis by weakening the stomach wall's nerves and muscles
Gallbladder disease: Studies have linked Ozempic and similar drugs to an increased risk of gallbladder disease
Intestinal obstruction: A severe side effect that some patients claim they weren't warned about."

As you know, allegations are just allegations. But the general point stands: the long-term risks, and potentially undiscovered side effects, may be deleterious.
Thegratefulhead : 6/12/2024 10:45 pm : link
I ran a3 MD practice for 11 years. I have family member MDs and some my best friends are docs. I am nearly 56 it is worth the risk IMO. I have looked at the side effects. This is not affecting my metabolism or body function but cravings.

17179 steps today plus lifting.

I have not eaten a processed food since going on the drug.

My mind feels sharper, I am more productive.

The 30 lbs has removed nearly all the pain from my hips, ankles and knees.

I feel like a different person.

The improved circulation has affected other unexpected but very appreciated areas.

I am REALLY fucking happy.

Do with that what you will

RE: The South Park special on Obesity drugs  
Thegratefulhead : 6/12/2024 10:53 pm : link
In comment 16535699 tommcd66 said:
Trey and Matt should get a special Emmy for it.
I’m all for the new drugs btw. Hopefully they can be cheaper moving ahead.
I loved this episode. They do it justice.

Mounjaro is a fucking miracle.

I am in 1 million percent control of what goes in my body now. Not appetite, cravings or emotional comfort(over eating is uncomfortable, empty calories feel worthless) as now I eat for nutrition alone and it is easy as fuck.
Hold me to the following  
Thegratefulhead : 6/12/2024 11:07 pm : link
The world is about to figure this out. Money already knows. This will change our economy imminently. Wealthy people have been taking this at 1200 hundred a month dfor the last year.

Over 50% of the population are obese, this wasn’t this way when we were kids. They fucked with the foods. I have feel sooo much different off the shitty food. I know now I was addicted to sugar/carbs and needed to keep eating them to feel satisfied.

I have zero desire for any of it and was like flipping a fucking switch.

To penetrate the rest of the market the price is coming down.

Hopefully you live in a state free enough to allow you access to compounding pharmacies or you Will have wait until insurance covers it for weight loss or you are willing to cough up 1k a month.

FYI I believe insurance would consider cost effective because it would ultimately reduce its claim by considerable amount.


Access is coming.
Are you learning healthy  
JayBinQueens : 6/12/2024 11:10 pm : link
Habits or is the drug doing all the heavy lifting
It's all  
Pete in MD : 6/13/2024 12:24 am : link
a big feedback loop (no pun intended) You feel full, your chemicals (hormones) don't want more food, you eat less, etc, etc, but that wasn't the what GLP-1s were created for, but also part of the loop. I can get into receptor blockage if you want (I'm a pharmacist.)

Saying, this medication is witchcraft is just uniformed.
i want to know why the last thread about this was closed  
GMAN4LIFE : 6/13/2024 9:12 am : link
thats more why i am curious
RE: It's all  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16535802 Pete in MD said:
a big feedback loop (no pun intended) You feel full, your chemicals (hormones) don't want more food, you eat less, etc, etc, but that wasn't the what GLP-1s were created for, but also part of the loop. I can get into receptor blockage if you want (I'm a pharmacist.)

Saying, this medication is witchcraft is just uniformed.
I understand completely what the drug does.

I can tell you what it feels like taking it?

Can you?

I am most definitely not uniformed about what it is like to be taking Tirzepatide as an obese person. I watched a 30 year MD take this drug for nine months and discussed it with him weekly.

So yeah, I get what it does.

If you are obese or morbidly obese, I recommend going to your PCP and start a discussion about these drugs.

Ask to try 1 dose at 2.5 ml from a compounding pharmacy

You will lose weight, the data is overwhelming

If you exercise and form good habits with the drug, you will transform yourself.

My wife has lost over 20 herself, we are as happy as newly weds and fucking similarly.


Say 1000 times and it is not enough.

I am walking around knowing 7 months from now I will fit into my medium LT jersey form 1986.

Life changing

Not hyperbole

RE: i want to know why the last thread about this was closed  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 1:31 pm : link
In comment 16535885 GMAN4LIFE said:
thats more why i am curious
My failure, I put NFt in the title but did not put in the forum. I have made this mistake before, only my second or NFT thread…

I think they delete if you place them in the general forum.

FWIW, in that initial thread I claimed I interested in taking it. I had been on it for 2 weeks. I was initially concerned about the negativity and contempt some people feel for those taking it.

Yeah, I no longer give a FUCK what anyone thinks.

I got out my favorite restaurant and order the Tomahawk, it is still delicious. I am satisfied by eating 1/5 of it and the leftovers become my protein for the next couple days.

Money saved.

I am very much under selling how good this is. The very first day on Tirzepatide I understood that obesity would no longer be an obstacle in my life.

That felt like magic. I understand the science, it is the most effective solution imaginable.
RE: but  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 1:41 pm : link
In comment 16535623 tator said:
just wait a few years and see how all these drugs affect you.. Eat right exercise and have some control of what you shove down your throat and you can be in good shape All these drugs do is addict you and make you stuck. Just want the pharm companies want. They dont want to help you then want to addict you,, Drugs for weigh loss.. KA CHING...
No, my MD family member is off. You eat less your stomach shrinks. I do this for less than a year and keep the good habits.

I don’t think we are all the same genetically. For anyone that has been thin their whole, the context is almost impossible. Personally, from time I hit puberty until the age 30 I could nearly half my weight and run a 6 minute mile fairly comfortably, injuries and more working hours changed all that. I lost it all before, I dropped 60 the old fashioned way once. At nearly 56 that mountain felt nearly impossible to climb.

EZ PZ now. Makes me feel like it was not my fault at all. I was addicted to process foods. Grocery shopping is fun and much less costly.
I also take it  
DomerGiant2008 : 6/13/2024 1:56 pm : link
I went on Mounjaro last year after eating myself into Type 2 Diabetes. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, low Testosterone (the works).

I topped out at 295lbs (5'11"/Age 38) and have gotten down to 230lbs (65lb loss). I haven't experienced any negative side effects. Almost all of those conditions I had are no longer present. It really helped with appetite control more than anything else. No more binge eating.

It works wonders for the people it's meant for. I wouldn't suggest anyone take it that is just looking to lose 15lbs or get Abs for the summer.

Everything comes with risks. I feel bad for the people that had a bad experience with it. There are a lot of risks associated with living as a morbidly obese diabetic too.

Everyone is looking for someone to blame. I had no one to blame but myself. I hope the Mounjaro doesn't kill me - but I was already basically killing myself. I created the risk and I accept the risk of the medicine.
How many ...  
BronxBob : 6/13/2024 2:09 pm : link
... dosage adjustments are there?
Is there data about trends in how long people have been waiting to adjust upwards?
RE: Hold me to the following  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/13/2024 2:15 pm : link
In comment 16535785 Thegratefulhead said:
The world is about to figure this out. Money already knows. This will change our economy imminently. Wealthy people have been taking this at 1200 hundred a month dfor the last year.

Over 50% of the population are obese, this wasn’t this way when we were kids. They fucked with the foods. I have feel sooo much different off the shitty food. I know now I was addicted to sugar/carbs and needed to keep eating them to feel satisfied.

I have zero desire for any of it and was like flipping a fucking switch.

To penetrate the rest of the market the price is coming down.

Hopefully you live in a state free enough to allow you access to compounding pharmacies or you Will have wait until insurance covers it for weight loss or you are willing to cough up 1k a month.

FYI I believe insurance would consider cost effective because it would ultimately reduce its claim by considerable amount.


Access is coming.

You should look into Zepbound. It's the exact same drug as Mounjaro, but is indicated for weight loss. My understanding is that this makes the insurance coverage a bit easier because many of the other GLP-1s are indicated primarily for diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Workout warrior BBIers Help me  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 2:27 pm : link
Now that I have dropped this weight I can move. I want to get EVERYTHING out of this gift I have been given. I have free weights, dumbells, and high quality resistance bands, benches and medicine balls.

I am using them like it is 1986. 1 hour workout, hit groups hard at different angles

Day 1 Chest legs
Day off
Day 2 Back shoulders
Day off
Day 3 Bi/Tri
Day off

Doing 4 miles at 5 AM daily

Tips, advice, new ideas?

I don’t know anything modern at all.
I like hearing stories like this  
djm : 6/13/2024 2:34 pm : link
For every shady drug or shady medical incident (pain killers , opiates, etc) there are 1000s of great examples like this one. While there are some long term concerns, it sure sounds promising. Hopefully the good remains without any issues down the road.
RE: RE: Hold me to the following  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 2:39 pm : link
In comment 16536229 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16535785 Thegratefulhead said:


The world is about to figure this out. Money already knows. This will change our economy imminently. Wealthy people have been taking this at 1200 hundred a month dfor the last year.

Over 50% of the population are obese, this wasn’t this way when we were kids. They fucked with the foods. I have feel sooo much different off the shitty food. I know now I was addicted to sugar/carbs and needed to keep eating them to feel satisfied.

I have zero desire for any of it and was like flipping a fucking switch.

To penetrate the rest of the market the price is coming down.

Hopefully you live in a state free enough to allow you access to compounding pharmacies or you Will have wait until insurance covers it for weight loss or you are willing to cough up 1k a month.

FYI I believe insurance would consider cost effective because it would ultimately reduce its claim by considerable amount.


Access is coming.

You should look into Zepbound. It's the exact same drug as Mounjaro, but is indicated for weight loss. My understanding is that this makes the insurance coverage a bit easier because many of the other GLP-1s are indicated primarily for diabetes or pre-diabetes.
I did, my ins still wouldn’t take it. I prefer to draw my own and have dosing control. I will take my 7th the 2.5 ml dose today and next week I will move to 5. I am doing this with my PCP but they do know me and my family, I will get my request to change doses respected. I could have changed at week 5, I want to stay on smallest dose possible for the longest amount of time, If it feels like too much I will drop back to 2.5. Vials from compounding allow for this flexibility. The other way, your needles are drawn. Even without all that, I trust myself, drawing my drug more than someone else.

It has been costing less than 200 a month.

It is the most subtle and effective solution to obesity I can imagine.

It will make people more employable
It will impact poverty positively
It will extend life
It will reduce medical costs
Reduce food expense.

It has been unbelievable GD

I go to bed excited for to tomorrow, like I’m a glass half full guy already.

I’m giddy, I feel young.

I am acting young.
Here is my question which is what i need explaining  
GMAN4LIFE : 6/13/2024 2:45 pm : link
isnt it supposed to make you go on a deficit? so if i dont take the meds and im in a deficit now, isnt that what it essentially is doing?

and full disclosure, my doc is giving me 6 months until i can get the shots of Zepbound. she wants my full blood work first before i get on it.
RE: Here is my question which is what i need explaining  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 3:08 pm : link
In comment 16536263 GMAN4LIFE said:
isnt it supposed to make you go on a deficit? so if i dont take the meds and im in a deficit now, isnt that what it essentially is doing?

and full disclosure, my doc is giving me 6 months until i can get the shots of Zepbound. she wants my full blood work first before i get on it.
Yes exactly, a caloric deficit.

It makes it EASY. At least for me.

I don’t always, but I can easily get by Orgain 30 g protein shake until later. I don’t think about eating. I am not hungry.

I choose to put fuel in my body now. It is not any kind of emotional comfort, I don’t crave it. I logically know my body needs fuel and I supply it. It seems so fucking simple. Maybe, just maybe over 50% of us weren’t just fat pieces of shit. Maybe societal changes, processed food, advertising and a lack of time for the modern parent placed us in a situation nearly impossible to successful.

I had hand to mouth disease.

I know that.

Knowing that and being unable to stop is heartbreaking. Looking at yourself with a medically trained mind and knowing what the doctors in your family see when they look at you is…..well… difficult.

this changed all that in 1 single day.

If it could help someone else, I just want them to know. If they run into a financial obstacle I want them to know a compounding pharmacy is a solution, you will save more than you spend.

For certain.
RE: Here is my question which is what i need explaining  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 3:18 pm : link
In comment 16536263 GMAN4LIFE said:
isnt it supposed to make you go on a deficit? so if i dont take the meds and im in a deficit now, isnt that what it essentially is doing?

and full disclosure, my doc is giving me 6 months until i can get the shots of Zepbound. she wants my full blood work first before i get on it.
My PCP recommended the drug to me the moment Ozembic became available for weight loss(Uncovered). It was over 1k a month and it would need to be 2 of us. Not realistic with a daughter about to hit college. When I found about the price I went back and he had retired, new physician and a reluctance to send my Rx to red rock. You can move your Rx once you get it onboarded to a pharmacy. They could not stop me. Some states do not allow this. Know your laws. Some states do not allow you to get Rx’s from online pharmacies at all.

Henrymeds will see you online in few days with telemedicine. They are running pill form Mounjaro for 349 per month regardless of dosage. I was not going to be stopped even if my PCP refused.
RE: Workout warrior BBIers Help me  
Eric on Li : 6/13/2024 3:27 pm : link
In comment 16536245 Thegratefulhead said:
Now that I have dropped this weight I can move. I want to get EVERYTHING out of this gift I have been given. I have free weights, dumbells, and high quality resistance bands, benches and medicine balls.

I am using them like it is 1986. 1 hour workout, hit groups hard at different angles

Day 1 Chest legs
Day off
Day 2 Back shoulders
Day off
Day 3 Bi/Tri
Day off

Doing 4 miles at 5 AM daily

Tips, advice, new ideas?

I don’t know anything modern at all.

this could be 10k words and still not be enough, but to keep simple:

1. stretching/mobility/stability - if you can take a yoga class or pilates once or twice a week do it.

2. for cardio mix things up but try to focus on mostly zone 2 which should be somewhere around 60-80% of your max heart rate. Getting a smart watch will help. this is functionally what should be your "all day" endurance pace. push hard enough that you can have a kind of uncomfortable conversation with someone while exercising, not so hard that you cant. works the same way on any cardio activity (bike, run, swim, row).

3. for weights id say keep it simple and just dont hurt yourself and if possible get a trainer bc it will help keep you on task. if not just mix in lifts with body weight stuff (push ups, pull ups) and try to hit diff muscle groups with skills your comfortable with (as it seems like you are doing).

also if you want the longer form version read "outlive" by peter attia, especially the chapters on exercise recommendations. he is a real dr and while he was "discovered" on rogen everything of his i've seen peer reviewed is good.
btw amazing that your other thread was already 6 weeks ago  
Eric on Li : 6/13/2024 3:32 pm : link
congrats that you've gotten the results you were looking for, just remember that you are in deficit so take things steady and make sure you are getting enough protein.
RE: RE: Workout warrior BBIers Help me  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16536317 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16536245 Thegratefulhead said:


Now that I have dropped this weight I can move. I want to get EVERYTHING out of this gift I have been given. I have free weights, dumbells, and high quality resistance bands, benches and medicine balls.

I am using them like it is 1986. 1 hour workout, hit groups hard at different angles

Day 1 Chest legs
Day off
Day 2 Back shoulders
Day off
Day 3 Bi/Tri
Day off

Doing 4 miles at 5 AM daily

Tips, advice, new ideas?

I don’t know anything modern at all.

this could be 10k words and still not be enough, but to keep simple:

1. stretching/mobility/stability - if you can take a yoga class or pilates once or twice a week do it.

2. for cardio mix things up but try to focus on mostly zone 2 which should be somewhere around 60-80% of your max heart rate. Getting a smart watch will help. this is functionally what should be your "all day" endurance pace. push hard enough that you can have a kind of uncomfortable conversation with someone while exercising, not so hard that you cant. works the same way on any cardio activity (bike, run, swim, row).

3. for weights id say keep it simple and just dont hurt yourself and if possible get a trainer bc it will help keep you on task. if not just mix in lifts with body weight stuff (push ups, pull ups) and try to hit diff muscle groups with skills your comfortable with (as it seems like you are doing).

also if you want the longer form version read "outlive" by peter attia, especially the chapters on exercise recommendations. he is a real dr and while he was "discovered" on rogen everything of his i've seen peer reviewed is good.
Eric, this is real life shit. Anything we may ever say about football is dust in the wind. I am so appreciative of this advice. I will read this book. I respect you.

Thank you
RE: btw amazing that your other thread was already 6 weeks ago  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 3:46 pm : link
In comment 16536320 Eric on Li said:
congrats that you've gotten the results you were looking for, just remember that you are in deficit so take things steady and make sure you are getting enough protein.
It was not Eric. I was already on it for 2 weeks. I had experience some pretty harsh negativity when initially telling people I was on the drug. I was ready to share it on it BBI as it can be…um…unfriendly sometimes and I am part of that. It open me to shots when talking in football threads.

At this point I no longer care about what anything anyone thinks. I learned to play chess before I was 5 by watching. I have multiple family members who are physicians. I ran a 3.5 million dollar ophthalmic clinic for 11 years. 90% our patients were near end of life. I got close to so many families. I completely understand what elderly obesity looks like, what it is does to families, YOUR SPOUSE what it does to the cost, how medical professionals feels about this. How the patients want to die to stop making their families suffer all because their obesity got to a point that moving became challenging, then injuries, diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea and on and on, ending in a massive MI.

I knew exactly what was coming at me with the intelligence to understand the magnitude of it and an inability to change it.

Fuck that, if anyone else is there.

Help is available.
I lost 60 pounds in 2 years  
JT039 : 6/13/2024 3:47 pm : link
But f’n cancer does that to you.
RE: RE: btw amazing that your other thread was already 6 weeks ago  
GMAN4LIFE : 6/13/2024 3:56 pm : link
In comment 16536334 Thegratefulhead said:
In comment 16536320 Eric on Li said:


congrats that you've gotten the results you were looking for, just remember that you are in deficit so take things steady and make sure you are getting enough protein.

It was not Eric. I was already on it for 2 weeks. I had experience some pretty harsh negativity when initially telling people I was on the drug. I was ready to share it on it BBI as it can be…um…unfriendly sometimes and I am part of that. It open me to shots when talking in football threads.

At this point I no longer care about what anything anyone thinks. I learned to play chess before I was 5 by watching. I have multiple family members who are physicians. I ran a 3.5 million dollar ophthalmic clinic for 11 years. 90% our patients were near end of life. I got close to so many families. I completely understand what elderly obesity looks like, what it is does to families, YOUR SPOUSE what it does to the cost, how medical professionals feels about this. How the patients want to die to stop making their families suffer all because their obesity got to a point that moving became challenging, then injuries, diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea and on and on, ending in a massive MI.

I knew exactly what was coming at me with the intelligence to understand the magnitude of it and an inability to change it.

Fuck that, if anyone else is there.

Help is available.

One thing i hate is the notion of this being a form of "cheating. its not. Some people are built different and wired differently.

This can help people immensely.
RE: Workout warrior BBIers Help me  
bluefin : 6/13/2024 4:02 pm : link
In comment 16536245 Thegratefulhead said:
Now that I have dropped this weight I can move. I want to get EVERYTHING out of this gift I have been given. I have free weights, dumbells, and high quality resistance bands, benches and medicine balls.

I am using them like it is 1986. 1 hour workout, hit groups hard at different angles

Day 1 Chest legs
Day off
Day 2 Back shoulders
Day off
Day 3 Bi/Tri
Day off

Doing 4 miles at 5 AM daily

Tips, advice, new ideas?

I don’t know anything modern at all.

Add squats with whatever weight you’re comfortable - stronger legs feels great.
RE: RE: RE: btw amazing that your other thread was already 6 weeks ago  
Thegratefulhead : 6/13/2024 4:35 pm : link
In comment 16536347 GMAN4LIFE said:
In comment 16536334 Thegratefulhead said:


In comment 16536320 Eric on Li said:


congrats that you've gotten the results you were looking for, just remember that you are in deficit so take things steady and make sure you are getting enough protein.

It was not Eric. I was already on it for 2 weeks. I had experience some pretty harsh negativity when initially telling people I was on the drug. I was ready to share it on it BBI as it can be…um…unfriendly sometimes and I am part of that. It open me to shots when talking in football threads.

At this point I no longer care about what anything anyone thinks. I learned to play chess before I was 5 by watching. I have multiple family members who are physicians. I ran a 3.5 million dollar ophthalmic clinic for 11 years. 90% our patients were near end of life. I got close to so many families. I completely understand what elderly obesity looks like, what it is does to families, YOUR SPOUSE what it does to the cost, how medical professionals feels about this. How the patients want to die to stop making their families suffer all because their obesity got to a point that moving became challenging, then injuries, diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea and on and on, ending in a massive MI.

I knew exactly what was coming at me with the intelligence to understand the magnitude of it and an inability to change it.

Fuck that, if anyone else is there.

Help is available.

One thing i hate is the notion of this being a form of "cheating. its not. Some people are built different and wired differently.

This can help people immensely.
At first, I was concerned what people thought.

However, anyone upset about your success is holding up a sign that says “asshole”

Thank them for letting you know.

I stay very on top of protein consumption, take a good multivitamin, drinking extra water and supplementing my fiber to combat constipation.

I know it will slow down but I have lost pretty consistently.

.5 lbs per day

I had the stomach flu and gained 5 lbs but it went away over the next 2 days(water)

Admittedly ,I am going HAM right now but it has given me such a mental edge and energy I want to ride this wave all the way to the beach.

8300 steps right now and I have an evening walk on the table and lifting.

I put up a heavy bag.


Lost another pound  
Thegratefulhead : 6/14/2024 12:04 pm : link
CPAP is now a hinderance to sleep. Slept comfortably without it last night for the first time in a decade. Usually a night without it is no sleep for anyone. Weight has come off my face and neck first. I did not snore or stop breathing according to my wife.

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