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Lombardi tweet on Jones contract

Sean : 6/13/2024 9:18 am
Michael Lombardi
What has Jones ever done to deserve this deal and eat up 18.8% of the Giants’ cap? He is 6-21 against teams that went on to make the playoffs, 0-11 against teams that won twelve or more games, and according to NFL research, the only quarterback to receive a contract in excess of $100 million and never have a season of throwing for 3,500 yards, or 25 plus touchdowns.
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RE: RE: ...  
joe48 : 6/16/2024 12:34 pm : link
In comment 16536957 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16536935 christian said:


In comment 16536896 joe48 said:


who the f__k cares what you guys think

Well let's shut site down!

I am afraid you and a few others would have nothing to do all day.

I'm assuming this recent old bitchy queen act is a new development for you. Someone this whiney I would have noticed before.

Yep. This is the same clown that ridiculed everyone for posting on BBI this past weekend because he was out golfing so everyone else must be losers without a life. Must be his golf nerd buddies dumped his ass today so it’s cool to post, while once again ridiculing others for posting…

The clown golfed again this morning with his nerd friends. Happy Father’s Day!🤣
Daniel Jones is a nice boy  
Mike from SI : 6/16/2024 12:47 pm : link
and it's impossible to quantify that.
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