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NFT: Eraserhead the movie

Dr. D : 6/13/2024 12:55 pm
The Shining is one of my all time favorite movies. I recently read that Stanley Kubrick was influenced by Eraserhead (by David Lynch) and had his production crew watch it prior to filming The Shining.

For whatever reason I never saw Eraserhead, but I put it on my watch list after reading about its impact of TS.

I watched it last night. I don't know if I've ever watched a more bizarre and unique movie. I kept saying to myself - what the..

It was kind of like watching a bad dream, but not of the Nightmare on Elm Street kind.

Any thoughts?
It's the film that put David Lynch on the map  
Darwinian : 6/13/2024 12:59 pm : link
So if you like David Lynch it is an absolute classic and it has influenced generations of filmmakers. It is on a very short list of best debut features and probably at the very top of independent debut films.
Dr. D : 6/13/2024 1:04 pm : link
I read that David Lynch worked on it for 5 yrs with minimal budget.
Lynch took inspiration from the Philly neighborhood he lived in,  
j_rud : 6/13/2024 1:11 pm : link
called Collowhill, which at the time was really industrial. Buddy of mine, also a Giants fan in Philly, lives 2 doors down from Lynch's old home on Aspen St.
Welcome to the World of David Lynch  
Lambuth_Special : 6/13/2024 1:20 pm : link
I've learned to not try to understand what's going on and just sit back and take in the vibe. Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks: the Return are favorites.

On the other hand, I can't get through 20 minutes of his version of Dune.
A man's attitude determines to a large extent what his life will be  
Milton : 6/13/2024 2:05 pm : link
You will see me one more time if you do good
You will see me two more times if you do bad - ( New Window )
winoguy : 6/13/2024 2:14 pm : link
check out Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart..
winoguy : 6/13/2024 2:39 pm : link
Link - ( New Window )
Watching it today, it is a weird film  
Face Pepler : 6/13/2024 2:41 pm : link
...seeing it a theater in 1977, with no idea of what it was about, who David Lynch was, or anything else about it?


I've never felt so uncomfortable in a movie.

Great film.
I saw that movie when it first came out  
JerseyCityJoe : 6/13/2024 2:43 pm : link
I didn't get it. I still don't and I'm glad.
RE: Welcome to the World of David Lynch  
bluefin : 6/13/2024 3:01 pm : link
In comment 16536158 Lambuth_Special said:
I've learned to not try to understand what's going on and just sit back and take in the vibe. Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks: the Return are favorites.

+1, except I think his Dune is an absolute blast
RE: .  
Dr. D : 6/13/2024 3:17 pm : link
In comment 16536226 winoguy said:
check out Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart..

I saw Blue Velvet many moons ago.

Heineken! F*ck that shit!

I'll have to check out Wild at Heart and Mulholland Dr.
A good friend had the  
rebel yell : 6/14/2024 8:11 am : link
soundtrack to that movie. I always thought it was funny. Half the album was the sound of that running furnace.

I saw it in theaters when it was first released. It's certainly a cult classic.

"Wild at Heart" is a great Lynch movie. Laura Dean and Nic Cage are fantastic and it has all the classic whacky David Lynch characters.

"This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom."
You think "Eraserhead" was weird?  
short lease : 6/17/2024 2:51 am : link

Check out "The grandmother" .... Lynch is a disturbed individual.

I loved "Blue Velvet" and "Wild at Heart" ..though.
I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that Eraserhead is the worst  
Anakim : 6/17/2024 6:45 am : link
movie I've ever seen. It's the biggest piece of crap.
RE: I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that Eraserhead is the worst  
US1 Giants : 6/17/2024 7:03 am : link
In comment 16538140 Anakim said:
movie I've ever seen. It's the biggest piece of crap.

It was a very long time ago for me. My memory is that I didn't understand or enjoy watching it.
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