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NFLN Radio Albert Breer: Giants A Team That Could Suprise

Trainmaster : 6/21/2024 1:49 pm
I caught part of an interview with Breer while running an errand. The host (don't recall who it was) asked Breer for a surprise team for the 2024 - 2025 season.

Breer offered the Giants. He recalled he had the Eagles as a surprise team a few years ago, based on talent along both the offensive and defensive lines.

He felt that the Giant had a lot of talent / potential in both the OL and DL. Andrew Thomas as a stud with the potential of Evan Neal plus improved talent in other spots on the line.

The defensive line is solid with Dex. Breer included Thibs and Burns as players along the DL. Said that combo could prove very effective.

Spoke very highly of Daboll and his coaching staff. I recall it ended with Breer saying a repeat of the 2021 to 2022 turnaround from 2023 to 2024 was possible.

And for the DJFC and Dan Jones Haters Society, no mention of Jones or the QB situation.
If you  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/21/2024 1:54 pm : link
could assure me that Neal will be fine, I would be actually excited about the OL. But therein lies the problem.

I don't want to make him the end-all, be-all... after all the interior of the OL was a bigger problem than RT last year. But I feel pretty good about the guard situation right now.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/21/2024 1:58 pm : link
Given his play and injury history, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to rely on Neal.
RE: If you  
Eric on Li : 6/21/2024 2:00 pm : link
In comment 16540789 Eric from BBI said:
could assure me that Neal will be fine, I would be actually excited about the OL. But therein lies the problem.

I don't want to make him the end-all, be-all... after all the interior of the OL was a bigger problem than RT last year. But I feel pretty good about the guard situation right now.

JMS too. I think it was in the bobby skinner interview with ryan dunleavy, he pointed out that JMS was actually getting worse over last year.

Even how they are deploying Runyan and Elumeanor, initially Runyan said he was more comfortable on the left, and we know Elumeanor is moving from RT to LG.

OL is still the biggest question on the roster. it could be good. or it could all go to crap again. thomas is the only sure thing, and his health is not a sure thing.
Just like the organization perception  
Dave on the UWS : 6/21/2024 3:13 pm : link
the OL is garbage- until its not. Evan Neal is ALL potential ZERO production, until he's not.
We can talk about it a million times. On the field in Sept is the ONLY way to change the perception.

For the record, like Eric, I feel pretty good about the guard situation. Both Eleumonor and Runyan will be solid professional guards, there are veteran backups and Bricillo is likely (based on his resume), to help Ezeudu and McKeathan to become professionals that could be useful, if not more.
Most you could ask for at that position.
RE: RE: If you  
knowledgetimmons : 6/21/2024 3:18 pm : link
I like TalkinGiants but I think Bobby's analysis is decent enough. But JMS being a rookie with a very unstable Guard situation on both sides of him, plus an injury makes the case enough that JMS will be solid at worst this year.

Neal also has those same issues with regard to consistency of health and the performance/health of his wingman at RG. In spite of that, Neal is clearly the bigger concern vs JMS.
Evan will be fine  
Paulie Walnuts : 6/21/2024 3:20 pm : link
Albert Breer is on to something  
RetroJint : 6/21/2024 3:33 pm : link
I’d love to head into a game believing that the Giants offensive line was going to get the job done .
I think they could surprise too.  
mittenedman : 6/21/2024 3:40 pm : link
But it's all about the OL. I think people in general are putting way too much stock into last year, which fell apart before it began.
I’d say this about the OL  
BillT : 6/21/2024 4:02 pm : link
At least we have a chance. Now, a lot of last year’s problems were injury related. But the talent level now is the best it’s been in years and years. And we have decent contingency plans as well. Got to start somewhere.
RE: If you  
Blue21 : 6/21/2024 4:02 pm : link
In comment 16540789 Eric from BBI said:
could assure me that Neal will be fine, I would be actually excited about the OL. But therein lies the problem.

I don't want to make him the end-all, be-all... after all the interior of the OL was a bigger problem than RT last year. But I feel pretty good about the guard situation right now.
Exactly how I feel . And I hope they determine it early. He just looks uncomfortable so far at RT
RE: Evan will be fine  
Silver Spoon : 6/21/2024 4:14 pm : link
In comment 16540849 Paulie Walnuts said:

You’re basing this on what?
RE: Albert Breer is on to something  
Klaatu : 6/21/2024 4:23 pm : link
In comment 16540863 RetroJint said:
I’d love to head into a game believing that the Giants offensive line was going to get the job done .

Well, you know the old saying, believe it and it will happen.
I feel OK about the OL  
HBart : 6/21/2024 4:24 pm : link
If you have to slide Eluemunor over to RT, there's enough solid candidates to have 3 other solid if not good guys to replace him at G. Not ideal, but miles from last season.

I think Neal will be fine. He really has had a shit ton of bad breaks. He's just due for a clean year, and with that he'll be solid if not better.

Put differently, I feel pretty good the raw materials of a solid at worst OL are already there, and Bricillo knows how to make them a unit and possibly a very good one. Regardless of which name ends up where.

And yeah, with a solid OL, and solid DL -- at worst -- you have a solid team at worst.
if they could surprise in 2022 with this same HC  
djm : 6/21/2024 4:26 pm : link
they can surprise now, even without Barkley carrying a lot of the weight.

That said, they can also disappoint like last year but I think a few really bad things had to happen for 6-11 to happen. IF things go by rote injury wise, or they stay just a bit more relatively healthy than your average team, the Giants should be in that 7-10 win range. If things go somewhat lucky injury wise we are hanging on those 4-5-6-7 games that will be close in the 4th. Win more than half of them...could be fun.

Can't lose Thomas. Biggest key player in my view.
I believe it’s “be-all and end-all.”  
Beezer : 6/21/2024 5:09 pm : link
Thank you! Thank you very much!
Oline is indeed the biggest Question mark  
Simms11 : 6/21/2024 5:14 pm : link
going into the season. If Bricilo can work a little magic, it’s possible that we will have a workable line. Just an average Oline will help this offense click. Not concerned about JMS yet. The guy was a rookie center last year. Very tough for a rookie to come into that unstable situation and succeed. If we don’t see some better development from him this year, we may want to start to be concerned. I think the Guards will help stabilize the interior enough to succeed. Neal is concerning because he’s been injured the last few years and is not reliable. He’s had some decent reps, however he still does not recover well when initially beaten. He stops moving his feet and is often off balance trying to recover. The injury recovery is not helping him certainly. He now needs reps and coaching to overcome his deficiencies. He’s clearly Athletic enough.
Imagine if Evan Neal  
Southern Man : 6/21/2024 5:16 pm : link
was at an AT level...we'd be (realistically) talking playoffs. I'm hoping this is the year for Neal. I want him to win the job; he works hard and doesn't complain. I know the Giants staff will give him every chance to succeed there. I am kind of curious, though, whether he would accept a go at the guard position if RT doesn't work out.
RE: Evan will be fine  
Optimus-NY : 6/21/2024 5:18 pm : link
In comment 16540849 Paulie Walnuts said:

vonritz : 6/21/2024 5:22 pm : link
Get back to me in December of '25.
The Issue I Have With Neal  
Trainmaster : 6/21/2024 5:26 pm : link
(and it could be mostly / entirely a combination of bad OL coaching and underreported injuries), is the relatively high percentage of the time he seems way off balance or ends up on the ground. I seem to recall being on the ground too much was a concern in the run up to the draft.

It might be just 10+ years of bad Giants offensive line PTSD, but when I see Neal off balance or on the ground, I get major Ereck Flowers flashbacks.

Obviously this year is very important for Neal's future Giants and NFL career. IF he lives up to close to his draft position and becomes an above average / excellent right tackle, the Giants next decision will be to sign him early / relatively cheaply to a long term deal after this season. An ocean's worth of water needs to pass under the bridge before we're at that point.

RE: RE: RE: If you  
gridirony : 6/21/2024 5:58 pm : link
In comment 16540846 knowledgetimmons said:
I like TalkinGiants but I think Bobby's analysis is decent enough. But JMS being a rookie with a very unstable Guard situation on both sides of him, plus an injury makes the case enough that JMS will be solid at worst this year.

Neal also has those same issues with regard to consistency of health and the performance/health of his wingman at RG. In spite of that, Neal is clearly the bigger concern vs JMS.

Being a rookie, with a couch potato to his left, and a nice paycheck to his right, along with being injured, makes the case that his first year was overwhelming, with several issues.

In no way does it make the case that he will be solid at worst this year. This year, with few to no issues like last year, will make the case for this year.
NFLN Radio Albert Breer: Giants A Team That Could Surprise  
Trainmaster : 6/21/2024 7:33 pm : link
Ugh. Just noticed the typo in the title. Wish the OP could edit typos.
We’ve been dubbed a team that “could surprise” a few times  
The_Boss : 6/21/2024 9:12 pm : link
Over the last decade. Didn’t work out that way if my memory is correct..
We're concerned about the OL starters  
Jint Fan in Buc Land : 6/21/2024 9:41 pm : link
Wait until ones of them get injured!
Neal ran into a perfect storm of bad luck .....  
Manny in CA : 6/21/2024 11:32 pm : link

1. Incompetent medical injury evaluation
2. Incompetent coaching
3. Incompetent guard play

He was (and is) a young inexperienced player counting on the vets around him knowing what they're doing. Instead, those vets had their heads up their up their you-know-whats.

Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by ....

Neal might have a place on the OL but not at tackle  
xman : 6/22/2024 12:40 am : link
seems slow out of his stance and trouble with balance. Might be able to hide those issues inside where his strength can be used
Too Many Disappointments Over the Past Decade  
Jeffrey : 6/22/2024 8:16 am : link
Just too cynical to get excited at this early stage. Easier to wait and watch what happens. If the OL are significantly improved, then we will be interesting to watch. If not, it will be the usual fire drill leading to another Jones injury, and probably one to Lock, who is not as mobile. DeVito was a great distraction for a few weeks last year but no one seriously wants to see the third string QB getting significant playing time mid-season.
I'm up in the air. I think 8-9 wins might be a good guess since they  
Ira : 6/22/2024 9:55 am : link
have some better personnel and were very injured last season. But nothing, either very good or very bad would be a big surprise to me. Regarding the o-line, I think Neal and JMS should get some more patience, but I'm not opposed to benching either or both of them if they still can't get it done.
RE: If you  
Brown_Hornet : 6/22/2024 11:10 am : link
In comment 16540789 Eric from BBI said:
could assure me that Neal will be fine, I would be actually excited about the OL. But therein lies the problem.

I don't want to make him the end-all, be-all... after all the interior of the OL was a bigger problem than RT last year. But I feel pretty good about the guard situation right now.
Many of Neal's issues screamed ankle injury.
He was beaten on inside rushes and second moves. Part of it could be over setting, anticipating a speed rush but coming back inside seemed to be his biggest issue. But, it may also speak to him not having an inside chip from the RG who likely overcommitted to a 0 or 1.
As you said, if he's improved, the OL becomes a potential strength.
Glowinski was supposed to be a "solid professional" also  
HomerJones45 : 6/22/2024 12:03 pm : link
The contrary case can be made that the running game will not be good without any threat back there and Jones unable to participate as frequently in designed runs, the o-line will still look terrible with Mr Slow Processor behind center, Okerke had a career year last year and may not be as good, Dexter better not get hurt because any team with a half a running game will blow the rest of the guys off the LOS, and there are question marks in the defensive backfield. (the team keeps bringing in db's so they know they have issues back there).

And we have a tough schedule: Cowboys twice, Eagles twice, Ravens, Steelers, Bengals, Browns. I can see starting 2-0 with the Vikings and Washington because of their qb situations. Then it is a brutal stretch - Browns, Cowboys, Seahawks who always give us fits, Bengals, Eagles, Steelers.

RE: If you  
sb from NYT Forum : 6/22/2024 12:11 pm : link
In comment 16540789 Eric from BBI said:
could assure me that Neal will be fine, I would be actually excited about the OL. But therein lies the problem.

I don't want to make him the end-all, be-all... after all the interior of the OL was a bigger problem than RT last year. But I feel pretty good about the guard situation right now.

Neal's recovery from ankle surgery and his history of lower leg injuries is very concerning to me.
RE: The Issue I Have With Neal  
Ivan15 : 6/22/2024 1:30 pm : link
In comment 16540946 Trainmaster said:
(and it could be mostly / entirely a combination of bad OL coaching and underreported injuries), is the relatively high percentage of the time he seems way off balance or ends up on the ground. I seem to recall being on the ground too much was a concern in the run up to the draft.

It might be just 10+ years of bad Giants offensive line PTSD, but when I see Neal off balance or on the ground, I get major Ereck Flowers flashbacks.

Obviously this year is very important for Neal's future Giants and NFL career. IF he lives up to close to his draft position and becomes an above average / excellent right tackle, the Giants next decision will be to sign him early / relatively cheaply to a long term deal after this season. An ocean's worth of water needs to pass under the bridge before we're at that point.
Never mind worrying about a long term deal. The big decision is deciding on the 5th year option. Long term deals offered after 3 seasons are only for Pro Bowl caliber players. Unless he can get there this season, I wouldn’t put a long term deal on the table.
RE: Imagine if Evan Neal  
Ivan15 : 6/22/2024 1:40 pm : link
In comment 16540937 Southern Man said:
was at an AT level...we'd be (realistically) talking playoffs. I'm hoping this is the year for Neal. I want him to win the job; he works hard and doesn't complain. I know the Giants staff will give him every chance to succeed there. I am kind of curious, though, whether he would accept a go at the guard position if RT doesn't work out.
If Neal does not work out, I suspect the plan would be for him to be a swing tackle this year, and allow him to compete at guard next year. After 1 year at swing tackle, he probably will be more than happy to compete at guard next year. If not, cut him loose.
RE: …  
SomeFan : 6/22/2024 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16540793 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Given his play and injury history, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to rely on Neal.
I expect zero from him until we see otherwise. This injury is concerning too.
RE: I think they could surprise too.  
81_Great_Dane : 6/22/2024 3:53 pm : link
In comment 16540871 mittenedman said:
But it's all about the OL. ...
It's not all about the OL. It's also about the quality of QB play. I'm more optimistic about the OL than the QB. Jones may or may not be better, but I would expect him to miss time, and then it's Lock and DeVito, neither of whom makes me confident.
There are always injuries on the OL  
Jint Fan in Buc Land : 6/23/2024 11:23 am : link
and our starters aren't even solid. If we don't sign another decent OL or two this will be over in 6-8 weeks per usual
RE: Neal ran into a perfect storm of bad luck .....  
Jim in Tampa : 6/24/2024 6:38 pm : link
In comment 16541064 Manny in CA said:

1. Incompetent medical injury evaluation
2. Incompetent coaching
3. Incompetent guard play

He was (and is) a young inexperienced player counting on the vets around him knowing what they're doing. Instead, those vets had their heads up their up their you-know-whats.

Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by ....

Just because there are turkeys surrounding you, doesn't mean that you're not a turkey too. In fact, it hasn't impacted Thomas one bit.

Neal has trouble staying on the field and when he is on the field he doesn't play well.

Enough with the excuses.
RE: RE: Neal ran into a perfect storm of bad luck .....  
BigBlueShock : 6/24/2024 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16542044 Jim in Tampa said:
In comment 16541064 Manny in CA said:


1. Incompetent medical injury evaluation
2. Incompetent coaching
3. Incompetent guard play

He was (and is) a young inexperienced player counting on the vets around him knowing what they're doing. Instead, those vets had their heads up their up their you-know-whats.

Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by ....

Just because there are turkeys surrounding you, doesn't mean that you're not a turkey too. In fact, it hasn't impacted Thomas one bit.

Neal has trouble staying on the field and when he is on the field he doesn't play well.

Enough with the excuses.

Your memory sucks. 1 1/2 years into Thomas’ career there were plenty of mouth breathers on this site screaming to move him to guard and lamenting the fact that the Giants screwed up again and took the wrong OT. That is a fact. Neal may or may not work out but YOU wanting immediate results from every young player coming into the league is a you problem. Some players take a bit longer to develop whether you like it or not. Forget about right now, how quickly this fanbase tuned on Neal in his rookie year was absolutely pathetic. Especially after those same clowns were made out to be fools coming off the heels of doing the same exact thing to Thomas
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/24/2024 6:54 pm : link
I do love this time of the summer when EVERYONE & their mother seem to be optimistic about what's going down this fall.
RE: ...  
Torn Tendon : 6/24/2024 9:11 pm : link
In comment 16542056 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I do love this time of the summer when EVERYONE & their mother seem to be optimistic about what's going down this fall.

Which disappears first, the last of the Halloween candy or mathematical shot at the playoffs?
RE: ...  
Snorkels : 6/24/2024 10:10 pm : link
In comment 16542056 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I do love this time of the summer when EVERYONE & their mother seem to be optimistic about what's going down this fall.

Sir: I can understand it if you don't have anything positive to say. After all its been 18 long games since the Giants last won a playoff game. But one just wants to ask if all you're going to do is be effing negative then maybe just STFU! What a miserable person you must be to be around!
RE: RE: RE: Neal ran into a perfect storm of bad luck .....  
Jim in Tampa : 6/25/2024 10:40 am : link
In comment 16542051 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16542044 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16541064 Manny in CA said:


1. Incompetent medical injury evaluation
2. Incompetent coaching
3. Incompetent guard play

He was (and is) a young inexperienced player counting on the vets around him knowing what they're doing. Instead, those vets had their heads up their up their you-know-whats.

Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by ....

Just because there are turkeys surrounding you, doesn't mean that you're not a turkey too. In fact, it hasn't impacted Thomas one bit.

Neal has trouble staying on the field and when he is on the field he doesn't play well.

Enough with the excuses.

Your memory sucks. 1 1/2 years into Thomas’ career there were plenty of mouth breathers on this site screaming to move him to guard and lamenting the fact that the Giants screwed up again and took the wrong OT. That is a fact. Neal may or may not work out but YOU wanting immediate results from every young player coming into the league is a you problem. Some players take a bit longer to develop whether you like it or not. Forget about right now, how quickly this fanbase tuned on Neal in his rookie year was absolutely pathetic. Especially after those same clowns were made out to be fools coming off the heels of doing the same exact thing to Thomas

Your comprehension skills suck. This has nothing to do with my memory or the opinions of Giants' fans regarding Neal.

Manny referenced three reasons (excuses) for Neal's lack of success and then suggested that it's "Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by..." followed by a photo of Turkeys. Those three specific reasons (regarding Neal) are what I was challenging, while also pointing out that none of those reasons impacted Thomas.

I know that your sole purpose for posting is to call other posters names and tell them how wrong they are because they have a different view than yours... but maybe next time read the post before spewing your vitriol.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Neal ran into a perfect storm of bad luck .....  
BigBlueShock : 6/25/2024 11:34 am : link
In comment 16542310 Jim in Tampa said:
In comment 16542051 BigBlueShock said:


In comment 16542044 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16541064 Manny in CA said:


1. Incompetent medical injury evaluation
2. Incompetent coaching
3. Incompetent guard play

He was (and is) a young inexperienced player counting on the vets around him knowing what they're doing. Instead, those vets had their heads up their up their you-know-whats.

Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by ....

Just because there are turkeys surrounding you, doesn't mean that you're not a turkey too. In fact, it hasn't impacted Thomas one bit.

Neal has trouble staying on the field and when he is on the field he doesn't play well.

Enough with the excuses.

Your memory sucks. 1 1/2 years into Thomas’ career there were plenty of mouth breathers on this site screaming to move him to guard and lamenting the fact that the Giants screwed up again and took the wrong OT. That is a fact. Neal may or may not work out but YOU wanting immediate results from every young player coming into the league is a you problem. Some players take a bit longer to develop whether you like it or not. Forget about right now, how quickly this fanbase tuned on Neal in his rookie year was absolutely pathetic. Especially after those same clowns were made out to be fools coming off the heels of doing the same exact thing to Thomas

Your comprehension skills suck. This has nothing to do with my memory or the opinions of Giants' fans regarding Neal.

Manny referenced three reasons (excuses) for Neal's lack of success and then suggested that it's "Hard to soar like eagles when surrounded by..." followed by a photo of Turkeys. Those three specific reasons (regarding Neal) are what I was challenging, while also pointing out that none of those reasons impacted Thomas.

I know that your sole purpose for posting is to call other posters names and tell them how wrong they are because they have a different view than yours... but maybe next time read the post before spewing your vitriol.

Thomas is at a different place in his development and career. But all 3 of those things absolutely had an effect on Thomas for the first couple of years. He wasn’t anywhere near the player he is now and I’m not sure how the hell you can say with a straight face that injuries, coaching and surrounding cast don’t have any effect on rookie and second year players development. That’s mind boggling. Neal may not be very good in the end but to suggest none of those 3 things have anything to do with his struggles and development is laughable.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/25/2024 12:57 pm : link
Snorkels, most people find me to be good company. As for being negative on the Giants, well, it is warranted. Sorry.
RE: RE: ...  
Scooter185 : 6/25/2024 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16542171 Snorkels said:
In comment 16542056 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I do love this time of the summer when EVERYONE & their mother seem to be optimistic about what's going down this fall.

Sir: I can understand it if you don't have anything positive to say. After all its been 18 long games since the Giants last won a playoff game. But one just wants to ask if all you're going to do is be effing negative then maybe just STFU! What a miserable person you must be to be around!

Probably more fun to be around than someone who is constantly trying to control and change the conversation
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