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NFT: Joe Jackson should definitely be in the R and R Hall of Fame

oghwga : 6/22/2024 12:45 pm
Found some of my old albums today and played Look Sharp, I'm the Man, Beat Crazy, and then Jumpin Jive all in a row. It got me through tiling my bathroom.

Great bass tracks, piano, influenced by and influencer of many styles and genres.

Maybe I'm just the age to be right in that wheelhouse but the man produced one good song after another not to mention that "Sunday Papers" holds up to the internet age because all the same things he said there still ring true.

He was great live back in the day, too plus part of being a rock and roller is not caring what the mainstream does and just blazing your own path and he certainly does that.

Never did the deep dive  
djm : 6/22/2024 12:49 pm : link
But stepping out was always a favorite. It’s even on one of the radio stations from GTA V.
These threads are mystifying.  
LauderdaleMatty : 6/22/2024 12:57 pm : link
Not because he doesn't belong. But because that HOF is an abomination music. He wasnt my cup of tea back I the day but they don't care about musical talent or even groups who were hugely influential. They helped kill the whole concept of rock music and actual stimulation of the creation of new music.
some buddies of mine just went to see him a couple of  
markky : 6/22/2024 12:57 pm : link
weeks ago. said he's still amazing.

but I don't want anyone in the R&R HoF until Lonesome George Thorogood gets in. It's a travesty.
Good 'ole Joe Jackson . . .  
3000_MilesToMeadowlands : 6/22/2024 1:31 pm : link
Always thought Richard Cheese wanted to be like Joe, but just couldn't, so he did the The Lounge Against the Machine thing. Just cause you like Lemmy and Fast Eddie doing their thing, doesn't mean you cannot appreciate JJ.

Love that guy
Joe Jackson  
JohnG in Albany : 6/22/2024 1:41 pm : link
I always thought he was underrated.
Every freakin H-O-F  
Maggot Brain : 6/22/2024 1:53 pm : link
has been watered down until it's rendered almost irrelevant. If Abba is in the Hall, why not Jackson. But Jackson vs. Led Zep or Jimi or the Stones or the Who. Joe J. not in the same stratosphere.
JJ has been a favorite of mine since the beginning  
rnargi : 6/22/2024 2:16 pm : link
Multi talented, hell of a writer, and just great chops. I always felt his bass player, Graham Maby, is criminally underrated. He started with Joe and then branched out and played with many other artists on some damned good records. Love his flat pick style.
I agree margy  
oghwga : 6/22/2024 2:42 pm : link
The bass really stands out, especially on the earlier records.
It'd be nice if Joe Jackson got in. I'm a fan.  
81_Great_Dane : 6/22/2024 2:47 pm : link
But y'know, the music is the music. In the HOF, not in the HOF, the music is the same — which I guess is a roundabout way of saying the HOF is not important, except to the person getting the honor. Fun to discuss, but not important.
Great baseball player too  
Jersey Heel : 6/22/2024 3:30 pm : link
Shame about the Black Sox scandal.
One More Time is a great song  
PatersonPlank : 6/22/2024 4:29 pm : link
That is good that you are fans  
HomerJones45 : 6/22/2024 5:07 pm : link
but there is no way he's making the R&R HOF. He hasn't been relevant in 30 years and never sold many records.

ABBA, whose appeal I never understood, has, inexplicably, sold 150 million records and had numerous #1 hits. They still have an audience as evidenced by the play and the movie.

HOF's are not just for the cognescenti; popular appeal has a part in selections. Remember that when Taylor Swift gets into the R&R HOF. ;0)
RE: Every freakin H-O-F  
fkap : 6/22/2024 5:35 pm : link
In comment 16541161 Maggot Brain said:
has been watered down until it's rendered almost irrelevant. If Abba is in the Hall, why not Jackson. But Jackson vs. Led Zep or Jimi or the Stones or the Who. Joe J. not in the same stratosphere.

This is my take. If every artist who had a good album or two gets into the hall, gonna need a bigger building.

I like JJ. If he gets in, I can accept it as a worthy entry considering others who are in. But if he doesn't, I don't think it's criminally unjust.
RE: RE: Every freakin H-O-F  
LauderdaleMatty : 6/22/2024 6:42 pm : link
In comment 16541252 fkap said:
In comment 16541161 Maggot Brain said:


has been watered down until it's rendered almost irrelevant. If Abba is in the Hall, why not Jackson. But Jackson vs. Led Zep or Jimi or the Stones or the Who. Joe J. not in the same stratosphere.

This is my take. If every artist who had a good album or two gets into the hall, gonna need a bigger building.

I like JJ. If he gets in, I can accept it as a worthy entry considering others who are in. But if he doesn't, I don't think it's criminally unjust.

It's not. The issue is that at least half the acts getting in aren't Rock and Roll. ABBA is in. May as well put in Andrea Bocelli or Frank Sinatra.
I love Joe Jackson always did. And who gives a fuck about  
Victor in CT : 6/22/2024 6:48 pm : link
Some subjective shithouse vote? He's great. Good enough me.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/22/2024 6:50 pm : link
Who isn't in the Rock & Roll HOF?
Nothing says Rock and Roll to me like a …  
Crispino : 6/22/2024 7:15 pm : link
good Dolly Parton jam. That RnR Hall of Famer gets me so pumped I can’t drive the speed limit! Rock on, Dolly!
ok I will be the one to ask the stupid question.  
NYDCBlue : 6/22/2024 7:19 pm : link
We talking about Michael, Janet, and Tito's Pappa?
OldGiantsFan : 6/22/2024 7:21 pm : link
Black Sox scandal, 1919. Give it up, ok?

Wait, R & R HOF???
RE: Joe Jackson  
BigBlueinDE : 6/22/2024 7:45 pm : link
In comment 16541159 JohnG in Albany said:
I always thought he was underrated.

+1. He's underrated big time.
I like Joe Jackson.  
Del Shofner : 6/22/2024 8:26 pm : link
I don't like even the concept of a R and R Hall of Fame, much less how it's been implemented.
He's been living in Berlin  
Gruber : 6/23/2024 5:00 pm : link
for some years.
So, he has something in common with Bowie, Iggy Pop and Fran Healy of Travis.
Whatever that bullshit R&RHoF is- if it is music  
SomeFan : 6/23/2024 11:17 pm : link
he should be in.
...there's something going wrong around here... - ( New Window )
RE: JJ has been a favorite of mine since the beginning  
SomeFan : 6/23/2024 11:19 pm : link
In comment 16541167 rnargi said:
Multi talented, hell of a writer, and just great chops. I always felt his bass player, Graham Maby, is criminally underrated. He started with Joe and then branched out and played with many other artists on some damned good records. Love his flat pick style.
yeah, great bass player.
This guy  
SomeFan : 6/23/2024 11:33 pm : link
was great.

Janet Jackson is in the R&R HoF. What the FUCK is going on in the world! Joe Jackson is not!
For all you sophisticates - ( New Window )
Fantastic talent  
lono801 : 6/23/2024 11:34 pm : link
His albums need to be remastered…

On my system the albums sound completely dated

The Wife absolutely loves him
He is definitely deserving.  
Section331 : 6/24/2024 10:14 am : link
He has a bit of a prickly personality and is a bit of a recluse. I wonder if voters hold that against him? His first album alone should get him in. He basically invented the post-punk era while punk was still in its prime.
RE: Fantastic talent  
Section331 : 6/24/2024 10:15 am : link
In comment 16541691 lono801 said:
His albums need to be remastered…

On my system the albums sound completely dated

The Wife absolutely loves him

Completely agree with you on remastering, Stepping Out is almost unlistetnable.
I feel the fact that Dr. Teeth  
Semipro Lineman : 6/24/2024 3:46 pm : link
and Electric Mayhem isn't in yet is the biggest RnR HOF snub...

he's not in the HOF  
cactus : 6/24/2024 5:33 pm : link
because he accepted a bribe to flame out at a gig
What does that  
oghwga : 6/24/2024 8:55 pm : link
Mean? Am I missing something?
What is your criteria  
Gregorio : 6/25/2024 12:42 am : link
for entry to the HOF? JJ’s music was interesting but it wasn’t highly influential. Accepting any artist with a modicum of success, waters down the value of the HOF. Shouldn’t the requirement include sustained success over many album releases, and also significant influence on other musicians?

No I don’t see that JJ has earned HOF entry.

And I say this as a bass player with tremendous respect for Graham Maby’s performance’s on the Look Sharp and I’m The Man albums.
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