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Did Barkley give the Giants a chance to match?

mittenedman : 6/26/2024 8:16 am
The Hard Knocks clip got me wondering. Or did he just go incommunicado and sign with the Eagles?
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RE: I'm a little confused here,  
PatersonPlank : 6/26/2024 9:15 pm : link
In comment 16543622 j_rud said:
I thought it was known after Berkley signed with Philly that the Gianta didn't make an offer. Also, Terps point is a good one: the Giants aren't going to let this be presented in any way that would cast them in a negative light. I'm interested to take a peak behind the curtain, but it's going to be a very carefully curated peak. I'm sure it'll be entertaining, but goddamn a winning football team would be a helluva lot more fun to watch.

Yeah this is what I remember reading too. When Barkley got the Eagles offer his team asked the Giants if they wanted to make a counter offer and they declined.
RE: …  
Scuzzlebutt : 6/26/2024 11:14 pm : link
In comment 16543017 christian said:
The real story, and the one the media shouldn't let Schoen and Mara off the hook on is there was demand for Barkley.

And because of that demand the Giants should have received compensation for Barkley's departure either last year or this off season.

That the Giants didn't franchise Barkley because it would limit the teams interested in him and leave him fewer choices is one of the most absurd things I've heard and owner imply.

If you need to know one thing about Mara, that's it.

100% trading him not only provides compensation, but gives the team more say in where SB ends up. Now we get no return and he makes the Eagles better.
Barkley said the Giants never made an offer.  
mittenedman : 6/26/2024 11:53 pm : link
That doesn’t mean he gave the Giants a chance to match.

That clip sounds like the Giants told him to find out his value on the open market and bring it back. I’m wondering if he ever did. Maybe no one knows.
RE: RE: Just because...  
eric2425ny : 6/27/2024 12:12 am : link
In comment 16543414 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16543364 Chris in Philly said:


a team overpaid him with a contract does not mean that teams were willing to give up draft capital for him. Everything else is supposition.

It was reported that teams were making offers. The Giants also said publicly they were not listening to those offers.

Exactly. This team was done by early October. I’d rather they traded him for a 5th or 6th rounder than get zero in return if they truly had no intention of resigning him.

I don’t generally buy into the whole “Mara controls key decisions” theory, but this Barkley situation doesn’t seem like something Schoen and Daboll would have cooked up without being directed by certain people.
New economics  
Rod in St Cloud : 6/27/2024 8:29 am : link
Schoen doesn't value RBs and Safeties in today's market as much as the other positions. We lost two good players because of that philosophy. Barkley and McKinney are gone, not because the Giants didn't like them. They didn't want to go over the price they set for negotiations with them. Other teams valued them more than we did. We now have Singletary and Nubin as a result of this philosophy as their replacements. It allowed them to purchase Burns as an Edge rusher. It remains to be seen which ends up as the better course of action.
Drafting Saquon overall #2 was an error in judgment from a GM  
ThomasG : 6/27/2024 8:57 am : link
that had no idea how to recognize a bad roster and know what to do to rebuild it.

Not trading Saquon last year after it was determined he was not part of your future plans was just bad business.
Toth029 : 6/27/2024 8:59 am : link
Only philosophy, it is easier to find impact at running back and safety from no-name guys. Flash in the pans, if you will. I'm fully in agreement with him in this sense because I also didn't want them to pay Barkley over $12M and McKinney, while I wanted to keep, got corner one money and he just wasn't making those plays week in and week out to convince anybody he is worth that. Paying Runyan what he's getting is completely acceptable in that sense, and sure Burns got top 5 DE money, but he just recently turned 26 and has potential to be a high end DE. If you can acquire a player like that, you do it. Not pay high end money to a backend S unless he's a HOF caliber type, which is very few lately for safeties.
From what I read in the past ...  
Beer Man : 6/27/2024 11:45 am : link
the Giants didn't approach Barkley about a future contract. If true, I doubt he would give them an opportunity to match.
RE: New economics  
blueblood : 6/27/2024 3:29 pm : link
In comment 16543924 Rod in St Cloud said:
Schoen doesn't value RBs and Safeties in today's market as much as the other positions. We lost two good players because of that philosophy. Barkley and McKinney are gone, not because the Giants didn't like them. They didn't want to go over the price they set for negotiations with them. Other teams valued them more than we did. We now have Singletary and Nubin as a result of this philosophy as their replacements. It allowed them to purchase Burns as an Edge rusher. It remains to be seen which ends up as the better course of action.

Is McKinney worth 17 million a year ?? nope... and as mush as it pains me to sya this.. Saquon was overrated... great rookie season.. big splash plays.. inconsistent and often injured.. not worth the investment IMO
I just do not understand the inconsistencies ...  
DefenseWins : 6/27/2024 6:55 pm : link
as it relates to how people feel about Barkley.

For a year now I am reading how Barkley is not worth it, RBs are plug and play, the RB market is down, etc

Now I see that Barkley is so valuable that we needed to get compensation in return.

I am in alignment on the first point. We also cannot assume the Giants did not try to receive compensation. We may have been denied.
RE: Does it really matter?  
BigBlueinDE : 6/29/2024 2:05 pm : link
In comment 16543002 Giant John said:
Giants weren’t matching the offer the Eagles made and they shouldn’t have.

+1. Since his rookie year minus a few flashes here and there afterwards, he hasn't been particularly productive. I don't think they're going to miss Barkley as much as some may think.
RE: RE: New economics  
BigBlueinDE : 6/29/2024 2:07 pm : link
In comment 16544290 blueblood said:
In comment 16543924 Rod in St Cloud said:


Schoen doesn't value RBs and Safeties in today's market as much as the other positions. We lost two good players because of that philosophy. Barkley and McKinney are gone, not because the Giants didn't like them. They didn't want to go over the price they set for negotiations with them. Other teams valued them more than we did. We now have Singletary and Nubin as a result of this philosophy as their replacements. It allowed them to purchase Burns as an Edge rusher. It remains to be seen which ends up as the better course of action.

Is McKinney worth 17 million a year ?? nope... and as mush as it pains me to sya this.. Saquon was overrated... great rookie season.. big splash plays.. inconsistent and often injured.. not worth the investment IMO

Agree on both points. GB can have McKinney and Philly can have Barkley.
RE: RE: RE: Just because...  
SJGiant : 6/29/2024 2:21 pm : link
In comment 16543871 eric2425ny said:
In comment 16543414 Eric from BBI said:


In comment 16543364 Chris in Philly said:


a team overpaid him with a contract does not mean that teams were willing to give up draft capital for him. Everything else is supposition.

It was reported that teams were making offers. The Giants also said publicly they were not listening to those offers.

Exactly. This team was done by early October. I’d rather they traded him for a 5th or 6th rounder than get zero in return if they truly had no intention of resigning him.

I don’t generally buy into the whole “Mara controls key decisions” theory, but this Barkley situation doesn’t seem like something Schoen and Daboll would have cooked up without being directed by certain people.

If you look at OTC Compensation pick projections for 2025, you could argue that allowing Barkley to leave in free agency got you a fourth round compensation pick for McKinney that would not have received. We would not receive any comp picks without Barkleys salary in the formula.
OTC 2025 compensation projections - ( New Window )
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