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Former NFL executives as experts

chitt17 : 7/5/2024 6:33 pm
Maybe there is a reason they are "former".

They failed and now can criticize what current execs are doing.
It’s a tough biz…  
knowledgetimmons : 7/5/2024 6:37 pm : link
Gone are the days of vision, philosophy …etc. the only thing that matters is Win.big markets suffer the most from this problem. Win or get eaten by the media/fans.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/5/2024 6:40 pm : link
I have no problem with former executives opining. What I can't stand is when do the whole 'You can't disagree with me! I'm a former executive. Who are you?' routine.
BBV - Ex-GM says the Giants could be a train wreck  
US1 Giants : 7/5/2024 6:43 pm : link
That seems like a critical opinion by a former executive.

Ex-GM: ‘Train wreck’ could be coming if Giants start slowly - ( New Window )
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/5/2024 6:49 pm : link
As for the 'train wreck' post from US1Giants...I can see the 'train wreck' happening Week 1 if we lose to the Vikes & JJ is the Vikes starting QB, however unlikely that might be on 7/5.
Some of them have been great over the years  
mfsd : 7/5/2024 6:55 pm : link
Gil Brandt is exhibit A. I’ve always enjoyed Pat Kirwan on Sirius

But in all businesses, not just football, a lot of analysts were former execs who failed. Some quite profoundly
a lot of current execs  
BigBlueCane : 7/5/2024 9:21 pm : link
are retreads who tried and failed somewhere else, then got another job b/c they knew the right people.

If they put their name on it.....I am more accepting  
George from PA : 7/5/2024 9:46 pm : link
Might not agree.....

I hate the un-named executives offering their criticism
It’s all entertainment  
UConn4523 : 7/5/2024 9:49 pm : link
does it matter that they failed? They have an
opinion like anyone else.
I wouldn't get too worked up about it  
The Dude : 7/5/2024 10:16 pm : link
it's entertainment, and hey theres only so many executive roles in the NFL. Their opinion is not the end all be all. This can be applied to any discussion about any topic really.
What about former head coaches  
SirLoinOfBeef : 7/5/2024 11:43 pm : link

Is Belichick full of shit too?...
Thomas Dimitroff is always a good, reasoned listen  
FranknWeezer : 7/6/2024 1:24 am : link
But you can also pretty easily spot the guys who are doing it for spite and clicks, like Marc Ross and Mike Lombardi. I routinely tune out those type of talking heads.
RE: BBV - Ex-GM says the Giants could be a train wreck  
HBart : 7/6/2024 6:24 am : link
In comment 16548770 US1 Giants said:
That seems like a critical opinion by a former executive. Ex-GM: ‘Train wreck’ could be coming if Giants start slowly - ( New Window )

Did you actually read the article?

His potential train wreck would be after another shitty season.

Diamond, though, is not expecting that train wreck. While many analysts think the Giants have one of the league’s weakest rosters, Diamond said “I really don’t.”
“I think there’s a lot of really good players on that roster,” Diamond said.

Fuking hilarious.
I don't understand how people think here....  
4xchamps : 7/6/2024 8:22 am : link
The worst failed GM in football knows more about the game, how it works and the behind the scenes stuff than "Joe Schmo" fan on any forum, and 10000% more than anyone on this particular forum. It's disrespectful and just dumb to think overwise.
RE: I don't understand how people think here....  
gersh : 7/6/2024 8:37 am : link
In comment 16548906 4xchamps said:
The worst failed GM in football knows more about the game, how it works and the behind the scenes stuff than "Joe Schmo" fan on any forum, and 10000% more than anyone on this particular forum. It's disrespectful and just dumb to think overwise.

In less strong words I was going to make that point.
It’s also true that they need to earn a living and some write incendiary stuff to get clicks. And since it’s all about the clicks, the site paying them probably wants them to play up their resume.
RE: I don't understand how people think here....  
Mike in NY : 7/6/2024 8:39 am : link
In comment 16548906 4xchamps said:
The worst failed GM in football knows more about the game, how it works and the behind the scenes stuff than "Joe Schmo" fan on any forum, and 10000% more than anyone on this particular forum. It's disrespectful and just dumb to think overwise.

If the question was about how the game works that would be one thing. However, when failed GM’s are giving personnel opinions they are not better than “Joe Schmo” fan on any forum.
RE: I don't understand how people think here....  
christian : 7/6/2024 8:52 am : link
In comment 16548906 4xchamps said:
The worst failed GM in football knows more about the game, how it works and the behind the scenes stuff than "Joe Schmo" fan on any forum, and 10000% more than anyone on this particular forum. It's disrespectful and just dumb to think overwise.

I'm pretty certain no one on this site thinks the worst failed GMs know 1000% more than anyone on this forum.

You can sleep easy, no one thinks that.
Another reason to credit Jerry Reese  
Sean : 7/6/2024 9:07 am : link
So many of these ex executives get on the media wheel to try to get back in the league in some capacity. Something 2x SB champion GM Jerry Reese never felt the need to do.
RE: Maybe there is a reason they are "former"  
Trainmaster : 7/6/2024 9:42 am : link
My current favorite former exec is HOFer Bill Polian. He’s 81 years old. HOFer Gil Brandt was also excellent. He was 91 when he passed.

Don’t paint all the former execs with one, broad brush.

RE: Another reason to credit Jerry Reese  
UConn4523 : 7/6/2024 10:05 am : link
In comment 16548919 Sean said:
So many of these ex executives get on the media wheel to try to get back in the league in some capacity. Something 2x SB champion GM Jerry Reese never felt the need to do.

What if he was good on TV?
The ones who give ananamous quotes  
UberAlias : 7/6/2024 10:15 am : link
are frauds.
It's case by case. I don't give a shit what a guy like Lombardi says  
David B. : 7/6/2024 12:53 pm : link
His sour grapes are so transparent he's not even professional.

Also wouldn't give a shit about anything Matt Millen ever says, but he was a horrid GM, but at least a good player.

Respect is earned. I've always found Pat Kirwan insightful. Charlie Casserly, too.

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