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John and Tim

SUS81 : 7/18/2024 7:19 pm
I am a long time lurker who pops in here from time to time. I keep seeing all of this analysis of John and Tim and how John is poking his nose in football stuff. Both, it seems should just stay out of the way. I don’t get it.

What if Schoen were panicked that he is on his last year? Don’t we want someone who will make sure that the GM doesn’t roll the dice with crazy moves to buy more time? He seems to have struck a balance between allowing Schoen to operate while staying involved enough to know Schoen’s thought process. So many posters think his involvement can only mess up the smarter minds.

I know we can’t tell how much he put his thumb on the scale in the past, but expecting him to not say anything to avoid the risk his GM will feel too much pressure sounds absurd. He should expect the GM to tell him when and why he is wrong.

On a similar note, succession in these businesses is difficult. Shouldn’t Mara want his nephew to learn the way decisions are made if he is going to succeed him? Even if McConnell’s judgement is off, having him in the room is how he can get better. In a family business, its a challenge for someone in Joe’s position, but he has a better shot of influencing Tim to be a better owner down the road if Tim learns the personnel side from him.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/18/2024 7:26 pm : link
The nephew learning football sense from John is like promoting an arsonist to the police fire chief.
John Mara has every right to meddle. If you were CEO of a business,  
Ivan15 : 7/18/2024 7:27 pm : link
Any business, and you grew up and worked in the business for 50+ years, don’t you think you have a right to meddle?

Hiring an “outside the family” COO doesn’t mean you should give up your right to meddle.
RE: ...  
Del Shofner : 7/18/2024 7:29 pm : link
In comment 16555702 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
The nephew learning football sense from John is like promoting an arsonist to the police fire chief.

Yeah, Tim is the one who worries me the most.
RE: John Mara has every right to meddle. If you were CEO of a business,  
Mattman : 7/18/2024 7:54 pm : link
In comment 16555703 Ivan15 said:
Any business, and you grew up and worked in the business for 50+ years, don’t you think you have a right to meddle?

Hiring an “outside the family” COO doesn’t mean you should give up your right to meddle.

No one questions his “right” as the owner. I think we are questioning his football sense. The success in the last 50 years was when football men took charge and went counter to the family instincts
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/18/2024 7:58 pm : link
After thinking more on it, I'll give John a slight pass for the 'He's our most popular player' comment on Saquon. He is the owner. He wants asses in the seats, merch to be sold, & medium Pepsis to be sold.

Where I have a problem with the Maras is that they seem to be awful-AWFUL-evaluators in terms of fielding a winning team. Both Wellington & now John seem to be way too loyal and sentimental. Football is a business. & if you're running a business, you have to be cutthroat at times & put aside your feelings towards people. For example, John acts like DJ is a son. Dude, like WTF?
RE: John Mara has every right to meddle. If you were CEO of a business,  
k2tampa : 7/18/2024 8:16 pm : link
In comment 16555703 Ivan15 said:
Any business, and you grew up and worked in the business for 50+ years, don’t you think you have a right to meddle?

Hiring an “outside the family” COO doesn’t mean you should give up your right to meddle.

Yeah, let's hope the families sell and the Giants end up with a Dan Snyder owner. Right. I just don't understand people bitching about an owner sharing his opinions with the GM.
Should Eric not have any input on running this site and just let the mods make all the decisions?
To insinuate the the Mara’s know nothing is ludicrous.  
CV36 : 7/18/2024 8:27 pm : link
There isn’t a single person who loves the sport enough to own a team that would stay out of it. If he wants to be involved he should. Another wrong take is people who say because he’s older he doesn’t understand. I used to think that about my parents until I was old enough to understand i was wrong. Wisdom is something that comes from years of experience. It’s still a people business and he knows plenty about people. If someone wants to pony up enough to buy a team then get one and do it your way. I bet you are involved.
christian : 7/18/2024 9:38 pm : link
It bears repeating Mara inherited and owns a tiny minority of the team (no more than 5%).

He's the president and CEO of the organization and serves at the pleasure of his siblings and the Tisches.

His job is to run the organization, not run the football operation.

I don't think a lot of fans can wrap their head around that last distinction. A more simple way to put it: his job is to make money for the other stakeholders, and Joe Schoen's job is to construct a winning football team.
RE: …  
Sean : 7/18/2024 9:46 pm : link
In comment 16555762 christian said:
It bears repeating Mara inherited and owns a tiny minority of the team (no more than 5%).

He's the president and CEO of the organization and serves at the pleasure of his siblings and the Tisches.

His job is to run the organization, not run the football operation.

I don't think a lot of fans can wrap their head around that last distinction. A more simple way to put it: his job is to make money for the other stakeholders, and Joe Schoen's job is to construct a winning football team.

We all assume Tim McDonnell is next in line, but couldn't the Tisch side stop that? If the team struggles for the next few years, why would Tisch be okay with that arrangement? I get they're job is to run the organization, but they are involved in personnel.
christian : 7/18/2024 10:02 pm : link
Cousin Greg's generation of Maras only dilutes the ownership pie more, which conceivably also complicates who holds that torch.

I always thought Cousin Greg was the heir apparent, but I'm guessing he goes the Chris Mara route and pretends to get interviews as a GM for a living.
There is an old saying that  
56goat : 7/18/2024 10:26 pm : link
Owners should own and coaches should coach. John has been around for a long time, but that doesn't mean he knows squat about building a football team, in fact his comments prove otherwise. That whole free medium Pepsi deal shows how tone deaf he is. All the Maras/relatives need to stay out of it and let the actual football people do their jobs.
RE: RE: John Mara has every right to meddle. If you were CEO of a business,  
SirLoinOfBeef : 7/18/2024 10:30 pm : link
In comment 16555729 k2tampa said:
In comment 16555703 Ivan15 said:


Any business, and you grew up and worked in the business for 50+ years, don’t you think you have a right to meddle?

Hiring an “outside the family” COO doesn’t mean you should give up your right to meddle.

Yeah, let's hope the families sell and the Giants end up with a Dan Snyder owner. Right. I just don't understand people bitching about an owner sharing his opinions with the GM.
Should Eric not have any input on running this site and just let the mods make all the decisions?

When you've been bad as long s the Giants have been, your input should be questioned.

Owner or not.

I swear some of you just love the machine.

You guys keep saying " The Nephew "  
blueblood : 7/18/2024 10:56 pm : link
" The Nephew " Is Wellington Mara's grandson.
John Mara is aging.. The NYG Giants franchise as a new worth value of 6.8 BILLION dollars.. Someone has to be groomed to take over..
I can tell people who dont work closely with Owners of businesses  
blueblood : 7/18/2024 11:02 pm : link
Im a buyer. I make buying decisions every single day. I talk to the owner every single day. He ALWAYS makes his opinions or feelings known, and he has that right because its HIS business and HIS money I'm spending.

90-95% of the time he trusts me because of my experience to do whats right to make the business money.. Just last week I made a purchase.. he was asking do we need to do this... I showed him the data that we did..

Ownership making their opinion known is NOT necessarily meddling.. Its how business is done and gets done.,.
There is absolutely no reason that a President and CEO  
cosmicj : 7/19/2024 6:40 am : link
Must be one of the owners. John Mara could retire and they could conduct a search and hire a non owner for that role. That would be commonplace. The fact that McDonnell is the heir apparent is odd.
RE: There is absolutely no reason that a President and CEO  
Blue Baas : 7/19/2024 7:13 am : link
In comment 16555820 cosmicj said:
Must be one of the owners. John Mara could retire and they could conduct a search and hire a non owner for that role. That would be commonplace. The fact that McDonnell is the heir apparent is odd.

Kevin Abrams definitely would get serious consideration
Same $hit, different day  
4xchamps : 7/19/2024 7:43 am : link
JM has not meddled, he has a say and lets JS make the final call. What in the hell is wrong with that. Stop the bull$shit narrative.

You want meddling? How about Dan Snyder when he was in DC, Jerry Jones, Al Davis, Robert Kraft...?
Good to see someone from Giants GQ pop in!  
Biteymax22 : 7/19/2024 8:06 am : link
Hopefully this is something you can report directly to the board and Tisch: Both John and Tim clearly don't know how to build a winning franchise in modern football and shouldn't be making decisions. Mara had some early success based on what his father built and absolutely destroyed the franchise when "his decisions" started taking effect. McDonnell has learned "John's Way" which is wrong.

So no, us fans don't think these are the guys that should be "watching" over our GM. Schoen is more qualified to make football decisions than Mara or McDonnell and shouldn't be subject to their scrutiny.

IMO both should report directly to the teams owner, Steve Tisch, so football and business are kept separately.
RE: …  
Biteymax22 : 7/19/2024 8:10 am : link
In comment 16555762 christian said:
It bears repeating Mara inherited and owns a tiny minority of the team (no more than 5%).

He's the president and CEO of the organization and serves at the pleasure of his siblings and the Tisches.

His job is to run the organization, not run the football operation.

I don't think a lot of fans can wrap their head around that last distinction. A more simple way to put it: his job is to make money for the other stakeholders, and Joe Schoen's job is to construct a winning football team.


John is not THE OWNER who writes the check. He own's 1/11th of 50% of the franchise which is more akin to a large shareholder than an actual owner. The largest stakeholder is Steve Tisch.

Now, to their credit, the Mara family seems to band closely together in their decision making which makes it hard for Tisch to completely dictate anything without their input. However, John still shouldn't be viewed as THE OWNER, rather just another person with a board voted job in the org.

IMO the easiest fix is that the GM no longer reports to John and reports to the board just as John does. This removes John from football decisions which he's incredibly poor at.
RE: There is absolutely no reason that a President and CEO  
blueblood : 7/19/2024 8:11 am : link
In comment 16555820 cosmicj said:
Must be one of the owners. John Mara could retire and they could conduct a search and hire a non owner for that role. That would be commonplace. The fact that McDonnell is the heir apparent is odd.

You mean besides the fact that he is the founders Grandson ???
christian : 7/19/2024 8:56 am : link
In comment 16555840 Biteymax22 said:
IMO the easiest fix is that the GM no longer reports to John and reports to the board just as John does. This removes John from football decisions which he's incredibly poor at.

I get the sense the BOD is really just a formality, and Steve and John just get their decisions rubber stamped by the other members. I'm not sure it makes a big difference.

I think the Chiefs have the right model. Hunt as the CEO and Donovan as President with the coach and GM reporting to the president.

Donovan is a business guy, but got a cup of coffee in the NFL. That football background probably helps him understand what he doesn't know.
One thing that is never discussed  
Essex : 7/19/2024 9:04 am : link
is that that Mara's are not a wealthy family in the sense of like the Tisch's or Woody Johnson. Wellington had like ten kids and they all got an equal share. John runs the organization for them, but I am sure a brother or sister or two is concerned about profits. That John had this concern seemed foolish to me at first given how much the NFL makes and the Giants make, but when you split 50% ten ways to support a family, you might be looking to squeeze more money out of it than say the guy who owns Loew's or Johnson and Johnson. In any event, I am not even sure those guys would be so keen to let their most popular player go--a lot of these guys arent billionaires for no reason (especially the self made ones).
RE: RE: There is absolutely no reason that a President and CEO  
Section331 : 7/19/2024 9:22 am : link
In comment 16555841 blueblood said:
In comment 16555820 cosmicj said:


Must be one of the owners. John Mara could retire and they could conduct a search and hire a non owner for that role. That would be commonplace. The fact that McDonnell is the heir apparent is odd.

You mean besides the fact that he is the founders Grandson ???

He’s the founder’s great grandson, and I’m not sure why that matters. The Mara’s own 50% of the team, it was Wellington’s decision (Tim’s actual grandfather) to sell half of the team (estate issues aside). You can be 1,000% certain that when it comes time for John to step down, that the Tisch’s will push hard for someone outside the Mara family be hired to run it.
christian : 7/19/2024 9:23 am : link
The Maras are wealthy on paper because of the value of the organization, but I've never read any accounts any of the 11 siblings having a great sum of wealth outside of the Giants.

I'm sure they all enjoy a comfortable life as a result of the earnings the team makes, but I don't individually they are billionaires.

The next generation of Maras only dilutes the equity, and will add more voiced and mouths to feed.
RE: …  
Sean : 7/19/2024 9:39 am : link
In comment 16555866 christian said:
The Maras are wealthy on paper because of the value of the organization, but I've never read any accounts any of the 11 siblings having a great sum of wealth outside of the Giants.

I'm sure they all enjoy a comfortable life as a result of the earnings the team makes, but I don't individually they are billionaires.

The next generation of Maras only dilutes the equity, and will add more voiced and mouths to feed.

I saw a rankings of each NFL owner and their net worth, NYG is near the bottom and Steve Tisch was listed.

I don't see the Maras ever selling, but it definitely gets messier for the next generation.
It's wishful thinking by disillusioned, angry fans  
JonC : 7/19/2024 9:41 am : link
who spend too much time in the minutiae of analysis, myself included. The bottom line is NYG has stunk since 2012, and it's not too difficult to understand why with Mara at the helm.
christian : 7/19/2024 9:59 am : link
All of this dates back to firing Coughlin and keeping Reese. The Giants appeared very invested in the notion of continuity from the championship years. That continuity produced a desperate Reese and Ben McAdoo as head coach.

If you give a GM an ultimatum, you've already fired him. The Giants needed a clean slate, instead they got plate the dishwasher left big spots on. And they've been trying to eat off it in one form or another since.
RE: ...  
Biteymax22 : 7/19/2024 10:43 am : link
In comment 16555856 christian said:
In comment 16555840 Biteymax22 said:


IMO the easiest fix is that the GM no longer reports to John and reports to the board just as John does. This removes John from football decisions which he's incredibly poor at.

I get the sense the BOD is really just a formality, and Steve and John just get their decisions rubber stamped by the other members. I'm not sure it makes a big difference.

I think the Chiefs have the right model. Hunt as the CEO and Donovan as President with the coach and GM reporting to the president.

Donovan is a business guy, but got a cup of coffee in the NFL. That football background probably helps him understand what he doesn't know.

To your point, I've never seen any evidence of the rest of the Mara's turning to John and saying "things need to change". Aside from Chris and Tim McDonnell, they all seem happy to collect checks and let John run things.
christian : 7/19/2024 10:50 am : link
My guess is Chris tries to poke his head in once in a while, but gets told to sit down by his big brother.

John Mara is going to be 70, so my guess is something comes to a head in the next 5 years.

If it's Cousin Greg, may the gods help us.
RE: …  
Scooter185 : 7/19/2024 11:17 am : link
In comment 16555866 christian said:
The Maras are wealthy on paper because of the value of the organization, but I've never read any accounts any of the 11 siblings having a great sum of wealth outside of the Giants.

I'm sure they all enjoy a comfortable life as a result of the earnings the team makes, but I don't individually they are billionaires.

The next generation of Maras only dilutes the equity, and will add more voiced and mouths to feed.

Regarding the dilution of equity, a few years ago I was renting a house from a family that was in a similar situation. The grandfather had owned a tobacco farm, and then developed the land. When he passed his kids inherited the estate, and by the time I was renting this property there were 11 or 13 kids/grandkids collecting off the estate. Apparently they were no longer content with collecting rent and started selling off the properties, including the one I was renting. I assume they wanted the cash lump sums to divide.
Agree Essex  
Lines of Scrimmage : 7/19/2024 11:28 am : link
Giants had been more conservative with HC's contracts but that seems to have changed. BB said all the same people were still in the building when Giants stadium was closing. It was the coaches who got fired. Meanwhile FO promotions...

Tisch's have been plenty of involved. They forced Coughlin out when it was clear the far bigger problem was the front office for years.

At least in more recent years did they start rooting out the rot in the front office. TBD if those changes were the right ones. They also seem more willing to spend outside of the players.
christian : 7/19/2024 11:53 am : link
In comment 16555928 Scooter185 said:
The Maras are wealthy on paper because of the value of the organization, but I've never read any accounts any of the 11 siblings having a great sum of wealth outside of the Giants.

I'm sure they all enjoy a comfortable life as a result of the earnings the team makes, but I don't individually they are billionaires.

The next generation of Maras only dilutes the equity, and will add more voiced and mouths to feed.

Regarding the dilution of equity, a few years ago I was renting a house from a family that was in a similar situation. The grandfather had owned a tobacco farm, and then developed the land. When he passed his kids inherited the estate, and by the time I was renting this property there were 11 or 13 kids/grandkids collecting off the estate. Apparently they were no longer content with collecting rent and started selling off the properties, including the one I was renting. I assume they wanted the cash lump sums to divide.

That's a good example. I assume the governing agreement allows for the other Maras to have rights of first refusal if a family member wants to sell. I don't expect the 50% share to move out of the family. In fact, we don't know if that hasn't already happened. I wouldn't be surprised to learn one of the minor characters in the play divested, and the remaining siblings own a slightly larger share of the pie.

I think the dillution also applies to the power dynamics. I'm not sure Cousin Greg, son of one of the other daughters has the same claim to power.
RE: …  
Sean : 7/19/2024 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16555883 christian said:
All of this dates back to firing Coughlin and keeping Reese. The Giants appeared very invested in the notion of continuity from the championship years. That continuity produced a desperate Reese and Ben McAdoo as head coach.

If you give a GM an ultimatum, you've already fired him. The Giants needed a clean slate, instead they got plate the dishwasher left big spots on. And they've been trying to eat off it in one form or another since.

Right. They should have recommitted to Reese if they kept him. Not an ultimatum. Horrific mistake by Mara.

I've debated starting a thread though of what happens if Reese & McAdoo are retained after 2017. Let's assume Mara allows the Manning plan to continue despite the outrage. I'd make a solid bet it couldn't be worse than what followed with Gettleman/Shurmur/Judge.
Giants4me : 7/19/2024 10:17 pm : link
has been linked to leaks inside the front office.

The angst with Schoen re Barkley on hard knocks is silly.
Schoen had two years to keep him....and didn't.

Then when things went south the owner reminds him that Saquon is our most popular player.

They lost Barkley because the Jones deal was insane.
That's on them, not Barkley.

It was always a possibility the Eagles would have interest.
Schoen's sources focused on the Bears and in the end they weren't close on the money.

They had months to plan.

We are getting nowhere with these two.
You may or may not like the Hard Knocks episodes, but one thing  
ThomasG : 7/20/2024 7:32 am : link
is very clear watching them. John and Tim suck at this and are only in the way of turning this thing around.
Why the net is so great  
Snorkels : 7/20/2024 9:35 am : link
Fascinating thread. 35 threads already and each and everyone made by someone who has absolutely no effing clue what they are talking about. Keep up the good work!!
RE: Why the net is so great  
ThomasG : 7/20/2024 9:41 am : link
In comment 16556296 Snorkels said:
Fascinating thread. 35 threads already and each and everyone made by someone who has absolutely no effing clue what they are talking about. Keep up the good work!!

I think you mean 35 posts, not threads.

Unless of course you were trying to make it 36 posts of having absolutely no effing clue?
RE: Why the net is so great  
christian : 7/20/2024 10:05 am : link
In comment 16556296 Snorkels said:
Fascinating thread. 35 threads already and each and everyone made by someone who has absolutely no effing clue what they are talking about. Keep up the good work!!

The community is so lucky to have your brilliant insights and thread policing.

In recognition of your generosity, this Bud's for you.

Yes, they are part-Owners which comes with certain privileges.  
TheOtherManning : 7/20/2024 11:40 am : link
Those privileges include being looped in on personnel moves and offering opinions. I don't think anyone is really disputing that. What is in dispute is the value of personnel opinions from these particular individuals. The clips we're seeing on Hard Knocks do not paint a flattering light in that regard.

John Mara seems indirect and passive. It's not like he is walking into the room and saying "Alright, men, what's the situation? Would hate to lose Barkley, he's a good player how would we replace him?" That would at least be clear and direct.

What he appears to do, instead, is mumble his point and dance around what he's trying to convey without actually saying it, leaving Schoen, et al. to interpret his meaning. It's more "Ah, well, Saquon is our most popular player..." or in response to Schoen's negative evaluation of the SB negotiations "I wouldn't bet on it...*walks out of room*"

Where is the value in any of those interactions? Yes, the Owner is entitled to have an opinion and to make it known - but at least state it clearly! The hemming and hawing and passive half-measures just slow down the actual football people from doing their jobs.
There is no value. He's useless, just like the rest of the family.  
ThomasG : 7/20/2024 12:24 pm : link
At least when it comes to any type of winning strategy.
Yes he is one of the worst types of leaders  
Jerry in_DC : 7/20/2024 2:06 pm : link
Weak, passive-aggressive, mealy-mouthed, craves influence, dodges accountability at all costs. It's a very difficult type to work with and almost always ends in failure.
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