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NFT: Chiropractor Opinions??? Yay or Nay

mik999999 : 7/25/2024 5:44 pm
Hey All,

I have been having some back pain that has been pretty ongoing for months now. Have gone to my normal doctor a few times including getting a CT scan and haven't been able to diagnose/fix the problem. He gave me a couple different rounds of steroids which temporarily reduced the paid but it never went away. Now the pain is more lingering with certain movements and not constant but it prevents me from doing things I want to do. I have a few friends who swear by chiropractors and a few that avoid them. I am a bit worried because while the pain in the back is annoying it is at least liveable at the moment and there is a fear(albeit likely unwarranted) that it could get worse.

Anyone have experiences with chiropractors good or bad in regards to lingering back pain? Based off of the pain and what causes it I'm thinking it may be a pinched nerve or slipped disc or something in that realm. Would love to hear any experiences/thoughts on the topic.
Chiropracty hasn't done much for me, but it's helped a lot for people  
Ira : 7/25/2024 5:48 pm : link
I know. I think it's worth a try - maybe a few visits to see if it can work for you.
Absolutely yay. I’ve gone periodically  
Section331 : 7/25/2024 5:49 pm : link
over the years and found it gave me relief. It may take a few visits, but definitely worth a try.
Chiropractors can’t fix your problem  
UConn4523 : 7/25/2024 5:51 pm : link
I went to one when I first hurt my back and I would get temporary relief and it required routine adjustments which is no way to live IMO.

I’d try and figure out what’s going on first. When you say nothing came up on a scan does what did the doc say?

I have 3 lumbar herniations and I didn’t feel better until I addressed the issue which was the surrounding muscles - both breaking up the scar tissue and strengthening my core, etc. Massage, stretching, PT, and weight training was the cure for me. All the chiro did was delay the inevitable which was putting in the work.
I’ve gone to a chiropractor semi-regularly  
mfsd : 7/25/2024 5:55 pm : link
for a few years, I’ve had a good experience. I don’t have any major back issues (fortunately), but it’s helped treat what was diagnosed as a mild herniated disc in my lower back
mik999999 : 7/25/2024 5:56 pm : link
The main purpose of the CT scan originally was looking for kidney stones. The results showed no stones but also everything else in the area that was seen and noted by the doctor were normal. Through a handful of visits the scan and a few different prescriptions the pain hasn't gone away.

In regards to doing the PT and stuff like that did you have an MRI to identify the herniations? After that was discovered how long did you go to PT before you noticed a more permanent relief. I am open to pretty much anything at this point. May try the chiropractor but MRI/PT etc likely the next step after that if it doesn't work.
BH28 : 7/25/2024 5:58 pm : link
I think the challenge is finding a good one. At the end of the day, you need to correct the movement that is causing the issue by doing mobility/strength exercies or changing the way you move (for instance try using a standing desk instead of sitting all day). The chiro can usually provide some exercises or hypothosize on the movement causing the issue.
I've had back problems last couple of years.....  
Jacobs #27 : 7/25/2024 6:07 pm : link
did get temp relief from a chirpoptactor when it got really really bad.

Six months ago I started lifting weights 5/6 days a week and my back issues have been 100% cured. Didn't even start lifting for that reason and don't even do anything to focus on core or my back, just a push day, pull day and leg day.

Can't recommend it highly enough for back pain and overall wellness.
mik999999 : 7/25/2024 6:13 pm : link
How did you do the lifting while experiencing the back pain? Just did it through the pain?
It has helped me. Generally I go once or twice  
St. Jimmy : 7/25/2024 6:17 pm : link
and don't go back. A lot of them will tell you need to go for 6 or 8 times. Core exercises helps the most to prevent back problems is what I have found.
I don't wish to miller this thread, but another approach (that I  
Ira : 7/25/2024 6:26 pm : link
haven't yet tried, but was highly recommended) is seeing a physical therapist.
Yeah you need to see an ortho for lower back pain  
UConn4523 : 7/25/2024 6:29 pm : link
especially if you are getting pain or weakness in your backside or legs. And from there an MRI will tell you a lot. I’d start there before wasting time at a chiro when you don’t yet know what you are dealing with.
There’s a lot of quacks…  
Chris in Philly : 7/25/2024 6:30 pm : link
If you want to pursue it, do a lot of research and find a good one.
sounds like a combination  
bigbluehoya : 7/25/2024 6:57 pm : link
chiro / physical therapist is what might do you well.
a good orthopedist and physical therapy  
larryflower37 : 7/25/2024 7:58 pm : link
Chiropractor while will give you some temporary relief mostly placebo type effect it won't fix the problem just requires frequent adjustments for short term relief.
Someone mention workout and if you don't have an actual injury strengthen the Muscles and stretching will do wonders long term.
I recommend a Korean massage  
gtt350 : 7/25/2024 8:07 pm : link
I went for 6 weeks of PT for lower back no results,
I went for the massage told her what the problem was, she put me in positions i didn't know I was capable of. never had the pain again
Look for a chiropractor who also has a physical…  
Crispino : 7/25/2024 8:13 pm : link
therapist as part of the practice. Adjustments brought me relief, but the practice philosophy is to accompany adjustments with an exercise/ therapy routine to prevent recurrences of the major flare ups. My chiropractor is a young guy, who takes a very big picture approach to a combination of processes to help long term. Very pleased with the results.
Not all chiropractors are the same...  
DefenseWins : 7/25/2024 8:16 pm : link
There are a few who can actually fix your problems. So, if someone here tried a chiropractor and it did not work, that does not mean it will not work for you if you select the right doctor.

Regular doctors will just prescribe something or tell you that you need surgery.
That’s not true  
UConn4523 : 7/25/2024 8:19 pm : link
an orthopedist often is part of a full practice including PT. And he won’t offer pain meds when the OP says that it’s tolerable. I saw 4 surgeons and only 1 discussed surgery with me - the other 3 told me that I should try PT, massages and stretching before opting for surgery.

Like anything medical, get more than 1 opinion if meds or surgery is the first thing you hear.
I have a few issues with  
smshmth8690 : 7/25/2024 10:36 pm : link
neck, and lower back. My Dr. wanted to give me a shot in my neck, but I was/am reluctant. I told him PT helped, but the insurance would only cover 16 visits or so. The Dr. recommended looking into massage. I inadvertently booked a body work appointment. It includes Cupping, and Massage. I feel great, and actually go once a week now. Lower back pain had decreased, and range of motion in my neck is close to normal. Hopefully you find something that works for you.
The more I learn about dealing with pain (I’m 52)  
djm : 7/25/2024 11:01 pm : link
The more I’m convinced it ain’t broken or torn or fuct up in some surgery needing way, the more I’m convinced the way to beat (back or even knee) pain is with core strengthening. In pain? Get stronger. When doctors can’t fix it, you need to fix it. Stretching and strength conditioning. Chiros are ok, but it’s a bandaid. I’ve literally done it all all. I deal with pain every day. Get stronger. It’s the only true fix.
And you can do it all at home all you need is a yoga mat  
djm : 7/25/2024 11:03 pm : link
Do planks and a bunch of core exercises. Game changer
I’ve been a chiropractor for 37 years.  
chiro56 : 7/26/2024 1:20 am : link
Chiropractors are like dentists , when you find a skilled professional you build trust , and you will use them until they retire. As noted on this post , if you go to 20 different chiropractors they may use a different approach or technique to address your issue. If you go to 20 Medical doctors, usually they will offer all the same thing , because of standard of care requirements. When you find highly skilled practitioner , you will know after a few visits.
Dr John Sarno  
oghwga : 7/26/2024 6:23 am : link
Healing Back Pain. Very difficult read illuminating read. I put chiropractors in the same category as acupuncture, if you believe it will help you, it most likely will, but someone above posted they've been going for 25+ years so to me it doesn't sound like anything has been fixed.
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