A lot of talk about the Giants QB situation, but it could be worse. We could be the Browns. They recently restructured Watson in addition to his poor play. This has to be the worst trade and contract in the history of the NFL. Joe Flacco outplayed Watson last year. Mayfield is outplaying Watson by a wide margin.
I'll be curious when and if they go to Winston.
I remember a lot of Giants fans wanting to trade for Watson
I'll get up by myself - ( New Window )
Browns ownership is probably doing a feasibility study for how they can frame him for murder and get out of the rest of his contract.
"Build the team first" does work sometimes. But sometimes it goes like this.
I don't know what is going on with Watson. Is it physical with his shoulder, game plan, personnel, play calling? He is not the same qb he was in Houston.
This. The trade was fine, I don’t think anyone could have predicted he’d look like this after a year off.
The contract was absurd for any player, even more absurd for a guy with the off field issues of Watson.
Browns ownership is probably doing a feasibility study for how they can frame him for murder and get out of the rest of his contract.