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Apathy has set in

Greg from LI : 9/15/2024 7:57 pm
I’ve never reached this point with the Giants before. I simply don’t care much anymore. This is how I felt about the Knicks 5-10 years ago. I just expect everything they try to do to be a miserable failure
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Route 9 : 9/15/2024 7:59 pm : link
I gave up after that 2018 road game against the Eagles. This is a black hole era of Giants football.
SoZKillA : 9/15/2024 8:01 pm : link
I used to let losses bother me, now? I don’t even care. This team has no direction, no identity. They’re losers. They will be losers as long as Mara and his cronies are there. People need to stop going to games and buying merchandise.
Greg, you don't start a lot of threads  
Sean : 9/15/2024 8:01 pm : link
But, I remember the night of the Eagles playoff loss you started a thread saying the arrow was pointing up. I think a lot of us thought it. Sucks how wrong we all were.
Jim in Forest Hills : 9/15/2024 8:02 pm : link
SoZKillA : 9/15/2024 8:02 pm : link
Also, this is the worst era of Giants football.

Don’t give me the 1970s crap response. In football today rebuilds and turnarounds can happen in a year(not the Giants).

Plus the rule changes help you and the expanded playoff format.
Mike from Ohio : 9/15/2024 8:03 pm : link
I used to get really frustrated at these types of losses. Now I just don’t care. This team is a boring mess and it is hard to see the path back to respectability with such incompetent people hiring more incompetent people.

We’re the new Cleveland Browns.
I am Ninja : 9/15/2024 8:03 pm : link
I think apathy is fair to say. I believe I would have felt the same if we pulled this one out as I do now. I just dont care and trying to care isnt working anymore.
I r emember in 2011 I was so excited to finally get season tickets  
Hammer : 9/15/2024 8:03 pm : link
Now, I am just as happy that I gave them up.

I still watch the Giants on Sunday but just sit there quietly and expect them to find a way to lose the game.

I never watched quietly, I was always heavily invested in the game and got loud and upset when things didn't go well.

For 40 years I was an excited fan.

The organization did a great job of beating it out of me.

And my 15 year old son could not possibly care less.

Great job Mara.
Everyone Relax : 9/15/2024 8:05 pm : link
I start every year hopelessly optimistic and then by week 3 don’t feel anymore
I’ve been a diehard fan forever  
bubba0825 : 9/15/2024 8:05 pm : link
Season tickets since the 1950’s I watch today game and didn’t really care, I know 100 people will take my place but the giants have sapped me of my interest
I am honestly jist passing the time with football  
nygiants16 : 9/15/2024 8:06 pm : link
til the NBA starts, cant wait for the Knicks season..

I can watch the Giants and watch the young guys and see players for the future but i cant be locked in to a team that has zero chance and with a QB who is not the future..

I will always root for wins but there was a time a loss like today would effect the rest of my night and not watch anymore games...

Not anymore
RE: I r emember in 2011 I was so excited to finally get season tickets  
Route 9 : 9/15/2024 8:06 pm : link
In comment 16611615 Hammer said:
Now, I am just as happy that I gave them up.

I still watch the Giants on Sunday but just sit there quietly and expect them to find a way to lose the game.

I never watched quietly, I was always heavily invested in the game and got loud and upset when things didn't go well.

For 40 years I was an excited fan.

The organization did a great job of beating it out of me.

And my 15 year old son could not possibly care less.

Great job Mara.

Lol yep I literally went to the Dolphins game last year just to see this one girl so we could ...

Study together? Forget the game.
Route 9 : 9/15/2024 8:07 pm : link
Thank God for the Yankees, Knicks, Rangers
Apathy is the only way to cope  
averagejoe : 9/15/2024 8:10 pm : link
without anger and still watch the games. We all know how bad the Giants will look and what the outcome will be . Such a sad state of affairs .
There is little reason to care at this point  
lax counsel : 9/15/2024 8:11 pm : link
This ownership has no clue how to dig the Giants out of this 11 year mess. They are too dumb to hire a football operations director. It will take lucking ass backwards into an elite qb in the next draft or 2.
I am Ninja : 9/15/2024 8:12 pm : link
this year is different though. the apathy doesnt usually kick in til youre realistically, if not mathematically, eliminated. This year, for me at least, it came with the start of the season.
I said that's how I feel before the season even began. I am a passive  
Blue21 : 9/15/2024 8:13 pm : link
fan now. I have never felt that way. 0-2? Oh well. I ll save my energy for when this team deserves it. Am I still a Giants fan. Of course I m a fan. Just tempered my enthusiasm.
I'd rather apathy than depression  
pjcas18 : 9/15/2024 8:13 pm : link
like this guy.....

I keep on going back to the idea that  
bubba0825 : 9/15/2024 8:15 pm : link
The Mara’s aren’t particularly smart people, right place at right time, Wellington wasn’t greedy but what made him a good owner? John Mara shouldn’t run a McDonald’s but his name says otherwise.
They deserve apathy  
GiantGrit : 9/15/2024 8:17 pm : link
When I was younger I used to hate "bandwagon" fans. Now I get it. I'll never switch teams but I've spent a ridiculous amount of time watching the Giants play just absolutely horrid football with no clear upward trajectory, i'm relatively done doing so.

I enjoy reading reactions here and pondering who the next regime will be. For all of the meddling comments Mara gets around here, my biggest concern is more simple - he has proven to be absolutely atrocious at hiring. He should totally bow out of the process at this point. Hire an outside consulting firm. Won't happen though.
RE: There is little reason to care at this point  
GiantGrit : 9/15/2024 8:18 pm : link
In comment 16611633 lax counsel said:
This ownership has no clue how to dig the Giants out of this 11 year mess. They are too dumb to hire a football operations director. It will take lucking ass backwards into an elite qb in the next draft or 2.

Sadly, this.
This team is just pathetic  
Crazed Dogs : 9/15/2024 8:19 pm : link
Right now… it has been years .. more tan a decade
Look at the post game thread after today  
The_Boss : 9/15/2024 8:20 pm : link
Normally it would be VERY active, especially after a loss. The fans are resigned to the fact this is another lost year in a lost decade plus..
Like I've said here a millions times here  
4xchamps : 9/15/2024 8:24 pm : link
We have the worst fans in the NFL... You're not a fan if you need to have things go your way... complain? Sure. Boooo? sure. Apathy, Get the Fu(k out!
Boring and bad equals apathy  
dannysection 313 : 9/15/2024 8:25 pm : link
Watched until the Singletary fumble...

It was such a beautiful day, and I was tired of the endless commercials (NFL games are basically a TV commercial, mostly for FF and betting, with some football mixed in) and endless drives by Washington.

At least there was no moronic "it's 3rd down!!!" being piped out of the PA, preceding another 3rd down conversion.

Went out for a nice bike ride; who cares I thought, they'll figure out a way to lose.

I wasn't wrong.

Boring and bad....

Greg, I am in the same boat  
Jay on the Island : 9/15/2024 8:29 pm : link
This is miserable.
The Giants play boring football  
Ike#88 : 9/15/2024 8:30 pm : link
and are a chore to watch. Just a very poor example of what good teams in the NFL do week in and week out. And it looks like it is not going to change for a while. Forget wasting your time on them on nice fall Sundays. When it is a rainy Sunday or when the cold weather comes later in the season maybe then it will be possible to justify watching a game.
I am so tapped out...  
bw in dc : 9/15/2024 8:32 pm : link
watching Jones play football. I just can't believe we're in year six of the Jones experience.

And although I know I shouldn't be at this point, but I continue to be amazed at the different ways/circumstances we find to lose games.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/15/2024 8:33 pm : link
I don’t even sweat losses.
I wish I could do that and not care  
djm : 9/15/2024 8:33 pm : link
I try but it doesn’t work for me that way.
RE: Like I've said here a millions times here  
Hammer : 9/15/2024 8:34 pm : link
In comment 16611681 4xchamps said:
We have the worst fans in the NFL... You're not a fan if you need to have things go your way... complain? Sure. Boooo? sure. Apathy, Get the Fu(k out!

Oh fuck you.
I’m reaching the end of a life well lived  
JohnB : 9/15/2024 8:34 pm : link
The doctors, at first, said I’d be lucky to make it to the summer of 2025 but I know I’ll surpass that (with ease) and I’m doing my best to keep the cancer at bay. But something tells me I might not live long enough to see winning football from the Giants again. I wonder if I’ll keep watching. I wonder if I care anymore. 45 years of rooting and now this.
It annoys me that they are now depriving us of entire seasons.  
bceagle05 : 9/15/2024 8:36 pm : link
Two years in a row we knew by halftime of week one that all was lost. Having our season end by Halloween seems like the good ol’ days.

As far as my emotions during each game - mostly numb.
GruningsOnTheHill : 9/15/2024 8:36 pm : link
He took a much worse roster during his first year in 2022 and turned them into a good team; a team that had most of the bounces go their way because their coach created those opportunities. I thought they finally had a guy cut from the same cloth as Parcells who thinks outside the box.

How did that guy have his team come out of training camp totally unprepared...two years in a row?

How did that guy morph into Joe Judge?
RE: I wish I could do that and not care  
bubba0825 : 9/15/2024 8:36 pm : link
In comment 16611705 djm said:
I try but it doesn’t work for me that way.

This is the first year for me it’s set in, last week I was livid, but this week I saw the writing on the wall and realized we are very broken. Too much going on to care
Apathy has set in...  
Skully88 : 9/15/2024 8:36 pm : link
Who cares.
djm : 9/15/2024 8:37 pm : link
And most of you do care. You don’t care yet you post daily. You care.
Same here....  
Jacobs #27 : 9/15/2024 8:37 pm : link
Watching the game today I wasn't even sure if I wanted them to win or not. Can't believe I'm already thinking about tanking in week 2.

I'm really more rooting for young player to develop at this point than I am wins. Loved seeing how well Dru Phillips and Nabers looked.

The kicker situation didn't even make me angry, just laughed at the absolute level of incompetence knowingly going into the game with an injured kicker. I mean how fucking stupid are they????

RE: Like I've said here a millions times here  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/15/2024 8:38 pm : link
In comment 16611681 4xchamps said:
We have the worst fans in the NFL... You're not a fan if you need to have things go your way... complain? Sure. Boooo? sure. Apathy, Get the Fu(k out!

You are the worst.
Apathy is a helpful  
rebel yell : 9/15/2024 8:38 pm : link
coping mechanism. I share your apathy. This was a once proud and well run organization. We're now the laughingstock of the league. Thankfully, it's only a game and not life or death.
RE: ......  
DisgruntledNYGfan : 9/15/2024 8:39 pm : link
In comment 16611598 Route 9 said:
I gave up after that 2018 road game against the Eagles. This is a black hole era of Giants football.

Same. I expect poor play and results now.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/15/2024 8:40 pm : link
God forbid after a decade plus of shit football, people are apathetic!

To that 4XChamps of the world, how dare you. Enjoy your medium Pepsis & STFU.
RE: Daboll  
Greg from LI : 9/15/2024 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16611713 GruningsOnTheHill said:
He took a much worse roster during his first year in 2022 and turned them into a good team; a team that had most of the bounces go their way because their coach created those opportunities. I thought they finally had a guy cut from the same cloth as Parcells who thinks outside the box.

How did that guy have his team come out of training camp totally unprepared...two years in a row?

How did that guy morph into Joe Judge?

This is what I’d like to know
My View  
Bernie : 9/15/2024 8:42 pm : link
Is that it has to get worse before it gets better. And that’s what this season is all about. A win today would have been useless for the long term. So I was more “amused” by how they lost than angry that they lost.
RE: RE: Like I've said here a millions times here  
Mike from Ohio : 9/15/2024 8:51 pm : link
In comment 16611719 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In comment 16611681 4xchamps said:


We have the worst fans in the NFL... You're not a fan if you need to have things go your way... complain? Sure. Boooo? sure. Apathy, Get the Fu(k out!

You are the worst.

4xchamps is an angry troll. Nobody should be acknowledging his existence. This Giants team is the one he deserves.
If we lose to Cleveland...  
bw in dc : 9/15/2024 8:52 pm : link
to go 0-3, it would be awesome if MetLife turns into AT&T Annex and 90%+ fans are Cowboys. Giant fans please sell your tickets.

It's time to really embarrass Mara.

Alas, I don't think enough of the base is willing to go there.
BrettNYG10 : 9/15/2024 8:54 pm : link
Between four years of Dave Gettleman and six years of Daniel Jones, the Giants aren't trying to compete for championships. It's completely unserious.
RE: I’m reaching the end of a life well lived  
Hammer : 9/15/2024 8:55 pm : link
In comment 16611707 JohnB said:
The doctors, at first, said I’d be lucky to make it to the summer of 2025 but I know I’ll surpass that (with ease) and I’m doing my best to keep the cancer at bay. But something tells me I might not live long enough to see winning football from the Giants again. I wonder if I’ll keep watching. I wonder if I care anymore. 45 years of rooting and now this.

I'll root for you. You sound like a winner to me.
RE: Daboll  
FStubbs : 9/15/2024 9:00 pm : link
In comment 16611713 GruningsOnTheHill said:
He took a much worse roster during his first year in 2022 and turned them into a good team; a team that had most of the bounces go their way because their coach created those opportunities. I thought they finally had a guy cut from the same cloth as Parcells who thinks outside the box.

How did that guy have his team come out of training camp totally unprepared...two years in a row?

How did that guy morph into Joe Judge?

I'm starting to think he was always Joe Judge. The 6-1 start was a mirage, as we were pretty bad the rest of that year as well and just lucked into an overrated Vikings team in the first round.
RE: RE: Daboll  
HomerJones45 : 9/15/2024 9:01 pm : link
In comment 16611730 Greg from LI said:
In comment 16611713 GruningsOnTheHill said:


He took a much worse roster during his first year in 2022 and turned them into a good team; a team that had most of the bounces go their way because their coach created those opportunities. I thought they finally had a guy cut from the same cloth as Parcells who thinks outside the box.

How did that guy have his team come out of training camp totally unprepared...two years in a row?

How did that guy morph into Joe Judge?

This is what I’d like to know
he was all along. The 7-2 start and the playoff game sucked everyone in. We ignored that they went 2-5-1 to finish out the year. The team has gone 8-18-1 since that 7-2 start. He's not a good HC and he hasn't been one.
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