Pat's been covering the Giants for a long time, I enjoy listening to her podcast. I think she does a good job of being objective without being negative. Something I wish I could do.
Today's episode is How Can New York Giants Get Back on Track? She had Gene Clemons on with her. I think they laid out exactly what most of the Giants fan base has been frustrated with this season with examples of specific plays, players and coaches during games to make their points.
I feel for the podcasters who try to put out compelling Giants content year after year, week after week while the team loses 65 out of its last 100 games.
I think Pat's podcast, Big Blue Banter, Talking Giants and The Giants Insider are all great and different listens. There may be others I'm leaving out. Please let me know if I did.
As Giants fans I think we should make sure to keep listening and supporting them so that if one day by some miracle the Giants are ever relevant again we still have them to listen to.
I linked the audio below. Here's the You Tube link:
How Can New York Giants Get Back on Track? - (
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The best parts of her shows are the guests