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Transcript: Inside Linebacker Bobby Okereke

Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/3/2024 6:33 pm

Inside Linebacker Bobby Okereke

Q: On what he's seen from Seattle…

BOBBY OKEREKE: …they're a complete offense. They can run the ball really well. They can pass the ball well. They have a lot of strengths. So, it'll be a great challenge for us.

Q: Have they changed your role much this year? It seems last year you were having like ten tackles a game. Are you doing other things and somebody else is getting more of the responsibility on the tackles?

BOBBY OKEREKE: I mean, obviously it's a different scheme, so I'm in different positions. I'm still playing middle linebacker, still playing MIKE linebacker. Still have communication in my headset from that standpoint, similar. The same way I found a niche and a position to make plays last year is the same way that I'm looking to make plays this year.

Q: I was just going to ask you about the job that (inside linebacker) Micah (McFadden) is doing. He didn't play in the first game, he still leads the team in tackles. No offense (laughs). But just the way he's stepped up this year…

BOBBY OKEREKE: I think Micah (McFadden) is phenomenal. As a third-year player in this league, he's playing at a really high level. Definition of a fast, physical linebacker.

Q: When you look at Seattle, what do you see?

BOBBY OKEREKE: Explosive offense. Like I said, a little bit of a dual headed monster. They can run the ball really well and they can throw the ball really well as well. Great quarterback, playing at a very high level, and they have three elite receivers, so a good challenge.

Q: What's interesting is you're having a ten day break between games. They had Monday night, Sunday, and then they've got Thursday the following week. How difficult is that?

BOBBY OKEREKE: Very difficult. I know for us, coming off the Sunday game and then playing on Thursday, it's tough. Obviously, you don't practice that week, but you try to get the same amount of preparation and same amount of sleep, all pushed into four days. It's a challenge but it's what we get paid to do and we're excited for the opportunity.

Q: Talk about (Seahawks running back) Kenneth Walker. What type of (running) back he is…

BOBBY OKEREKE: He's a very physical runner. He's got really good vision. He's fast. He's quick. He's got elite contact balance. He forces a lot of missed tackles, so he'll be a great challenge.
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