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The enigma of Daniel Jones

Sean : 10/6/2024 7:34 pm
He's better than his biggest detractors say he is.

He's not as good as his biggest supporters say he is.

When we all think Jones turns a corner, he follows it up with a bad game.

When we all think Jones is done here, he follows it up with a strong game.

He played well today and it was a good win in a tough place to play. I thought they'd win all week because this is what always happens.
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He played a good game today  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:37 pm : link
But big picture, there is no difference. We can’t get confused by Daniel Jones every time he plays a good game. He does every season. The problem is that he can’t do it consistently.
Sammo85 : 10/6/2024 7:38 pm : link
Will know of Jones future in how they do the next month. Some difficult games ahead with Eagles and Steelers to round out the month.
g56blue10 : 10/6/2024 7:38 pm : link
Season by far has been the best stretch of football he’s played. If he gets more consistent on the deep passes than the decision gets interesting. He has much improved pocket awareness and is consistently making the right read. I am one who has stated I would have drafted JJ this past draft but Jones has been really good outside of the deep ball

I'm still in favor of moving on in the offseason  
Anakim : 10/6/2024 7:40 pm : link
This offense needs to be more explosive if we're going to take the next step. I will say, though that both of DJ's 20+ yard passes were beauties.
Jones has been very good....  
18E : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
Very happy for him. To his shit!
Jones is a middle of the  
46and2Blue : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
Road qb I think a lot of people have come to understand that..,he played a good game today but the giants still need a qb
this is what life  
Enzo : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
is like with an average to below average QB.
I am  
g56blue10 : 10/6/2024 7:44 pm : link
One till this past year believed we could win wit Jones but how can you blame people for doubting him. We have been consist losers with him. He has never but up a really good season going into his 6. 22 was by far his best and his numbers were very pedestrian
RE: Jones is a middle of the  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16638506 46and2Blue said:
Road qb I think a lot of people have come to understand that..,he played a good game today but the giants still need a qb

This. We have to stop ignoring this guys entire career because of his last game.

I am happy the Giants won, and glad he played well. But the #1 need this team has is a QB.
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 7:46 pm : link
Sean, no offense, I think you’re a good poster.

But you’ve started no less than 70 threads on Daniel Jones. Majority of which say he sucks and Giants need to move on ASAP.

This thread from you today is bullshit.
Sean : 10/6/2024 7:47 pm : link
I fully agree with you, but this is what happens. NYG probably goes 7-10 or 8-9 and the front office says now what?
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 7:49 pm : link
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.
RE: Mike  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:49 pm : link
In comment 16638535 Sean said:
I fully agree with you, but this is what happens. NYG probably goes 7-10 or 8-9 and the front office says now what?

Then what is we throw away another year based on hopes instead of honest evaluation.
I am a Jones supporter  
Giantimistic : 10/6/2024 7:50 pm : link
He is very much Alex Smith in many ways.
RE: ...  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

This is spot on. Jones is the opposite of an enigma. Everyone knows what he is.
Those of us that were waiting for an equal playing field  
BillT : 10/6/2024 7:53 pm : link
This year has so far has offered a small bit of hope. Still a long way to go. But another few 100 qbr games and I don’t know.
RE: ...  
Sean : 10/6/2024 7:53 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.
There’s no enigma  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 7:55 pm : link
We know what he is. They still need to desperately move on
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 7:56 pm : link
Jones “did just enough” today? No. He was very, very good. In fact, I don’t recall a single throw he missed. And his receivers let him down again.

He was bad against Minnesota. Real bad. And he missed the deep shots against Dallas.

Outside of that he has been a good quarterback and playing winning football.
Nothing jones  
46and2Blue : 10/6/2024 7:56 pm : link
Does this year should stop this team from drafting a qb…if he plays well we have to trade up for one and it may cost a lot ….but they need to get it right. Of their guys is in this class …short of jones winning a Super Bowl this has to be the plan
RE: RE: ...  
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16638580 Sean said:
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:


Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.

I don't think he gets benched until we are eliminated from the playoffs. And that's only because of the injury guarantee. He isn't going to string together enough week 1 caliber bad games to warrant benching him for Drew Lock.
As many have said  
callmecrazy : 10/6/2024 7:59 pm : link
he is not an enigma. If he wants to change the narrative, he needs to do a lot more than what he did today.
RE: RE: ...  
BillT : 10/6/2024 8:00 pm : link
In comment 16638580 Sean said:
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:


Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.

Sean. “Just enough”. Really? Today was just enough. No, it was far better than that.
RE: We  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 8:01 pm : link
In comment 16638491 Sammo85 said:
Will know of Jones future in how they do the next month. Some difficult games ahead with Eagles and Steelers to round out the month.

RE: ...  
Woodstock : 10/6/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Spot on
I have a feeling today...  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:04 pm : link
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.

Just To Reiterate  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 8:05 pm : link
We should be able to judge him fairly by the end of the year. Good, bad or something in between. Let’s all hope for good. It’ll make for a much more enjoyable season.
RE: I have a feeling today...  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 8:07 pm : link
In comment 16638627 bw in dc said:
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.


You know there are folks in the front office who are bouncing off the walls, not because the Giants won, but because they won with Daniel!
RE: I am a Jones supporter  
HardTruth : 10/6/2024 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16638562 Giantimistic said:
He is very much Alex Smith in many ways.

He is no way Alex Smith. Smith was 96-67-1 as a starter and led multiple franchises into the playoffs . He had a winning record at every stop.

Daniel Jones is 22-39-1 as a starter
There is no enigma  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:09 pm : link
the enigma is why the board is so absolute about what to do at the QB position. Jones is probably a mid to lower end starter who was put in a shitty situation. His situation is now better with a functional line and receivers.

Pretty simple to me. Keep signing qbs and maybe even draft one until there is someone better on the roster. Unless Jones regresses again-if he looks more 22 than 23; guess what his cap number is not that terrible in year 3 of this contract given the QB market is reset. Not ideal for sure. But you need to have a better option.

JonC : 10/6/2024 8:09 pm : link
+1 ... it's now or never to put it together on a weekly basis.
Hey! The Giants played a great game today.  
Walker Gillette : 10/6/2024 8:10 pm : link
They went on the road to and won when most said they were going to get destroyed. The QB amongst many others played well. For just one night drop your silly fuckin agendas and talk about what really happened. This "Yeah they won but who cares" crap is sickening. This team is certainly making progress in all areas. How about the pass rush? Tracy and Gray looked sublime, Simmons jumped over the line and blocked the potential game tying FG. Slayton who I criticize all the time stepped up.

I'm sorry the QB didn't give you any more fodder in his 100th last chance, but it is a hell of a lot more than just him!
RE: …  
18E : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
In comment 16638533 ryanmkeane said:
Sean, no offense, I think you’re a good poster.

But you’ve started no less than 70 threads on Daniel Jones. Majority of which say he sucks and Giants need to move on ASAP.

This thread from you today is bullshit.

1000% agree with you.
And the same posters keep posting the same stuff killing him  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
then hemming and hawing. Its ridiculous. Some of you should let it breathe a few games.

Hes not the dogshit the media and the haters on the board made him out to be. Does not mean the Giants should not try to upgrade. Does not mean they should anoint him king with no challenger.
RE: ...  
Mad Mike : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Pretty much. I'm glad he played well, and I hope he plays well for the remainder of his time here. But I don't know how anyone still doesn't understand what he is as a QB at this point.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
Move the fuck on.
RE: RE: I have a feeling today...  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
In comment 16638641 Mike from Ohio said:

You know there are folks in the front office who are bouncing off the walls, not because the Giants won, but because they won with Daniel!

OT would have been very interesting to see if Jones could have delivered.

He needs to buy Simmons dinner all week. ;)
Jones is not an enigma. He is consistent  
HardTruth : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
He produces 1-2 very good games a year. Today was one of them, much like the Cards last year, the Colts/Vikings in 2022, the Saints in 2021. The Cowboys in 2020 and the Washington/Bucs in 2019

The fact that this is probably a top 7-8 performance from Jones should tell you all you need to know.
RE: I have a feeling today...  
Ira : 10/6/2024 8:13 pm : link
In comment 16638627 bw in dc said:
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.


My guess is that if they don't go qb, cb could be on the agenda.
I’m all for moving on next year for more consistency  
eli4life : 10/6/2024 8:14 pm : link
From that position. But I am starting to feel a lot better about the rest of the team. Yes there’s still spots that need upgraded but from where we were when this regime took over is night and day. Get the qb right and I think we are a division/ playoff contender next season
RE: I’m all for moving on next year for more consistency  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 8:16 pm : link
In comment 16638676 eli4life said:
From that position. But I am starting to feel a lot better about the rest of the team. Yes there’s still spots that need upgraded but from where we were when this regime took over is night and day. Get the qb right and I think we are a division/ playoff contender next season

The rest of the team has some holes but even the Chiefs/Texans/49ers do. A more consistent offense helps cover that.

The rest of the roster is good enough to be in the playoffs.
Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
RAIN : 10/6/2024 8:16 pm : link
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.
If he has 4-5 more games like today  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:17 pm : link
that will make it difficult for the Giants to move on. They will potentially draft someone, maybe not. If he has 7 or 8, he will be the starter next year is my guess and Giants will feel vindicated. That is my guess, not what I think they should do (which is basically BPA in draft and free agency and let best man win).
My overall point  
Sean : 10/6/2024 8:19 pm : link
You can see a world where he's here in 2025.
Anyone have Jones's splits?  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:19 pm : link
Was under 100 yards for the second half?
RE: Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
JonC : 10/6/2024 8:20 pm : link
In comment 16638683 RAIN said:
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.

RE: My overall point  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 8:25 pm : link
In comment 16638695 Sean said:
You can see a world where he's here in 2025.

All of us can see that. That is not hard to imagine at all. Jones is not being critically evaluated - the people in the front office are desperately hoping to be proven right about him, no matter how many seasons have to be sacrificed.
Lambuth has been all over this point  
Sean : 10/6/2024 8:26 pm : link
Jones is a better road QB than home.
RE: Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
section125 : 10/6/2024 8:26 pm : link
In comment 16638683 RAIN said:
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.

This. Jones is not the answer. Don't get sucked in. Draft a QB. He has enough tools now to make him look semi-competent.
RE: RE: My overall point  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:29 pm : link
In comment 16638713 Mike from Ohio said:

All of us can see that. That is not hard to imagine at all. Jones is not being critically evaluated - the people in the front office are desperately hoping to be proven right about him, no matter how many seasons have to be sacrificed.

This is a point I wholeheartedly agree with.

And that's because I have maintained that Schoen - and Daboll by proxy - wanted to re-invest in Jones for 2023 and were perfectly fine running it back with Jones in 2024 because their interest in trading up in April was tepid, not hot.
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