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Post-Game Transcript: Quarterback Daniel Jones

Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/6/2024 10:21 pm

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q. How does a win like this feel?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, feels good. Big time play at the end obviously by Isaiah (Simmons) and special teams. Defense played great all day against a really good offense. Feels good. I think like any game, there is some stuff we want to do better and clean up, but got to enjoy these.

Q. What's going through your head as you watch that field goal kick?

DANIEL JONES: I think just hoping something like that happens. Huge play by Isaiah (Simmons), that whole unit. Thought special teams played great today. I think at that point you're having conversations about what we're going do in two-minute, what that will look like. So just trying to be prepared. Yeah, huge play.

Q. What was your mindset coming into this game with no Malik Nabers, no Devin Singletary?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, I mean, confident. You know, we've said since training camp how much we like our skill guys and how deep we think those positions are. You saw a lot of guys step up today and make a lot of plays. When we say that we mean it. We have a lot of confidence in those guys. You know, they stepped up and played very well.

Q. You had drives of 16, 12, and 11 plays. Time of possession was just crazy at one point. Is that your typical offense? Is it something you saw with them? Just the way the game played out?

DANIEL JONES: I think we've done that, you know, at points this season. When we're executing well, I think, yeah, just being consistent, moving the ball, throwing it, running it, couple chunks here and there. I think we've been able to do that. Yeah, I think that's just about consistent execution. Yeah, I think it's a good defense we played today and they got a lot of good players. We always try to focus on what we need to do to execute.

Q. How comfortable did you feel today? Seemed like you were in control the whole game.

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, felt really comfortable. Thought the guys up front played really well all day, in the pass game and the run game. I thought they played a really good game.

Q. (Regarding getting the run game going.)

DANIEL JONES: I think it was huge. A lot was made of not being able to run the ball as well last week. I think when you look at our start to the season, you know, we've run the ball well for, you know, most of the time. We're confident in our run game. You saw that today in how they played. I think we understand who we are and what we can be. I think, yeah, you try not to get too distracted by some of the stuff that comes up after one game. We have a lot of confidence in our run game.

Q. That's a constant thing in New York for you, media attention and constant storylines. How do you handle that and not get distracted?

DANIEL JONES: I think just knowing what's real, knowing what's actually going on, what happened. You know, you can't follow the storyline of the week. You know, I think that's just about focusing on what we do, listening to the opinions that matter. That's the people in the building, coaches, teammates, and focus on that. You know, not distracting yourself or allowing yourself to look outside of it. So I thought we did a good job of that this week, and that's important for us as a team. But always be a story of the week or a kind of idea that's out there and it's our job to know what's real and fixe the problems that are real and also to ignore the things that aren't.

Q. Has that process or mindset evolved over the years?

DANIEL JONES: I think you get better at it the more time you do it. Yeah, just practicing staying focused on what is important.

Q. The 41-yarder to Darius Slayton on the sideline, how good did that feel for you?

DANIEL JONES: Good. Yeah. I think, yeah, you know, there is a storyline I guess there.

Q. That's why I asked.

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, you know, I'm confident. I think we're all confident in what we can do and our ability. You know, I think that's, yeah, a little example of focusing on what's real and staying confident in what you do.

Q. The touchdown pass to Slay, can you talk about that one?

DANIEL JONES: He ran a really good route, got wide open, and just tried to lay it out for him and let him run under it. Great call there I thought by Dabs (Brian Daboll), and then Slay did a really good job. Chris did a good job sealing the edge there, giving me a place to throw it. Slay stepped up and had a big time game today.

Q. You said you were in a good spot with your deep ball; you showed it today. You were in a good spot with the deep ball.

DANIEL JONES: I'm confident in my deep ball. Yeah, keep throwing it and trusting it.

Q. One of the things that the people in the building have said since the offseason is that we need to get the '22 Daniel back, the playoff Daniel back. Do you feel like you're back at that level where you were at the end of that season?

DANIEL JONES: I don't know if I'm comparing my performance to anything in the past. I think just kind of focusing on what I'm doing right now. I feel like I'm a better player than I was then. I'm a better player every week. That's what you're always striving for. You know, I get comparing to '22 or years past or whatever that -- I don't know how productive that really is. Just focus on getting better right now and being the best I can be week to week.

Q. What did you see from your O-line today to open up those running lanes a little bit?

DANIEL JONES: I thought they did a really good job executing and giving our backs places to run. Backs did a good job hitting it. I think mixed up different schemes and stuff that was all good and productive for us. Coaches did a really good job with that. Guys up front executed, so, yeah, good to see.

Q. Did you say anything to the team after the fumble at the goal line there?

DANIEL JONES: Just communicating that we had a good drive, productive drive. Drove all the way down the field. Got to finish and finish in the end zone. But get some confidence from the fact that we executed all the way down the field and did what we wanted to do. Just got to finish. I think guys did a good job kind of staying resilient and understanding a lot of the football left to play, and that's what we did.

Q. What impressed you about Tyrone Tracy's running?

DANIEL JONES: Just running really hard. He's a hard guy it tackle. Hit the hole hard and then making guys miss at the second level on a couple of those runs. I thought he had a really good game.

Q. What does a win like this do for New York. Long plane ride, people hurt, other people stepping up, you guys got that block. What does a win like this do going forward?

DANIEL JONES: I think obviously you feel good about it and did a lot of things well. I think just want to look back at the things you can improve on and take a step there. A source of confidence for us and something we can build on going forward.
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