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A few observations about yesterday's game

M.S. : 7:23 am

(1) First things first. The Giants kicked the shit out of Seattle both sides of the LOS. Seattle Head Coach Mike Macdonald put it in more diplomatic language, "We got outplayed and outexecuted"

(2) The way things have been going for the Giants, I doubt there were too many BBIers who would have been shocked had the team simply folded its tent after Eric Gray's snafu that led to a 14-point swing in a blink of an eye. Did he break the plane? The only angle I saw suggested he might have, but the image was hardly conclusive.

(3) I jumped off the Daniel Jones wagon a while ago, but that doesn't mean I'm rooting against the guy. He played about as well as he can. His 30-yard rainbow arc on the right sideline dropped straight down into Slayton's bucket. That is not an easy throw. His 30-yard TD pass to Slayton was an easier toss, but again it was a perfect throw.

(4) Maybe the Giants found themselves a real draft gem in Tyrone Tracy. He ran decisively and he ran with power. Hats off to the offensive line -- it created holes and Tyrone Tracy exploited them, time and time again.

(5) I'm rooting for Wan'Dale Robinson as hard as the next fan. Pound for pound he's as tough as they come. But he has the drops. Serious drops. And he destroyed one beautiful drive deep into Seattle territory with a critical third down drop and he killed another drive with another third down drop. Both passes were dead on the money.

(6) Dexter Lawrence abused the interior of Seattle's line, and (if I'm not mistaken) it looked like he bench-pressed the RG down into the turf to aid Isaiah Simmons' dramatic last-minute heroics. Rakeem Nunez-Roches and D.J. Davidson were also quite active.

(7) I'm not sure Seattle is that good of a team and the same goes for the Giants. But the Men in Blue played very well for 60 minutes across all phases of the game, and at 2-3 they are still relevant which is a hell of a lot better than 1-4 and having to comb through Mock Draft Web Sites several times a day.
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section125 : 7:30 am : link
I agree, except the OG on the blocked FG seemed to get low on his own accord. I believe Tiki pointed that out.

I think the oline is actually getting better with each game. Still a bit wanting in the middle on short yardage runs, but the pass protection is very good.
I agree with all but not entirely #7  
They played well the first half except for the last 22 seconds.

They played well the second half except for the last almost 6 minutes leaving out the field goal block of course.
I have the  
Photoguy : 7:34 am : link
high hopes for Tracy being a bell cow down the road. At the very least, he'll be a great alternative when Singletary is taking a breather.
RE: I agree with all but not entirely #7  
Mike in NY : 7:38 am : link
In comment 16639176 jeffusedtobeonwebtv said:
They played well the first half except for the last 22 seconds.

They played well the second half except for the last almost 6 minutes leaving out the field goal block of course.

That is a common phenomenon throughout the NFL. The late TD appeared to be a busted coverage and we were very close to getting a sack. Pass rush in particular is not easy in hurry up because you have limited opportunities to rotate guys in. Teams seem content that if they only allow a FG in hurry up it is a win.
I thought he broke the plain......  
Home field no view of sideline cameras
RE: I agree with all but not entirely #7  
In comment 16639176 jeffusedtobeonwebtv said:
They played well the first half except for the last 22 seconds.

They played well the second half except for the last almost 6 minutes leaving out the field goal block of course.

They gained like 44 total yards in the second half. Disagree they played well. Happy for the win, but they blew a lead and managed to steal a win.
RE: RE: I agree with all but not entirely #7  
56goat : 8:10 am : link
In comment 16639207 Ten Ton Hammer said:
In comment 16639176 jeffusedtobeonwebtv said:


They played well the first half except for the last 22 seconds.

They played well the second half except for the last almost 6 minutes leaving out the field goal block of course.

They gained like 44 total yards in the second half. Disagree they played well. Happy for the win, but they blew a lead and managed to steal a win.

A win is a win, but Seattle did have a makeable FG to tie the game up, so keep it in perspective. This may be karma after our own FG follies in Wash.
That throw  
mittenedman : 8:10 am : link
Geno made on the late TD was wizard like.

Agree with all of this. They looked extremely well coached. It’s games like yesterday that makes me wonder WTF they’re doing sometimes. That’s what they’re capable of.

I liked seeing Daboll get hot after that Wandale drop too. It’s unacceptable at this level. WR looked like he was yelling back at Daboll too. Catch the ball son. This ain’t Kentucky.
I had no idea what Seattle was doing on offense  
Geno 40 plus attempts and he was their top rusher? Need to clean up this qb scramble issue on defense almost cost us. Bowman needed to spy him at the end. I was screaming stop dropping passes you assholes! I'm so glad we won Seattle is like the west coast version of philly fans just despicable fan base. I thought he scored on the 2nd effort but Tracy needs to get his touches. Runs violently
I had no idea what Seattle was doing on offense  
Geno 40 plus attempts and he was their top rusher? Need to clean up this qb scramble issue on defense almost cost us. Bowman needed to spy him at the end. I was screaming stop dropping passes you assholes! I'm so glad we won Seattle is like the west coast version of philly fans just despicable fan base. I thought he scored on the 2nd effort but Tracy needs to get his touches. Runs violently Jones played well starting to get confidence in his protection gonna be all hands on deck for the Bengals
I had no idea what Seattle was doing on offense  
Geno 40 plus attempts and he was their top rusher? Need to clean up this qb scramble issue on defense almost cost us. Bowman needed to spy him at the end. I was screaming stop dropping passes you assholes! I'm so glad we won Seattle is like the west coast version of philly fans just despicable fan base. I thought he scored on the 2nd effort but Tracy needs to get his touches. Runs violently Jones played well starting to get confidence in his protection gonna be all hands on deck for the Bengals
(3) I jumped off the Daniel Jones wagon a while ago, but that doesn't mean I'm rooting against the guy. He played about as well as he can. His 30-yard rainbow arc on the right sideline dropped straight down into Slayton's bucket. That is not an easy throw. His 30-yard TD pass to Slayton was an easier toss, but again it was a perfect throw.

is a concept foreign to many on this board. Thinking a guy isn't a very good football player doesn't mean you are rooting against him, or that you want him to play badly. But the threads yesterday and this morning are flooded with the handful of posters who think Jones got vengeance on his foes yesterday. It is becoming embarrassing.
RE: This  
ajr2456 : 8:49 am : link
In comment 16639256 Mike from Ohio said:


(3) I jumped off the Daniel Jones wagon a while ago, but that doesn't mean I'm rooting against the guy. He played about as well as he can. His 30-yard rainbow arc on the right sideline dropped straight down into Slayton's bucket. That is not an easy throw. His 30-yard TD pass to Slayton was an easier toss, but again it was a perfect throw.

is a concept foreign to many on this board. Thinking a guy isn't a very good football player doesn't mean you are rooting against him, or that you want him to play badly. But the threads yesterday and this morning are flooded with the handful of posters who think Jones got vengeance on his foes yesterday. It is becoming embarrassing.

No you’re just mad the Giants won if you think they still need a QB, didn’t you know?
There are fans upset  
JT039 : 8:54 am : link
The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?
RE: There are fans upset  
ajr2456 : 8:55 am : link
In comment 16639273 JT039 said:
The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?

You and Ryan completely make up this fantasy.
RE: There are fans upset  
In comment 16639273 JT039 said:
The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?

Which ones? Specific posters please.
RE: RE: There are fans upset  
JT039 : 8:57 am : link
In comment 16639275 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16639273 JT039 said:


The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?

You and Ryan completely make up this fantasy.

Not really. Our wisest fan shitted in everyone yesterday and Jones yesterday as soon as the game was over. And the other usual suspects kept the narrative going that we still need a QB despite the win.

Maybe some of us were just happy we won and don’t care what the future holds since we can’t control it, and just enjoyed the win.

I know it was tough for you, but it was good to see for many of us.
RE: RE: There are fans upset  
JT039 : 8:59 am : link
In comment 16639277 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16639273 JT039 said:


The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?

Which ones? Specific posters please.


The usual suspects. And you’ll deny it cause you guys NEVER admit you’re wrong. But the arguments started with… “well we still need a QB” and “another banner” or “another receipt” just shows you guys can’t even enjoy a win.

It’s sad.

Same crowd, different day, same argument.

My biggest concern from the game  
beatrixkiddo : 9:01 am : link
Is that with a very marginal lead this team started playing to not lose. No different than under Shurmer and Judge, and if it wasn’t for a last minute ST block of a FG to tie it and send it to over time I think we would have lost this game. All the momentum at the end was going Seattles way. I didn’t care for the playcalling on that last possession or two. Not one designed creative play to perhaps get Tracy the ball in space like on a screen or a WR screen or something. It was just run Tracy into a wall and then pass on 3rd down, they chose weak obvious safe plays like they were afraid to aggressively take the win from Seattle. I dont want to take to much away cause we won the game, and I’m usually not super critical of the play calling but I didn’t care for how Daboll called this game especially in the 4th quarter.
We do still need a QB, that doesn’t change anything  
ajr2456 : 9:01 am : link
That doesn’t make anyone mad.

You don’t know anyone’s feelings. If the leader of the Jones fan club is going to try to take victory laps about him being right about Jones after his first complete game since January of 2023, he’s going to get push back.

For someone who was running around calling people Terp’s cuck last week, it’s odd youd act like Ryan’s and repeat his made up fantasy.
cosmicj : 9:05 am : link
Agreed about the late game playcalling. On the last possession, I wanted Daboll to run the normal offense, which had been doing well all day. Instead, we turtle up and had to punt with plenty of time on the clock.
And you love Daniel Jones more than the Giants. You would rather they lose with Jones than win with someone else so you can always pretend maybe you were right about Jones.

You have never been a real Giants fan. You, rayn, Jack Stroud and Eightshamrocks have always put your hero worship of Daniel Jones ahead of the team so you don't have to admit how wrong you were about him. You are terrified of the Giants upgrading the QB position because when they offense plays better it will ruin your hero-worship based narratives.

You are not a real fan. You sound like a closet Cowboys fan and troll.

Wow! It is fun to make up stories about people you don't know and ascribe motives to them based on nothing but imagination to sound like a hero!!! I see why you do it now.
RE: RE: RE: There are fans upset  
section125 : 9:08 am : link
In comment 16639281 JT039 said:
In comment 16639277 Mike from Ohio said:


In comment 16639273 JT039 said:


The giants won. And jones played well.

Sad, isn’t it?

Which ones? Specific posters please.


The usual suspects. And you’ll deny it cause you guys NEVER admit you’re wrong. But the arguments started with… “well we still need a QB” and “another banner” or “another receipt” just shows you guys can’t even enjoy a win.

It’s sad.

Same crowd, different day, same argument.

They do need a new QB. Jones is what he is. He still leaves plays on the field. He plays as well as he can, but he is not the answer.
JT - one more thing  
Do you think yesterday proved the Giants don't need a QB?

Do you honestly believe that list of posters you gave were "proven" wrong yesterday and that we just all refuse to admit how obvious it is that Jones is the future of this team?

I think your emotions are walking you into some really foolish statements. How about you enjoy the win and give the vengeance tour a break, huh?
The giants still need a QB  
JT039 : 9:11 am : link
And the majority of posters who complimented Jones on his game yesterday feel the same way.

Maybe, just maybe - we just enjoyed a well played game and was happy that he played well. No one called him a top QB, no one called for him getting an extension and maybe the 1-2 usual pro-Jones said he should be the QB of 2025.

He played well. We won. And yet posters were unhappy and said raise the banner or get a receipt. It’s sad.
RE: Beatrix  
beatrixkiddo : 9:12 am : link
In comment 16639287 cosmicj said:
Agreed about the late game playcalling. On the last possession, I wanted Daboll to run the normal offense, which had been doing well all day. Instead, we turtle up and had to punt with plenty of time on the clock.

Exactly, everything changed when they took a 10 point lead which is just not enough of a lead in the NFL. Daboll started coaching scared. I have historically defended him over his tenure , and been one to place the bulk of the blame on the QB not ever rising to a leader/winner level to execute. But yesterday, Daboll deserves criticism for completely changing the game philosophy when they went up by 10. I am so sick of the coaches we have had post Coughlin who when things go well start coaching scared and change the play calling to a ‘play not to lose’ mentality. It is why we are a loser franchise, if not for a Dex pancake on ST and Simmons impressive block, we surely lose this and I would think we would have lost the locker room too as the play calling doesn’t inspire confidence in the players to beat their opponents. This just can’t happen and I am so sick of seeing this type of playcalling and mentality over the past decade.
RE: The giants still need a QB  
In comment 16639296 JT039 said:
And the majority of posters who complimented Jones on his game yesterday feel the same way.

Maybe, just maybe - we just enjoyed a well played game and was happy that he played well. No one called him a top QB, no one called for him getting an extension and maybe the 1-2 usual pro-Jones said he should be the QB of 2025.

He played well. We won. And yet posters were unhappy and said raise the banner or get a receipt. It’s sad.

So going back to your statement - which posters refuse to admit they were wrong?
I thoroughly enjoyed the win  
JT039 : 9:12 am : link
Many of you did not. That’s my point.

“Revenge tour” - what a crock of shit. lol.
RE: RE: The giants still need a QB  
JT039 : 9:13 am : link
In comment 16639299 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16639296 JT039 said:


And the majority of posters who complimented Jones on his game yesterday feel the same way.

Maybe, just maybe - we just enjoyed a well played game and was happy that he played well. No one called him a top QB, no one called for him getting an extension and maybe the 1-2 usual pro-Jones said he should be the QB of 2025.

He played well. We won. And yet posters were unhappy and said raise the banner or get a receipt. It’s sad.

So going back to your statement - which posters refuse to admit they were wrong?

I listed the posters who were unhappy with the win - which is what you specifically asked for…
RE: I thoroughly enjoyed the win  
ajr2456 : 9:14 am : link
In comment 16639300 JT039 said:
Many of you did not. That’s my point.

“Revenge tour” - what a crock of shit. lol.

Fantasy world.
RE: RE: RE: The giants still need a QB  
In comment 16639303 JT039 said:
In comment 16639299 Mike from Ohio said:


In comment 16639296 JT039 said:


And the majority of posters who complimented Jones on his game yesterday feel the same way.

Maybe, just maybe - we just enjoyed a well played game and was happy that he played well. No one called him a top QB, no one called for him getting an extension and maybe the 1-2 usual pro-Jones said he should be the QB of 2025.

He played well. We won. And yet posters were unhappy and said raise the banner or get a receipt. It’s sad.

So going back to your statement - which posters refuse to admit they were wrong?

I listed the posters who were unhappy with the win - which is what you specifically asked for…

So the answer is "Gee, I guess nobody was proven wrong yesterday but refused to admit it. Maybe I just went too far saying that."

RE: RE: I thoroughly enjoyed the win  
JT039 : 9:19 am : link
In comment 16639304 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16639300 JT039 said:


Many of you did not. That’s my point.

“Revenge tour” - what a crock of shit. lol.

Fantasy world.

Maybe you should stick to fantasy. Might have some success there.

Amazing how posters here are attacking posters who enjoy the win. Rough night for them.
You’re doing the attacking  
ajr2456 : 9:20 am : link
Everyone else is having a discussion.

RE: You’re doing the attacking  
In comment 16639313 ajr2456 said:
Everyone else is having a discussion.

I'm looking forward to JT explaining to me how I feel about the Islanders this season.

It is great to have someone I have never met be so in tune with me, and it having nothing at all to do with his out of control anger...
Never wrong…  
JT039 : 9:23 am : link

A discussion? lol.
RE: You’re doing the attacking  
JT039 : 9:23 am : link
In comment 16639313 ajr2456 said:
Everyone else is having a discussion.

You’re told many posters they are living in fantasy world.

That’s some great discussion!
When I listed  
JT039 : 9:25 am : link
The exact posters you asked for… you twist it to another argument.

Like I said - same posters, same argument, same lines. They’re never, ever wrong…lol

If you don’t want answer to the questions YOU asked - maybe don’t ask them?
Tracy is a very good RB  
ZogZerg : 9:26 am : link
Good RBs can make an OL look better at times.
Tracy was bottled up and made something out of nothing a few times.
RE: When I listed  
In comment 16639325 JT039 said:
The exact posters you asked for… you twist it to another argument.

Like I said - same posters, same argument, same lines. They’re never, ever wrong…lol

If you don’t want answer to the questions YOU asked - maybe don’t ask them?

Didn't realize this "discussion" could only have one question and no follow on questions. Fair enough - you can only discuss one point - telling people you have never met how they feel about things.

Have a nice day, JT.
You too  
JT039 : 9:28 am : link
Hopefully today is a better day for you than yesterday! :)
RE: When I listed  
In comment 16639325 JT039 said:
The exact posters you asked for… you twist it to another argument.

Like I said - same posters, same argument, same lines. They’re never, ever wrong…lol

If you don’t want answer to the questions YOU asked - maybe don’t ask them?

Mike, I'm a Giants FAN from the 50's. Is Jones the answer. No but I'm rooting for him to succeed. Is he Eli, Peyton or Brady. Or Josh Allen. No But he's our QB.

Everyone of your treads/posts are as negative as it comes. You and all the other guys mention and a few more. When I see you and these guys post I can predict the outcome.

RE: RE: You’re doing the attacking  
ajr2456 : 9:37 am : link
In comment 16639323 JT039 said:
In comment 16639313 ajr2456 said:


Everyone else is having a discussion.

You’re told many posters they are living in fantasy world.

That’s some great discussion!

After you said I was mad when I wasn’t. After you followed me around for weeks for saying the defense was fine.

And two isn’t money.
Never wrong  
JT039 : 9:40 am : link
Weird because  
ajr2456 : 9:44 am : link
Nothing I’ve said here could be wrong.

1) you’ve never met me
2) you don’t know how I feel
3) you said I was mad
4) you followed me around for weeks about the defense, which now leads the league in sacks btw.
5) the Giants still need a QB

Those are actually all facts. back to the basement Dep.
Never wrong  
JT039 : 9:45 am : link
ChrisRick : 9:50 am : link
“The Giants still need a qb” is not a fact, rather an opinion.

Trust me ajr  
JT039 : 9:50 am : link
No one follows you around. You’re in the majority of threads acting like you’re the know it all of football. When proven wrong (continuously) you twist the argument to something else cause you never admit you’re wrong. Eric in LI has owned you in so many threads (which you won’t admit - cause you’re NEVER wrong - sensing a theme???). You have to have the last word in every discussion when you’re wrong (which you never admit).

Maybe, just maybe - you have such low esteem that you need to come here to prove how smart you are. And act like a 5 year old when someone calls you out for your nonsense.

And to be honest - I’m not in my basement. I found out 20 minutes ago waiting for chemo that my treatment is t working and they have to inject me with 5 different medicines. Which will prevent me from getting chemo for the near future - which may cause extreme pain and worsen my condition.

And even with all that - I can take joy in a Giants victory and a QB who played well.

Guess my priorities are a little different than yours…
RE: RE: When I listed  
In comment 16639342 Fred-in-Florida said:
In comment 16639325 JT039 said:


The exact posters you asked for… you twist it to another argument.

Like I said - same posters, same argument, same lines. They’re never, ever wrong…lol

If you don’t want answer to the questions YOU asked - maybe don’t ask them?

Mike, I'm a Giants FAN from the 50's. Is Jones the answer. No but I'm rooting for him to succeed. Is he Eli, Peyton or Brady. Or Josh Allen. No But he's our QB.

Everyone of your treads/posts are as negative as it comes. You and all the other guys mention and a few more. When I see you and these guys post I can predict the outcome.


So in my post yesterday when I said Jones played a really good game, that was as negative as it gets Fred?

I have no agenda. Jones isn't the future of this team. But I root for the guy while he is here, and I acknowledge when he plays well - as I did in at least two posts yesterday.

I am still waiting to hear what it is that I am wrong about but refuse to admit. I heard that from HBart yesterday and when I asked him he disappeared. In this thread I asked JT039 and he told me I passed my question limit so he refused to answer.

But this is who some of our fans are - they attack other fans with whom they disagree. I guess this is just a microcosm on the society we live in - people with different views are bad and need to be attacked.
I answered your question  
JT039 : 10:00 am : link
You just didn’t like the answer.

I showed their actual posts and them mocking of other posters - guess it wasn’t good enough. Are you going to sit here and say guys like air, terps, bw, hard truth came here posting they were happy with jones and the win?

Can’t wait to see how you twist this..

RE: I answered your question  
Mike from Ohio : 10:02 am : link
In comment 16639375 JT039 said:
You just didn’t like the answer.

I showed their actual posts and them mocking of other posters - guess it wasn’t good enough. Are you going to sit here and say guys like air, terps, bw, hard truth came here posting they were happy with jones and the win?

Can’t wait to see how you twist this..

Question was this - What was I wrong about and refused to admit?
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