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NFT: Fireman ed

mitch300 : 10/16/2024 2:59 pm
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must be  
Giantsfan79 : 10/16/2024 3:02 pm : link
Aaron Rodgers doing
I hate people.  
Beezer : 10/16/2024 3:07 pm : link
Didn't he loudly stop going to games years ago?  
Greg from LI : 10/16/2024 3:15 pm : link
The guy is pure attention whore. Jets football is just his vehicle for scratching that itch.
Dolphins fan  
Jints in Carolina : 10/16/2024 3:17 pm : link
He is a choad.
Home field advantage  
Route 9 : 10/16/2024 3:27 pm : link
Yet they have one of the lowest winning percentages at home, at ShitLife stadium.

By the way, I thought they "phased out" this crybaby a long time ago. I forgot he existed lol
A few thoughts  
Matt M. : 10/16/2024 3:52 pm : link
1) Like others here, I thought he phased himself out and/or had a falling out with the organization years ago

2) Why does he need to be on the big screen to lead the chants? He used to do it all the time, before they even thought to put him on the big stadium screens.

3) In contrast, the crows on Sunday night was surprisingly loud deep into the 4th quarter and nobody on the screen was required for that.
RE: A few thoughts  
Matt M. : 10/16/2024 3:53 pm : link
In comment 16649628 Matt M. said:
1) Like others here, I thought he phased himself out and/or had a falling out with the organization years ago

2) Why does he need to be on the big screen to lead the chants? He used to do it all the time, before they even thought to put him on the big stadium screens.

3) In contrast, the crows on Sunday night was surprisingly loud deep into the 4th quarter and nobody on the screen was required for that.
Oh and #4) JetLife Stadium? Really? Hey, you want to take pride in that dump, go for it.
Someone mentioned him during the Manningcast when they showed his mug  
GiantBlue : 10/16/2024 3:54 pm : link
Maybe Jason Bateman or Will Arnett. They said they loved him.

No accounting for taste.

Back in the day when John Madden would talk with Mike & the Mad Dog on Football Friday afternoons, I remember him saying guys like the Fireman were good for the game because they brought spirit to a typically spiritless pro game.

I wonder what John would say today if he woke from the dead for a day or a week. LOL
Route 9 : 10/16/2024 3:59 pm : link
Yep. Then when they introduced the Jets to "their" fans at their very own JetLife, at the NHL stadium series, they got booed.
jpetuch : 10/16/2024 4:05 pm : link
Media addict like the Marlins Man. Yeah he said he quit going to games but came back. He told press once he was on disbility for knee surgery but was standing on the railing on TV at a Jets game. Also was a shill for the Jets on WFAN by making a PSA for voting the Jets new stadium be built on the lower west side of Manhatten I think. I like the old driven Jets car at Shea and the Jets Man now. Dont even think he has a PSL just moches his way in to be on TV.
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What is a Jets Man?  
Matt M. : 10/16/2024 4:10 pm : link
Maybe I'm not watching enough of the Jets games. I don't recall seeing this guy.
RE: Narcissit  
Matt M. : 10/16/2024 4:11 pm : link
In comment 16649654 jpetuch said:
Media addict like the Marlins Man. Yeah he said he quit going to games but came back. He told press once he was on disbility for knee surgery but was standing on the railing on TV at a Jets game. Also was a shill for the Jets on WFAN by making a PSA for voting the Jets new stadium be built on the lower west side of Manhatten I think. I like the old driven Jets car at Shea and the Jets Man now. Dont even think he has a PSL just moches his way in to be on TV. Link - ( New Window )
I always thought it was criminal to be allowed to receive either his disability or pension after his antics at the games. The city should have investigated his case.
dude is anoying  
LG in NYC : 10/16/2024 4:12 pm : link
and clearly thinks alot of himself.

so in short, a Jets fan.
RE: What is a Jets Man?  
bw in dc : 10/16/2024 4:21 pm : link
In comment 16649660 Matt M. said:
Maybe I'm not watching enough of the Jets games. I don't recall seeing this guy.

BTW, I find JetLife Stadium pretty funny...
Ceez2.0 : 10/16/2024 4:43 pm : link
and some people dislike LPG.
Fireman Ed always lacked the quiet dignity of Captain Jet  
Greg from LI : 10/16/2024 5:01 pm : link
I can't stand...  
Chris in Philly : 10/16/2024 6:20 pm : link
any of these attention whore self-appointed superfans. They're all annoying.
RE: I can't stand...  
mfsd : 10/16/2024 6:29 pm : link
In comment 16649785 Chris in Philly said:
any of these attention whore self-appointed superfans. They're all annoying.


This guys 15 minutes should have been up a long time ago
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/16/2024 6:30 pm : link
He sucks, just like LPG.
Dude is a loser  
UConn4523 : 10/16/2024 6:53 pm : link
didn’t even know he was still a thing
Danny Kanell : 10/16/2024 7:56 pm : link
One of the biggest losers this planet has ever produced.
Banks : 12:47 am : link
He disowned the jets after the butt fumble yet thinks he deserves screen time. He thinks his antics pump up the crowd enough to give them home field advantage. No one cares.
RE: I can't stand...  
Vin R : 1:54 am : link
In comment 16649785 Chris in Philly said:
any of these attention whore self-appointed superfans. They're all annoying.

My sentiments exactly
Only the Jets could have a “Super Fan”  
That publicly renounced being a fan of the team, only to return and complain about not being shown on the video board enough because it actually impacts the team on the field.

Maybe they should put him on the video board with a chyron that says “Does this help, sweetie?”
winoguy : 9:20 am : link
that asshole epitomizes the franchise.
While the guy is clearly an egomaniac I think its wild  
how many people hold such disdain for him.

He leads a chant when at its best gets what, 60-70K people to chant it in unison? Kind of cool/unique.

But did he invent J-E-T-S chant? If not, it is way less cool.
RE: While the guy is clearly an egomaniac I think its wild  
Mad Mike : 11:42 am : link
In comment 16650150 Lafferty, Daniel said:
But did he invent J-E-T-S chant? If not, it is way less cool.

He did not, but he's credited with really making it a stadium-wide thing.
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