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Are we missing the opportunity Lock presents?

GiantTuff1 : 10/16/2024 3:28 pm
So much conversation with Jones, and the desire to get Devito in to replace him since there is no future with Lock. Believe me, I am advocate #1 in sending Jones to the bench like yesterday, but I would not go straight to Devito.

People talk about setting the right conditions to evaluate Jones and the QB position. But what about setting the proper conditions to evaluate Daboll and what his scheme needs to be successful? Drew Lock has by far the biggest arm of the QB room, a quality Daboll took advantage of with Josh Allen. Lock's arm means potential opportunities to make certain types of passes and the ability to push the ball down the field in a manner the other QB's cannot. The arm talent of Lock better approximates the version of QB arm talent that enabled everyone to become enamored with what Daboll was doing in Buffalo. Sure, Lock will not be able to produce anywhere near the level of Allen, or as consistently, but he can do some Allen "lite" things the other QB's cannot. I want to see if having a huge arm is a prerequisite to winning in this scheme.

To find out, I propose putting Lock in at QB to evaluate Daboll and his scheme with a big-armed QB. Lock may suck, but the goal is to learn something valuable about Daboll and his system, which traits are most important in the system, so that it can inform future decision making on QB prospects.

Commit to Lock for the next 3 games. Let's see what a rifle and a little reckless abandon looks like in this scheme. If Lock doesn't perform in this time, and there is no reason to think he will, we move to Devito and give him the remainder of the year to discover another side of learnings. Maybe he surprises, who knows. But hopefully we will have seen enough to add to our knowledge base to improve decision making on prospects.
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RE: Lock is very bad  
HomerJones45 : 10/16/2024 5:19 pm : link
In comment 16649612 Aaroninma said:
Jones is a far better QB
This is total nonsense. Play Lock or don't play him, I don't care but to breezily say Jones is better is baloney.
Thank goodness  
regischarlotte : 10/16/2024 5:29 pm : link
for this board.

Always raising options that the coaching staff would otherwise fail to consider.

Another win for the internet.
RE: Thank goodness  
IchabodGiant : 10/16/2024 5:32 pm : link
In comment 16649766 regischarlotte said:
for this board.

Always raising options that the coaching staff would otherwise fail to consider.

Another win for the internet.

This x 1000. It's on the organization. DJ is our best QB, by far. Yet, he is not a good QB.

We are in hell and deserve it.
RE: RE: Lock is very bad  
GiantTuff1 : 10/16/2024 5:33 pm : link
In comment 16649620 nygiantfan said:
In comment 16649612 Aaroninma said:


Jones is a far better QB

scary thought

It's a scary thought but it is also an unproven thought as it relates to Lock in Daboll's scheme, since he has never played in a regular season game with Daboll or with the 1st team. To compare apples to apples, give Lock his shot and let's see who really is worse.
With Thomas out, DJ's days are numbered  
David B. : 10/16/2024 6:15 pm : link
When DJ inevitably gets hurt, Lock comes in, and is probably worse. Lock gets Hurt, DeVito comes in.

The Giants lose enough games to get a top 3 pick.

You could make the case for benching DJ and starting Lock (to keep DJ healthy). Then Lock gets hurt, and you're back to DJ, and yada yada.

All moot. The Giants are not going to give up on the season.
RE: If Lock is as bad as everyone says....  
HomerJones45 : 10/16/2024 6:22 pm : link
In comment 16649758 Fishmanjim57 said:
Why did Schoen sign him? Wasn't there any other options the GM could have taken to ensure a quality back-up QB behind Jones?
This whole QB situation is in Joe Schoen's lap. He offered Jones the ridiculously high contract that was approved by the co-owner of the team, but Schoen created the contract that Jones signed.
Schoen is also responsible for the lack of quality in the QB room by signing Drew Lock and not cutting Tommy DeVito.
Joe Schoen is surviving on borrowed time, and he should hear the wrath of the fans while we continue hollering about the level of ineptness at that position on Schoen's team.
If I was the HC of the Giants I would bench Jones and hand the ball to Drew Lock. If Lock is as lousy as everyone claims, then the Giants will have to draft their next starting QB in the 2025 NFL Draft.
+1 Good post
I'd like to see Devito but since he's not even active on game day  
Blue21 : 10/16/2024 6:30 pm : link
I realize the likelihood of that is nil. More than likely Lock would get the call.
You used opportunity and Lock  
gridirony : 10/16/2024 6:46 pm : link
in the same sentence.
RE: I'd like to see Devito but since he's not even active on game day  
JoeSchoens11 : 10/16/2024 6:50 pm : link
In comment 16649793 Blue21 said:
I realize the likelihood of that is nil. More than likely Lock would get the call.
This. Why would anyone think DeVito would suddenly leapfrog Lock on the depth chart?
Put Lock in for the rest of the season.  
bwitz : 10/16/2024 7:03 pm : link
Jones should be an after thought at this point.
I don't think Lock is any worse than DJ  
PatersonPlank : 10/16/2024 7:08 pm : link
He has a big arm and will take more chances down the field. It may lead to more turnovers but it will also create more big plays. I'd like to see what he can do frankly
DJ struggles  
fkap : 10/16/2024 7:22 pm : link
with the deep ball, and isn't all that accurate with the short and intermediate. His processing speed is suspect, although he seems to be OK in the mental department.

IF Lock can make the throws, he would have to be horrible in the mental department to be worse than DJ.

They aren't benching DJ, yet, but when they do, it'll be for Lock.
Some of you are going to get what you wished for and now you don’t  
Ivan15 : 10/16/2024 7:33 pm : link
Like what you are getting.

Based on Jones’ 6 years experience and Lock’s 6 years experience, Jones hasn’t improved and hasn’t learned shit. Lock may show bad judgment some times and get intercepted more often, but he can throw long, isn’t afraid to throw into tight windows, can look for his second option, throw outside the hash marks and throw completions on the move better than Jones. And he can learn from his mistakes. Jones apparently can’t, as shown be his interception Sunday.
RE: RE: To steal from GoTerps...  
Go Terps : 10/16/2024 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16649633 jvm52106 said:
In comment 16649615 IchabodGiant said:


The organization wanted Jones, so they need to eat the DJ shit sandwich every week. No cop outs; no exit ramp. All season.

Unfortunately that means we have to also; but hopefully brighter days ahead with a new QB in 2025.

That is a stupid statement and sentiment. If Jones gets hurts it hurts next year. Its one thing to be against a player and another to wish long term harm to the franchise to feel vindicated somehow. This is when I lose belief that some are actually Giants fans. Be done with Jones, YES! Play a backup who might actually spark the team- YES! Wish the guy you hate stays the QB so that you get your weird perceived pound of flesh- NO!

It's not stupid. I want whatever is going to get a new regime here.

You're still stuck on getting wins this year. Short term thinking.
It is obvious that all the Giant quarterbacks are backup types  
Maijay : 10/16/2024 7:47 pm : link
I am obsessing about DJ's injury settlement clause in his contract and the onerous damage it will cause on the team's cap situation if gets hurt and can't play. DJ is done as the future qb of the team so sit him now and take the injury settlement off the table. Put in Lock or DeVito and we will still be a bottom rung team. We will have to hold our nose for the rest of the season and hope that our putrid offense nets the team a favorable draft position. Drafting a new qb early is essential and that Schoen/Daboll will pick a winner. Eventually we will get it right at quarterback...Right?
So much concern over the injury clause  
Go Terps : 10/16/2024 7:58 pm : link
Where the hell was this concern when they actually paid him? You know...when it actually mattered?

This team has bigger issues than $23M in 2025 cap space.
AcidTest : 10/16/2024 8:07 pm : link
wanted to resign Lock after last season.

I'm fine with either him or DeVito. I just want Jones benched. His play stinks and if he gets hurt it might trigger his $23M injury guarantee.
RE: Lock  
MotownGIANTS : 10/16/2024 8:10 pm : link
In comment 16649623 Breeze_94 said:
Higher ceiling than DJ but lower floor. He’ll turn the ball over and make life difficult on the defense. You’ll see more games like week 1 vs Minn. At least with DJ at QB, we know that the defense can keep them within striking distance.

Tbh, I would not hate them going to Devito at some point. He was at least exciting to watch and the team seemed to rally around him last year. He’s also the only QB who is under contract next year so may as well see if he can be a capable backup.

But Dabs is a QB whisperer .... let him earn his money
RE: So much concern over the injury clause  
GiantTuff1 : 10/16/2024 8:10 pm : link
In comment 16649833 Go Terps said:
Where the hell was this concern when they actually paid him? You know...when it actually mattered?

This team has bigger issues than $23M in 2025 cap space.

It was otherworldly idiotic to put that clause in there while Jones had no leverage and the Giants bent over backwards negotiating against themselves. You are right in this way, the fact we even have to discuss it is an issue.
I said it last year  
The Jake : 10/16/2024 8:33 pm : link
I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.
We should ask why the Steelers  
HardTruth : 10/16/2024 9:15 pm : link
Have the luxury of benching a 4-2 QB playing pretty well . These are two QBs who werent on their roster last year and they acquired for peanuts.

They are paying these two a combined 5 mil . They traded a 6th that can turn into a 4th but they also recouped 2 7ths and a trade down from 3rd to 4 for Pickett

Absolute peanuts
RE: We should ask why the Steelers  
GiantTuff1 : 10/16/2024 9:22 pm : link
In comment 16649896 HardTruth said:
Have the luxury of benching a 4-2 QB playing pretty well . These are two QBs who werent on their roster last year and they acquired for peanuts.

They are paying these two a combined 5 mil . They traded a 6th that can turn into a 4th but they also recouped 2 7ths and a trade down from 3rd to 4 for Pickett

Absolute peanuts

Because the Steelers want to win games and not the favor of Justin Fields.
RE: We should ask why the Steelers  
bw in dc : 10/16/2024 9:40 pm : link
In comment 16649896 HardTruth said:
Have the luxury of benching a 4-2 QB playing pretty well . These are two QBs who werent on their roster last year and they acquired for peanuts.

They are paying these two a combined 5 mil . They traded a 6th that can turn into a 4th but they also recouped 2 7ths and a trade down from 3rd to 4 for Pickett

Absolute peanuts

Pittsburgh has put on a clinic on how to manage the QB position until you find the right long-term solution.
RE: To steal from GoTerps...  
FStubbs : 10/16/2024 10:05 pm : link
In comment 16649615 IchabodGiant said:
The organization wanted Jones, so they need to eat the DJ shit sandwich every week. No cop outs; no exit ramp. All season.

Unfortunately that means we have to also; but hopefully brighter days ahead with a new QB in 2025.

No. You don't want him getting hurt and potentially forcing another year of him because he's too expensive to part ways with due to the dumb injury clause.

The Giants would never do this, but Sunday should be his last start if they lose, as they would be reasonably out of contention at that point.
RE: I said it last year  
Jim in Tampa : 10/16/2024 10:12 pm : link
In comment 16649854 The Jake said:
I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.
RE: RE: I said it last year  
HardTruth : 10/16/2024 10:50 pm : link
In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:
In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

The evidence says

Jones is 3-9 with 8 TDs and 10 ints in 12 starts last 2 seasons

DeVito is 3-3 with 8 TDs and 3 ints in 6 games in last 2 seasons

DeVito also beat a playoff bound Packers team in prime time with 3 TDs (something Jones hasnt done in 5 years) and a game winning drive

Whats your evidence?
I'm OK with moving down the chain -  
Del Shofner : 10/16/2024 11:00 pm : link
let Lock have his shot, if he sucks too let's try DeVito.

Either way, Jones should be benched based on performance.
RE: RE: RE: I said it last year  
GiantTuff1 : 10/16/2024 11:17 pm : link
In comment 16649944 HardTruth said:
In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

The evidence says

Jones is 3-9 with 8 TDs and 10 ints in 12 starts last 2 seasons

DeVito is 3-3 with 8 TDs and 3 ints in 6 games in last 2 seasons

DeVito also beat a playoff bound Packers team in prime time with 3 TDs (something Jones hasnt done in 5 years) and a game winning drive

Whats your evidence?

Same amount of TD passes in 50% less games, better Int ratio, and Devito did not get to play with this year’s offensive line and a true number 1 receiver.
I think the team sees things similarly to many here.  
BigBlueNH : 2:13 am : link
They're already planning to move on from Jones after this year. And they'll play Locke to avoid the injury clause being triggered. But only after the team is "out of it". And mgmt is likely to hold onto hope longer than many of us.

As others have mentioned, they've seen enough of all 3 to think Jones gives us the best chance of winning, at least so far. Doesn't mean he's good; just better than the other 2.
I agree and like  
your thought that getting a good evaluation on Daboll is critical to see if he should coach the team next season.

I think he should play whoever he thinks gives him the chance to show that. I have hardly seen Lock play.
Lock never should have been signed in the first place  
DeVito proved he can be a good backup based off his play last season. Why waste money on Lock? Should have allocated elsewhere. The third string QB could have been some UDFA.
Like I have said, if Jones stinks this week, you pull him at half time and put in Cutlets. Daboll has shown he wants to run his system a certain way, and Devito is probably better suited to running the 4 wide shotgun system. Jones is the choice if Daboll were to run the system he used 2022 and against Seattle. If Daboll insists on calling plays like he did in the 1st have against Cincinatti, then playing Jones is pointless.
RE: Lock never should have been signed in the first place  
IchabodGiant : 9:29 am : link
In comment 16650011 Eightshamrocks said:
DeVito proved he can be a good backup based off his play last season. Why waste money on Lock? Should have allocated elsewhere. The third string QB could have been some UDFA.
Like I have said, if Jones stinks this week, you pull him at half time and put in Cutlets. Daboll has shown he wants to run his system a certain way, and Devito is probably better suited to running the 4 wide shotgun system. Jones is the choice if Daboll were to run the system he used 2022 and against Seattle. If Daboll insists on calling plays like he did in the 1st have against Cincinatti, then playing Jones is pointless.

Playing Jones isn't pointless if you are Daboll. He is the best QB on the roster, by far, and Dabs needs to win games.

Continually bringing up 2022 and the Seattle game is so dumb. A legitimate NFL QB should have been able to execute Daboll's game plan against Seattle. He can't read a defense.

Jones is just a bottom tier QB. Jones can play the rest of the year, then we look towards his replacement in 2025.
IchabodGiant : 9:29 am : link
Should have been able to execute Daboll's game plan against Cincy.
RE: RE: Lock never should have been signed in the first place  
In comment 16650014 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16650011 Eightshamrocks said:


DeVito proved he can be a good backup based off his play last season. Why waste money on Lock? Should have allocated elsewhere. The third string QB could have been some UDFA.
Like I have said, if Jones stinks this week, you pull him at half time and put in Cutlets. Daboll has shown he wants to run his system a certain way, and Devito is probably better suited to running the 4 wide shotgun system. Jones is the choice if Daboll were to run the system he used 2022 and against Seattle. If Daboll insists on calling plays like he did in the 1st have against Cincinatti, then playing Jones is pointless.

Playing Jones isn't pointless if you are Daboll. He is the best QB on the roster, by far, and Dabs needs to win games.

Continually bringing up 2022 and the Seattle game is so dumb. A legitimate NFL QB should have been able to execute Daboll's game plan against Seattle. He can't read a defense.

Jones is just a bottom tier QB. Jones can play the rest of the year, then we look towards his replacement in 2025.
In a certain way, we are actually in agreement. Jones is not a QB who can run the modern NFL offensive system that the majority of teams prefer to deploy these days. However, I have argued and will continue to argue that Jones can be successful if he were in a system more tailored to old school, run based football. Kind of like the Lions, Steelers, and a small number of other teams run. So to me the bottom line is if Brian Daboll insists on running the modern system of 4 wide shotgun, then Jones obviously is not the QB.
RE: you know what  
Costy16 : 9:41 am : link
In comment 16649630 46and2Blue said:
Lock is. Start devito, least he throws the ball down the field. Its a lost season, no reason for DJ 2.0 AKA drew lock

The fact of the matter is, Jones is better than both.
RE: RE: RE: Lock never should have been signed in the first place  
IchabodGiant : 9:43 am : link
In comment 16650023 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16650014 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16650011 Eightshamrocks said:


DeVito proved he can be a good backup based off his play last season. Why waste money on Lock? Should have allocated elsewhere. The third string QB could have been some UDFA.
Like I have said, if Jones stinks this week, you pull him at half time and put in Cutlets. Daboll has shown he wants to run his system a certain way, and Devito is probably better suited to running the 4 wide shotgun system. Jones is the choice if Daboll were to run the system he used 2022 and against Seattle. If Daboll insists on calling plays like he did in the 1st have against Cincinatti, then playing Jones is pointless.

Playing Jones isn't pointless if you are Daboll. He is the best QB on the roster, by far, and Dabs needs to win games.

Continually bringing up 2022 and the Seattle game is so dumb. A legitimate NFL QB should have been able to execute Daboll's game plan against Seattle. He can't read a defense.

Jones is just a bottom tier QB. Jones can play the rest of the year, then we look towards his replacement in 2025.

In a certain way, we are actually in agreement. Jones is not a QB who can run the modern NFL offensive system that the majority of teams prefer to deploy these days. However, I have argued and will continue to argue that Jones can be successful if he were in a system more tailored to old school, run based football. Kind of like the Lions, Steelers, and a small number of other teams run. So to me the bottom line is if Brian Daboll insists on running the modern system of 4 wide shotgun, then Jones obviously is not the QB.

Will you listen to yourself?

Jones is a bottom tier QB. That's it.

Modern NFL system, old school system; Jones can't consistently run EITHER system.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Lock never should have been signed in the first place  
In comment 16650026 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16650023 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16650014 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16650011 Eightshamrocks said:


DeVito proved he can be a good backup based off his play last season. Why waste money on Lock? Should have allocated elsewhere. The third string QB could have been some UDFA.
Like I have said, if Jones stinks this week, you pull him at half time and put in Cutlets. Daboll has shown he wants to run his system a certain way, and Devito is probably better suited to running the 4 wide shotgun system. Jones is the choice if Daboll were to run the system he used 2022 and against Seattle. If Daboll insists on calling plays like he did in the 1st have against Cincinatti, then playing Jones is pointless.

Playing Jones isn't pointless if you are Daboll. He is the best QB on the roster, by far, and Dabs needs to win games.

Continually bringing up 2022 and the Seattle game is so dumb. A legitimate NFL QB should have been able to execute Daboll's game plan against Seattle. He can't read a defense.

Jones is just a bottom tier QB. Jones can play the rest of the year, then we look towards his replacement in 2025.

In a certain way, we are actually in agreement. Jones is not a QB who can run the modern NFL offensive system that the majority of teams prefer to deploy these days. However, I have argued and will continue to argue that Jones can be successful if he were in a system more tailored to old school, run based football. Kind of like the Lions, Steelers, and a small number of other teams run. So to me the bottom line is if Brian Daboll insists on running the modern system of 4 wide shotgun, then Jones obviously is not the QB.

Will you listen to yourself?

Jones is a bottom tier QB. That's it.

Modern NFL system, old school system; Jones can't consistently run EITHER system.
Actually Jones showed he could run a old school style system in 2022. But, agree to disagree on that.
RE: To steal from GoTerps...  
Gruber : 9:50 am : link
In comment 16649615 IchabodGiant said:
The organization wanted Jones, so they need to eat the DJ shit sandwich every week. No cop outs; no exit ramp. All season.

Unfortunately that means we have to also; but hopefully brighter days ahead with a new QB in 2025.

2013 NFL Draft QB's: Geno Smith, EJ Manuel, Mike Glennon, Matt Barkley, Ryan Nassib, + six others.
2014: Derek Carr, Teddy Bridgewater, Jimmy Garoppolo, + nine others.
2015: Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota (#1 and #2 in the draft!), + five others.

Not one elite QB in three years. So, beware of hanging your hopes on next year's draft.
IchabodGiant : 9:51 am : link
quit slicing off small parts of his career. Look at the whole body of work. The evidence is slapping you right in the face.

Bottom tier QB. Can't run an old school offense or modern offense consistently.
RE: RE: RE: I said it last year  
Jim in Tampa : 10:42 am : link
In comment 16649944 HardTruth said:
In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

The evidence says

Jones is 3-9 with 8 TDs and 10 ints in 12 starts last 2 seasons

DeVito is 3-3 with 8 TDs and 3 ints in 6 games in last 2 seasons

DeVito also beat a playoff bound Packers team in prime time with 3 TDs (something Jones hasnt done in 5 years) and a game winning drive

Whats your evidence?

My evidence is not based on DeVito’s 6 game sample size.

My evidence is that in 2023, 32 NFL teams drafted 259 players, including 14 QBs and none of those teams thought that DeVito was worth even a 7th RD choice.

My evidence is also based on how Schoen and Daboll approached the backup QB position this past offseason. After watching DeVito in every practice and every game in 2023, if the Giants actually thought that DeVito was even close to the QB that Jones is, why would they spend the money on Lock? No team that thinks they have a viable, low-cost, backup QB on the roster, would spend $5M of their limited cap money to secure a 2nd-string QB… especially a team that has a number of other needs.

And while you mentioned DeVito’s win against Green Bay (which had more to do with the Giants D and the Packer’s ineptitude) you left out the fact that DeVito’s two other wins came against Washington and NE, two teams with the 2nd and 3rd worst records last year.

I’m as anti-Jones as any other Giants fan and I have no problem if the Giants want to sit Jones at some point this season. But if they do, Lock is the next QB up, not DeVito.

RE: RE: We should ask why the Steelers  
mako J : 10:52 am : link
In comment 16649908 bw in dc said:
Pittsburgh has put on a clinic on how to manage the QB position until you find the right long-term solution.

So glad the Steelers were brought up. You know what else the Steelers have done well? They've committed to organizational stability. The kind that allows front office execs, scouts, coaching staffs, and players to develop and grow in this uber competitive environment that is the NFL.

As we see, they're always competitive. When they have a difference maker at QB, they're dangerous. They're rarely a laughingstock. (Diva WRs have tested them though)

Some people just can't understand this though.

Go Terps : 10/16/2024 7:44 pm :
I want whatever is going to get a new regime here.

You're still stuck on getting wins this year. Short term thinking.

I fully understand some of the rage that exists amongst Giants fans on this board. It's hard to watch the Giants and Daniel Jones continue to struggle in the primetime spotlight. It's hard to keep taking the shots that come our way from friends, family, co-workers that root for other teams. (My brother's family are Eagles fans)

Ownership stepped out of their comfort zone and hired a young first time GM and his pick at head coach. They are aligned and they have improved this roster. They chose to set the QB floor with Jones while developing the rest of the roster. They looked to upgrade that floor this past draft but were unable to do so. They'll continue the work of upgrading the roster, including QB, this offseason.

You may disagree with the floor Jones sets vs other QB options that were out there, and the cap dollars those options result in. We don't know the whole story. We don't know the culture/locker room dynamic, for example. The two "bridge" QBs the Steelers brought in stepped into an established environment, years in the making. The next Giants QB will hopefully get to do the same, next year.

Tanking (intentional losing), plucking the OC du jour from some other established environment or a retread HC, along with drafting (potentially overdrafting) a rookie QB and demanding they win consistently in two years or else.......well that's short term thinking in my book.
RE: RE: To steal from GoTerps...  
FStubbs : 11:55 am : link
In comment 16650033 Gruber said:
In comment 16649615 IchabodGiant said:


The organization wanted Jones, so they need to eat the DJ shit sandwich every week. No cop outs; no exit ramp. All season.

Unfortunately that means we have to also; but hopefully brighter days ahead with a new QB in 2025.

2013 NFL Draft QB's: Geno Smith, EJ Manuel, Mike Glennon, Matt Barkley, Ryan Nassib, + six others.
2014: Derek Carr, Teddy Bridgewater, Jimmy Garoppolo, + nine others.
2015: Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota (#1 and #2 in the draft!), + five others.

Not one elite QB in three years. So, beware of hanging your hopes on next year's draft.

Geno Smith and Derek Carr turned out okay. Bridgewater and Mariota were marred by injuries.

What you posted there just tells me that QBs can be found and if developed properly can get the job done.
RE: RE: I said it last year  
ChrisRick : 11:55 am : link
In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:
In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

Haha - Well done Jim!
RE: RE: RE: RE: I said it last year  
FStubbs : 11:58 am : link
In comment 16650086 Jim in Tampa said:
In comment 16649944 HardTruth said:


In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

The evidence says

Jones is 3-9 with 8 TDs and 10 ints in 12 starts last 2 seasons

DeVito is 3-3 with 8 TDs and 3 ints in 6 games in last 2 seasons

DeVito also beat a playoff bound Packers team in prime time with 3 TDs (something Jones hasnt done in 5 years) and a game winning drive

Whats your evidence?

My evidence is not based on DeVito’s 6 game sample size.

My evidence is that in 2023, 32 NFL teams drafted 259 players, including 14 QBs and none of those teams thought that DeVito was worth even a 7th RD choice.

My evidence is also based on how Schoen and Daboll approached the backup QB position this past offseason. After watching DeVito in every practice and every game in 2023, if the Giants actually thought that DeVito was even close to the QB that Jones is, why would they spend the money on Lock? No team that thinks they have a viable, low-cost, backup QB on the roster, would spend $5M of their limited cap money to secure a 2nd-string QB… especially a team that has a number of other needs.

And while you mentioned DeVito’s win against Green Bay (which had more to do with the Giants D and the Packer’s ineptitude) you left out the fact that DeVito’s two other wins came against Washington and NE, two teams with the 2nd and 3rd worst records last year.

I’m as anti-Jones as any other Giants fan and I have no problem if the Giants want to sit Jones at some point this season. But if they do, Lock is the next QB up, not DeVito.

To be fair, DeVito being a UDFA is evidence for nothing at this point. He has actual NFL film and if he had somehow re-entered last year's draft he wouldn't have been a UDFA. If the Giants cut him he'd have quite a few teams interested.
RE: RE: RE: We should ask why the Steelers  
HomerJones45 : 12:40 pm : link
In comment 16650100 mako J said:
In comment 16649908 bw in dc said:


Pittsburgh has put on a clinic on how to manage the QB position until you find the right long-term solution.

So glad the Steelers were brought up. You know what else the Steelers have done well? They've committed to organizational stability. The kind that allows front office execs, scouts, coaching staffs, and players to develop and grow in this uber competitive environment that is the NFL.

As we see, they're always competitive. When they have a difference maker at QB, they're dangerous. They're rarely a laughingstock. (Diva WRs have tested them though)

Some people just can't understand this though.


Go Terps : 10/16/2024 7:44 pm :
I want whatever is going to get a new regime here.

You're still stuck on getting wins this year. Short term thinking.

I fully understand some of the rage that exists amongst Giants fans on this board. It's hard to watch the Giants and Daniel Jones continue to struggle in the primetime spotlight. It's hard to keep taking the shots that come our way from friends, family, co-workers that root for other teams. (My brother's family are Eagles fans)

Ownership stepped out of their comfort zone and hired a young first time GM and his pick at head coach. They are aligned and they have improved this roster. They chose to set the QB floor with Jones while developing the rest of the roster. They looked to upgrade that floor this past draft but were unable to do so. They'll continue the work of upgrading the roster, including QB, this offseason.

You may disagree with the floor Jones sets vs other QB options that were out there, and the cap dollars those options result in. We don't know the whole story. We don't know the culture/locker room dynamic, for example. The two "bridge" QBs the Steelers brought in stepped into an established environment, years in the making. The next Giants QB will hopefully get to do the same, next year.

Tanking (intentional losing), plucking the OC du jour from some other established environment or a retread HC, along with drafting (potentially overdrafting) a rookie QB and demanding they win consistently in two years or else.......well that's short term thinking in my book.
"Rage"? No. Some could see this train wreck coming. The Giants threw "organizational stability" out the window when Jawn wanted a SB in his new ballpark in 2012 and wanted to run it back with the 2011 team. They then took a steaming dump on organizational stability when they got rid of the people who brought them trophies for a serial collection of failures, including their chosen qb. Schoen and Daboll are the latest in this line: 10-20-1 since a 7-2 start two years ago and saddled the team with a large contract for a very limited qb. You want organizational stability with competent people. Sticking with incompetent people is not "organizational stability", it is institutionalized failure. Seeing that is not "rage"; it's having eyes open and not assuming, as you have done, that Schoen and Daboll are competent.

Have they improved the roster? Here we are 2-4 (win 1/3 of their games which is exactly what they have done since 2022) with a last place schedule and with two losses in a struggling division. Their choice next season is to either extend their shaky qb or pay him the equivalent of Andrew Thomas' LT salary to be rid of him. The OL is better at pass blocking but worse at run blocking. It can certainly appear to reasonable people that Schoen and Daboll have done nothing but re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I said it last year  
Jim in Tampa : 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16650182 FStubbs said:
In comment 16650086 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16649944 HardTruth said:


In comment 16649924 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16649854 The Jake said:


I said it during the pre season

and I'll say it here again:

Tommy DeVito is the best QB on this roster.

full stop.

You were wrong last year, wrong in the preseason and you're wrong now.

And finishing your post with the words, "full stop" doesn't make DeVito any better than the #3 QB.

The evidence says

Jones is 3-9 with 8 TDs and 10 ints in 12 starts last 2 seasons

DeVito is 3-3 with 8 TDs and 3 ints in 6 games in last 2 seasons

DeVito also beat a playoff bound Packers team in prime time with 3 TDs (something Jones hasnt done in 5 years) and a game winning drive

Whats your evidence?

My evidence is not based on DeVito’s 6 game sample size.

My evidence is that in 2023, 32 NFL teams drafted 259 players, including 14 QBs and none of those teams thought that DeVito was worth even a 7th RD choice.

My evidence is also based on how Schoen and Daboll approached the backup QB position this past offseason. After watching DeVito in every practice and every game in 2023, if the Giants actually thought that DeVito was even close to the QB that Jones is, why would they spend the money on Lock? No team that thinks they have a viable, low-cost, backup QB on the roster, would spend $5M of their limited cap money to secure a 2nd-string QB… especially a team that has a number of other needs.

And while you mentioned DeVito’s win against Green Bay (which had more to do with the Giants D and the Packer’s ineptitude) you left out the fact that DeVito’s two other wins came against Washington and NE, two teams with the 2nd and 3rd worst records last year.

I’m as anti-Jones as any other Giants fan and I have no problem if the Giants want to sit Jones at some point this season. But if they do, Lock is the next QB up, not DeVito.

To be fair, DeVito being a UDFA is evidence for nothing at this point. He has actual NFL film and if he had somehow re-entered last year's draft he wouldn't have been a UDFA. If the Giants cut him he'd have quite a few teams interested.

I agree that (based on his play last year) if DeVito were somehow eligible for the most recent NFL draft, he would have been drafted. But it wouldn't be as anything more than a 3rd string QB. I don't think there are any teams (including the Giants) that currently view DeVito as a viable #2 QB. Do you?

And as far as DeVito being an UDFA, I do think that it has at least some relevance.

Let's compare DeVito to another undrafted QB, Tony Romo. In Romo's rookie season of 2004 he threw exactly ZERO passes in a regular season game. Yet in 2005 the Cowboys carried just 2 QBs, Bledsoe (the starter) and Romo.

Despite the fact that Romo had almost no experience and hadn't even attempted a pass yet, the Cowboys thought enough of Romo in 2005 to make him the backup QB. They didn't spend money on another 2nd string QB.

Kurt Warner is another example of an undrafted QB with limited experience in his rookie season of 1998 (1 game, 4 completions for 39 yrds.) The Rams thought highly enough of Warner, despite his inexperience, to go into the 1999 season with Warner as the backup to Trent Green.

So after Devito played in 9 games, including 6 starts, while throwing 178 passes... Why did the Giants spend give a $5M guaranteed contract to Lock and declare him to be the backup QB?

Daboll might not be a good HC, but I think that he, along with Kafka and Tierney, know QB talent when they see it. And they don't think that DeVito is ready to be a #2 QB, let alone start over Jones.
RE: RE: RE: RE: We should ask why the Steelers  
mako J : 1:48 pm : link
In comment 16650225 HomerJones45 said:
"Rage"? No. Some could see this train wreck coming. The Giants threw "organizational stability" out the window when Jawn wanted a SB in his new ballpark in 2012 and wanted to run it back with the 2011 team. They then took a steaming dump on organizational stability when they got rid of the people who brought them trophies for a serial collection of failures, including their chosen qb. Schoen and Daboll are the latest in this line: 10-20-1 since a 7-2 start two years ago and saddled the team with a large contract for a very limited qb. You want organizational stability with competent people. Sticking with incompetent people is not "organizational stability", it is institutionalized failure. Seeing that is not "rage"; it's having eyes open and not assuming, as you have done, that Schoen and Daboll are competent.

Have they improved the roster? Here we are 2-4 (win 1/3 of their games which is exactly what they have done since 2022) with a last place schedule and with two losses in a struggling division. Their choice next season is to either extend their shaky qb or pay him the equivalent of Andrew Thomas' LT salary to be rid of him. The OL is better at pass blocking but worse at run blocking. It can certainly appear to reasonable people that Schoen and Daboll have done nothing but re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Fair counterpoint Homer. Although with all due respect, you've established yourself in this community as one of the most bitter and jaded posters. I can appreciate an elder statesman who cautions against repeating past mistakes he's lived through. But after having to sift through your usual hyperbolic terms like "Jawn", "train wreck", and "steaming dump", I imagine anyone interested in finding solutions would have to escort you out of the board room.

We do agree the stability exited with TC. There needed to be someone to pass the torch to, and there wasn't. TC shares some accountability there as his tree was bare. There also needed to be someone to pass the GM torch to. A lot of folks have accountability there as it appears the scouting ranks and development of executives was severely lacking. I could be wrong, but it appeared the focus on that under Schoen (seen on Hard Knocks) is an improvement. No?

With regards to the roster, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Simply pointing to the record to declare this regime's competence and the state of the roster at this point is just more jaded "rage". I notice you left out the defense and only focused on the QB and OL.

RE: If Lock is as bad as everyone says....  
nochance : 2:08 pm : link
In comment 16649758 Fishmanjim57 said:
Why did Schoen sign him? Wasn't there any other options the GM could have taken to ensure a quality back-up QB behind Jones?
This whole QB situation is in Joe Schoen's lap. He offered Jones the ridiculously high contract that was approved by the co-owner of the team, but Schoen created the contract that Jones signed.
Schoen is also responsible for the lack of quality in the QB room by signing Drew Lock and not cutting Tommy DeVito.
Joe Schoen is surviving on borrowed time, and he should hear the wrath of the fans while we continue hollering about the level of ineptness at that position on Schoen's team.
If I was the HC of the Giants I would bench Jones and hand the ball to Drew Lock. If Lock is as lousy as everyone claims, then the Giants will have to draft their next starting QB in the 2025 NFL Draft.

Maybe because it is Jones or bust. If he signed a Andy Dalton or Flacco there would be pressure to play them and end up winning 7 or 8 games thereby keeping the Giants in QB hell longer. If Jones had a huge resurgence they would go with him and not go for a QB next year
riceneggs : 4:24 pm : link
This is Drew Locks 3rd team. His ceiling is "backup QB"

That's why he hasn't replaced Daniel Jones
I don't think Lock is that good, but then again I'd rather see ANYONE behind center who isn't named Daniel Jones.
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