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NFT: Does anyone else think that this site has been "dead"?

BJacobs The Tiptoe Bandit : 10/18/2024 10:42 am
I've been a lurker since the late 1990's on the site. I know that political threads were a big thing back then and I get why they were banned. They became a cesspool of personal attacks.

I'm more thinking in general- this site used to be hopping- there would be plenty of good quality discussion threads and specifically so much good NFT content that I just don't see anymore.

It seems that the number of posts is not even half of what I remember it being on a daily basis. It didn't matter whether the Giants were good or bad this site was much more of a general social hub.

Am I just remembering wrong? Is it because the Giants have been dreadful for the past decade plus?

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The entire discussion is big picture  
Sean : 10/18/2024 12:44 pm : link
I'd expect the website to be super active from mid January through the draft. That's all that matters right now.
RE: The entire discussion is big picture  
Go Terps : 10/18/2024 12:51 pm : link
In comment 16651206 Sean said:
I'd expect the website to be super active from mid January through the draft. That's all that matters right now.

Exactly. The Giants are what we used to make fun of the Redskins for being. The offseason is the actual season, and the fanbase goes into September feeling like world beaters before reality sets in by Halloween.
I mostly avoid this site  
Vinny from Danbury : 10/18/2024 1:01 pm : link
These days for everything, except transcripts. Too much negativity from the same handful of posters every single day. Just not worth my time to read threads here when it’s been the same crap regurgitated every day, by the same people. Who needs that?
FWIW, I find the Knicks, Yankees and Rangers discussions on BBI  
Del Shofner : 10/18/2024 1:09 pm : link
preferable to the websites actually devoted to those teams.

There did certainly used to be more colorful characters on here, as well as more serious discussions about things like economics. I think a lot of people just move on. There are so many media of different types to tune into these days.
Starting March 2020  
jc in c-ville : 10/18/2024 1:16 pm : link
People in general have become more bitter. Considering we have continued to suck thru that, not a good recipe
A lot of the personalities  
leatherneck570 : 10/18/2024 1:20 pm : link
That made those threads so engaging left for one reason or another. (Giantfilthy, V in PA etc.)
RE: Starting March 2020  
Route 9 : 10/18/2024 1:43 pm : link
In comment 16651225 jc in c-ville said:
People in general have become more bitter. Considering we have continued to suck thru that, not a good recipe

I actually agree with this. I don't think we ever fully recovered from the blues of 2020.
RE: RE: The entire discussion is big picture  
Route 9 : 10/18/2024 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16651212 Go Terps said:
Exactly. The Giants are what we used to make fun of the Redskins for being. The offseason is the actual season, and the fanbase goes into September feeling like world beaters before reality sets in by Halloween.

I'd say we're more so an even bigger joke than them. I'd say the Giants are like the Browns or what the Raiders have become, or have been, since they lost that Super Bowl to Tampa Bay.
Been here since 1997 or 1998  
Chef : 10/18/2024 1:59 pm : link
Don't post much because most of my opinions are expressed by others and done very well. Also, the Giants fucking suck and I just really don't care anymore. Having said that this is the place for the Giant fan...
Only hardcore fans come here when the Giant's are a dumpster fire.  
penkap75 : 10/18/2024 2:02 pm : link
Casuals and fair weather fans come out when NYG are superbowl calibur.
RE: I know many good long time posters  
DefenseWins : 10/18/2024 2:05 pm : link
In comment 16651126 steve in ky said:
Who left because every discussion would become overrun with the same by repeated negative posts, no matter what the topic. It ruins any chance of discussing anything else.


I can tell you that I have been spending less time simply because every thread turns into one about the QB and it is from the same people.

If you knew your wife was going to bring up the same thing every time you walked into the kitchen, then you may stay away from the kitchen because you are fucking tired of it. Even if you agree with her... it eventually gets old.
The Giants being bad is part of it  
Metnut : 10/18/2024 2:10 pm : link
but it's mostly that internet message boards like BBI are in general a dying breed. I've been a part of poker, craft beer, islanders, law school/lawyers and other message boards throughout the years and all of them have decreased traffic compared to the 2000s.

With stuff like twitter, facebook, discord, reddit, tiktok and other similar types of social media, the audience for these types of message boards is trending older and older and not being replaced by younger. Remember when BBI has lots of 20 year olds and college students? They are all in their mid-30s now and likely represent the younger group on the board.

The Giants being maybe the worst franchise in then NFL the past decade certainly hasn't helped matters, but the bigger issue is the older posters are dying off and not being replaced.
It's a combination  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/18/2024 2:29 pm : link
of what barrns (this format is for us old farts), Face Pepler (societal/site demographic changes), and the team just sucking the life out of fans.

BBI is a a dinosaur with a limited shelf life, maybe another decade. At the same time, the site would be much more active if the team was winning (see 2022).
ok whoa!, lets delineate the difference from  
Rory : 10/18/2024 2:36 pm : link
the Petes corner forum (for the long timers) and the site itself.

This site is excellent, the game day previews and reviews, the training camp updates, the front page and all the work Eric and his team (mods) do to upkeep the site.

What is not excellent is the corner forum, and simply that's because the level of tolerance people have for outside opinions has lessened due to the way the media has shaped us the last 20 years. Myself included.....Also I want to I don't have it but X (twitter) has really lowered the bar IMO for human decency.

As far as with the team, that doesn't help either but some think going 10 years without a Super Bowl run is rock bottom and are frustrated, tired and embarrassed to wait any longer so quick snap judgements and changes are demanded. An a portion of those fans live their lives for Giants football so they have become the most vocal.

That said, BBI is top shelf. it's a special place with great people who contribute (shout out Mets thread team) and I cherish it greatly.
How about a thread tag like NDJ:  
DaveW2 : 10/18/2024 3:19 pm : link
So we can avoid the same ol' DJ crapola?

On second thought, the same ol' DJ crapola accounts for >90% of the discussion here, so that would certainly be very few threads.
RE: Traffic will pick up  
mfsd : 10/18/2024 3:44 pm : link
In comment 16651196 Vin R said:
Once the next Batman movie starts filming ;)

The Giants are depressing to the point where discussing/debating the reasons have gotten boring

But Vin R talking Batman, now that’s the kind of energy we need around here!
When the team starts winning again  
eric2425ny : 10/18/2024 4:02 pm : link
Traffic will pick up. A bad team leads to disinterest and a lot of negative posts, which are warranted, but also tiresome to read after a while.
The Giants vs the Bengals was the lowest rated Sunday Night  
arniefez : 10/18/2024 4:12 pm : link
game since 2020. Last year the Giants local ratings were down 14%, one of three teams in the red, while the NFL as a whole had record ratings. The are more empty seats in that awful stadium every home game. A lot of people have eaten the cost of the PSLs and given up their seats.

BBI being less traffic'd is a symptom of the terrible product the Giants have become.
There will be a time  
Jerry in_DC : 10/18/2024 4:13 pm : link
When people are excited about the actual games. Could be next year, could be 5 years, could be 15 or 20. It will happen at some point.
The site is great  
ChrisRick : 10/18/2024 4:19 pm : link
The forum on the other hand has very little interesting discussion. Between the trolls and the fans who don't consider that their own opinion could be flawed, good discussion is lacking.
you also have to remember  
jnoble : 10/18/2024 5:42 pm : link
...there are a lot more options for people to go to between now and the late 90s for sports or entertainment talk or whatever else. There are only so many hours in the day for any one person to spend looking at. I don't lurk here nearly as often as I used to just because I'm active on several other social platforms (X, Reddit, FB, etc
RE: FWIW, I find the Knicks, Yankees and Rangers discussions on BBI  
mfsd : 10/18/2024 6:05 pm : link
In comment 16651220 Del Shofner said:
preferable to the websites actually devoted to those teams.

There did certainly used to be more colorful characters on here, as well as more serious discussions about things like economics. I think a lot of people just move on. There are so many media of different types to tune into these days.

Agree with this. Knicks/NBA and Rangers/NHL threads are consistently among the best and most informative
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/18/2024 6:51 pm : link
Dead? No, not @ all. But I think most people are interested in talking about the 30,000 foot view than breaking down how we're going to win Sunday.
RE: RE: I know many good long time posters  
dancing blue bear : 10/18/2024 6:52 pm : link
In comment 16651281 DefenseWins said:
In comment 16651126 steve in ky said:


Who left because every discussion would become overrun with the same by repeated negative posts, no matter what the topic. It ruins any chance of discussing anything else.


I can tell you that I have been spending less time simply because every thread turns into one about the QB and it is from the same people.

If you knew your wife was going to bring up the same thing every time you walked into the kitchen, then you may stay away from the kitchen because you are fucking tired of it. Even if you agree with her... it eventually gets old.

Many Of the knowledgeable, interesting posters are gone. Seems like the site has A been overrun by townies who spam every thread with the saMe 3 thoughts. Even a thread carefully crafted to avoid the usual crap devolves quickly. The football acumen is way down. The discourse is lacking.
Social media has obliterated any civil discourse and respect in disagreement. It's basically become a megaphone for the miserable and disgruntled. I don't need to seek that out in my leisure time. I just stay out of the kitchen.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/18/2024 6:56 pm : link
I gotta push back on the 'The forum sucks because people are miserable!'

Well, why do you think people are miserable? It's a Giants fan website & the team blows. If we were KC or SF or Baltimore or name a good team & I guarantee you there'd be a helluva lot more optimism. I was here in ' were insanely optimistic.

You want people to be happy & less bitching? Well, the product being better sure AF helps.
RE: RE: FWIW, I find the Knicks, Yankees and Rangers discussions on BBI  
Mike from SI : 10/18/2024 6:57 pm : link
In comment 16651450 mfsd said:
In comment 16651220 Del Shofner said:


preferable to the websites actually devoted to those teams.

There did certainly used to be more colorful characters on here, as well as more serious discussions about things like economics. I think a lot of people just move on. There are so many media of different types to tune into these days.

Agree with this. Knicks/NBA and Rangers/NHL threads are consistently among the best and most informative

The best Knicks discussion I've found online is here on BBI. BBI Yankees discussion is on par with Twitter, but one of the great Yankees follows on Twitter is Dunedin's Twitter handle; he rarely comes here anymore for all the reasons we've been discussing. So BBI Yankees is also pretty good, is what I'm saying. And that fanbase is FULL of toxicity, so it's hard to find.
You know that Warren Buffett quote?  
cosmicj : 10/18/2024 7:20 pm : link
“Buy into firms that can be run by an idiot. Because eventually they will be.”

Buffett doesn’t invest in NFL teams, because they can’t be run by idiots.
RE: You know that Warren Buffett quote?  
56goat : 10/18/2024 7:25 pm : link
In comment 16651515 cosmicj said:
“Buy into firms that can be run by an idiot. Because eventually they will be.”

Buffett doesn’t invest in NFL teams, because they can’t be run by idiots.

Hahaha, that is a good one and perfectly describes the Giants.
Rich Houston drove his ex into lesbianism?  
cosmicj : 10/18/2024 7:26 pm : link
He admits this? This site is great.
RE: RE: RE: I know many good long time posters  
IchabodGiant : 10/18/2024 7:34 pm : link
In comment 16651494 dancing blue bear said:
In comment 16651281 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16651126 steve in ky said:


Who left because every discussion would become overrun with the same by repeated negative posts, no matter what the topic. It ruins any chance of discussing anything else.


I can tell you that I have been spending less time simply because every thread turns into one about the QB and it is from the same people.

If you knew your wife was going to bring up the same thing every time you walked into the kitchen, then you may stay away from the kitchen because you are fucking tired of it. Even if you agree with her... it eventually gets old.

Many Of the knowledgeable, interesting posters are gone. Seems like the site has A been overrun by townies who spam every thread with the saMe 3 thoughts. Even a thread carefully crafted to avoid the usual crap devolves quickly. The football acumen is way down. The discourse is lacking.
Social media has obliterated any civil discourse and respect in disagreement. It's basically become a megaphone for the miserable and disgruntled. I don't need to seek that out in my leisure time. I just stay out of the kitchen.

This point hits home for me. Probably why I primarily lurked for 25 years. There were so many good posters back in the day. All I had to do was sit back and learn.

Maybe why I started posting more; the clear absence of quality content. Of course, I’m an idiot and not anywhere close to being as knowledgeable as those posters from the past.

I’m also guilty of the above; spamming threads. I will stop that. I also hope quality content returns, or like Eric said, this site will be gone within a decade.
RE: RE: RE: I know many good long time posters  
JOrthman : 10/18/2024 8:06 pm : link
In comment 16651494 dancing blue bear said:
In comment 16651281 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16651126 steve in ky said:


Who left because every discussion would become overrun with the same by repeated negative posts, no matter what the topic. It ruins any chance of discussing anything else.


I can tell you that I have been spending less time simply because every thread turns into one about the QB and it is from the same people.

If you knew your wife was going to bring up the same thing every time you walked into the kitchen, then you may stay away from the kitchen because you are fucking tired of it. Even if you agree with her... it eventually gets old.

Many Of the knowledgeable, interesting posters are gone. Seems like the site has A been overrun by townies who spam every thread with the saMe 3 thoughts. Even a thread carefully crafted to avoid the usual crap devolves quickly. The football acumen is way down. The discourse is lacking.
Social media has obliterated any civil discourse and respect in disagreement. It's basically become a megaphone for the miserable and disgruntled. I don't need to seek that out in my leisure time. I just stay out of the kitchen.

I'll push back on part of this...The site was much more "mean" when I arrived around 1999/2000. It was that meanness, which brought on a lot of the rules and banning's we have now. If you think people are mean now, you wouldn't of lasted back in the day.
I've been on BBI for 24 years  
Jerry in_DC : 10/18/2024 8:39 pm : link
For all 24 of those years there have been people saying that BBI was better in the past and that many of the best posters have been driven off.
RE: I've been on BBI for 24 years  
steve in ky : 10/18/2024 8:44 pm : link
In comment 16651589 Jerry in_DC said:
For all 24 of those years there have been people saying that BBI was better in the past and that many of the best posters have been driven off.

I’ve been here about 28 years myself and there are a lot of good posters who have left, you not recognizing that doesn’t change it from being so.
Yeah. There's a lot of bad posters who have left too  
Jerry in_DC : 10/18/2024 8:46 pm : link
If your expectation is that everything in the world is going to stay exactly the same for 20+ years, you're going to be pretty disappointed
RE: Yeah. There's a lot of bad posters who have left too  
steve in ky : 10/18/2024 8:49 pm : link
In comment 16651598 Jerry in_DC said:
If your expectation is that everything in the world is going to stay exactly the same for 20+ years, you're going to be pretty disappointed

You’re misunderstanding my point completely. I know many good long time posters who chose to leave because every thread got hijacked with the same nonsense. It ruined quality discussions. It has zero to do with my expectations, I’m merely answering the OP
RE: I could start posting stories again of growing  
bw in dc : 10/18/2024 8:51 pm : link
In comment 16651166 Rich_Houston_1971 said:
Up with my father and experiencing his rage when giants lost. More tator tot stories.. How my ex girlfriend claimed i turned her into a lesbian. Will this help drive better metrics for this site being visited?

I'm hooked. Start an NFT.
RE: RE: It's because the Giants are a doormat  
Sam Huff : 10/18/2024 8:53 pm : link
In comment 16651163 Sean said:
In comment 16651159 Go Terps said:


Go ahead and start a thread on how well Runyan or Flott are playing, and see how many people post on it. It's deck chairs on the Titanic.

There are very few Giants-related topics to discuss that are both honest and relevant to what is going on with the team.

We are all rooting for this team out of inertia, and that isn't going to last forever.

I know you say the problems are deeper than QB, but man if you placed Jayden Daniels on this team things would feel a helluva lot different. I'd also sense a renewed energy around the team.

Or Nix or McCarthy or even Rattler.
The site certainly feels light on content...  
bw in dc : 10/18/2024 9:02 pm : link
But this shouldn't be a surprise, really.

For yet another season, it looks like we are back in Ground Hog Day mode where the season is basically over by the end of October. And then you compound that by rolling out the same boring, limited QB for a sixth season.

In a QB driven league, not having one kills the fan's soul.

But I really enjoy Saturdays around here at this time. We have a good group of college fans who bring good info to the table and are fun to interact with...

christian : 10/18/2024 9:13 pm : link
There are certainly fewer interesting NFT threads. I think the reason is pretty simple: topics that wouldn't previously become tribally political right off the bat do now. So there's no possibility of economic, financial, theological, or geo-political discussion.

Those were great discussions. But I think we'd all be fooling ourselves if we didn't admit they generated a lot of simmering animosity and it eventually carried over into football discussions.
My 2 cents' worth.  
81_Great_Dane : 10/18/2024 9:27 pm : link
First, I'm exhausted by the Giants and am at a place in my life where I have other things I need and want to do with my time besides obsessing about the Giants. I'm even related to the Tisch family; it's the family NFL team. (They don't know me, nor I them.) But I'm tired. I consume less content on this site than I used to.

Second, I don't seem to agree with a lot of BBIers about what it means to be a fan. So many people obsessed with the team losing to get a better draft pick. So many people angry that they won this late-season game or that "meaningless" game. I'm a fan; I want the team to win, period, full stop. If I wanted to hang out with people who want the Giants to lose, I could join an Eagles or Cowboys forum. If that's what I'm going to read, why am I here?

Also, while I still come here multiple times a day, the threads are extremely repetitive. I said this on another thread three days ago:
Maybe we should have daily official threads: There could be a daily "Fire Everyone" thread. There could be a daily "Drop DJ For Whatever Scrub You Can Sign" thread. There could be a "The Season's Over, Sell" thread and a "The Season's Not Over 'Til It's Over" thread and a "The Giants Are Cursed With Injuries" thread. At least that way we wouldn't get 10 threads a day about each one of those ideas.

Tired of every thread turning into the same arguments about DJ. It doesn't even matter if the arguments are good ones; I've read them 100 times. Also similar re Thibodeaux, Hyatt, Wan'dale Robinson, Daboll, Schoen, everyone in the Mara family, Evan Neal, JMS, Gillen, the kickers, Eric Gray... I'm sure I've forgotten someone, but that'll do for a start.
I love the talk  
WhoCares : 10/18/2024 9:33 pm : link
But I hate the website.

1. Viewing from mobile is a terrible experience
2. We cannot tag people or be notified of someone is tagging you
3. We can't edit our posts because the admins think it is more important to memorialize everything as they were said even if mistakes were made.
4. There's no way of being more organized like creating threads for subtopics.

I'm here for the knowledge but the website could use a serious update. Is that the reason why it's gone downhill? I doubt it but it's the reason why I don't read every comment (because it's hard to read on mobile) and it's the reason why I don't post (because my posts get immediately lost and I have no idea whether anyone responded to it unless I'm diligent).

Are there any Giant discord communities? I love discord or slack for many of the reasons that I posted above.
This is the best Giants site on the internet  
TheEvilLurker : 10/18/2024 9:33 pm : link
It's just that the team is bad.

Outside of the Giants, this site has great content (outside of political discourse). My daughter used suggestions from this site to plan her trip to Iceland. I usually find myself knowing stuff that's going on in The real world before others do because of this site.
RE: RE: Traffic will pick up  
Aaroninma : 10/19/2024 5:50 pm : link
In comment 16651368 mfsd said:
In comment 16651196 Vin R said:


Once the next Batman movie starts filming ;)

The Giants are depressing to the point where discussing/debating the reasons have gotten boring

But Vin R talking Batman, now that’s the kind of energy we need around here!

I do miss some of the quirkiness, like Vin talking batman, randy and the alien stuff, even paulie's political ramblings.
There's only so much  
Gman11 : 10/19/2024 6:09 pm : link
bitching about Jones you can do
NFTs have definitely  
fkap : 10/19/2024 6:40 pm : link
gone flat. It goes beyond the notion of turning political. For whatever reason the current crowd at the BBI bar (with patrons of all longevities) simply isn't stirring up happening conversation.

While understanding why political threads are banned, I wish they were allowed. It's the whiny little bitches who kept pestering Eric with complaints and making his life miserable that got them banned. That, and politics having the ability to turn otherwise rational people into mindless morons. Still, they were darn fun if you simply ignore posters/threads that have gone too stupid/rowdy. And sometimes there was quality comments/discussions.
I'll always be loyal  
Kev in Cali : 10/19/2024 9:12 pm : link
to this site and all that Eric puts into it - no matter the forum posts/threads. I signed up I think in '97 ish when the site was a was Pete's Corner then and most of the content was really in-depth and not a bunch of banter. The posters wrote well and made you feel like you were behind the lines with their football knowledge. It was easy to read (lack of crossfire from one liners and brief explanations from posters), really informative, and nobody took an "internet stance". Folks could post their thoughts and people respected what they wrote.

Then BBI went onto a different server or service provider and everyone had to re-register. Back then BBI was great for the inside info when one didn't have access to local I tried to be the first to register for no reason other than I wanted to get back into posting occasionally.

This website has evolved for sure. Some ways better, some ways worse. But the site has been dead for a years now. Give us some good football and some positive stuff to discuss and it'll improve I"m sure. Or have folks calm their tits down and stop beating the same drum that most of us already know or get the gist of.

.02 over,
You're welcome : )
Forgot to add.....  
Kev in Cali : 10/19/2024 9:17 pm : link
There are still some awesome posters and writers here......most of it goes unnoticed because of a page long debate between two or three posters, it really makes the good content harder to sort thru with out going through hours of posts that say the same thing.
RE: There's only so much  
Ron Johnson : 10/19/2024 10:15 pm : link
In comment 16652219 Gman11 said:
bitching about Jones you can do

You sure about that? It seems limitless.
RE: I love the talk  
DefenseWins : 10/20/2024 7:30 am : link
In comment 16651640 WhoCares said:
But I hate the website.

1. Viewing from mobile is a terrible experience
2. We cannot tag people or be notified of someone is tagging you
3. We can't edit our posts because the admins think it is more important to memorialize everything as they were said even if mistakes were made.
4. There's no way of being more organized like creating threads for subtopics.

I'm here for the knowledge but the website could use a serious update. Is that the reason why it's gone downhill? I doubt it but it's the reason why I don't read every comment (because it's hard to read on mobile) and it's the reason why I don't post (because my posts get immediately lost and I have no idea whether anyone responded to it unless I'm diligent).

Are there any Giant discord communities? I love discord or slack for many of the reasons that I posted above.

+100 - I have said this before. There are ways to increase traffic and income while making the platform more user friendly. It requires some initial investment and work, but the end results would be well worth it.
First time  
Mike fr Warwick : 10/20/2024 8:24 am : link
I have logged on to post in years. Check the site on game day mornings hoping to find something. Rarely do.
For me the lack of quality discussions keeps me away. Find the site more toxic than entertaining or informative.

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