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New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles Game Discussion

Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/20/2024 9:00 am
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Can we trade Jones and a second to Cleveland  
GiantBlue : 10/20/2024 2:45 pm : link
For nothing in return????
I'd love if Jones requested a trade  
Fishmanjim57 : 10/20/2024 2:45 pm : link
I doubt any other team would offer anything for him, but I'm ready to seem him gone!
RE: Acid  
AcidTest : 10/20/2024 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16653649 cosmicj said:
You’re overreacting. McCloud is a decent player.

I don't think so. It isn't just that one play. He gets targeted and burned too many times.
RE: Bench Jones  
BigBlueShock : 10/20/2024 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16653636 Woodstock said:

This leadership group would rather go 2-15 than to have to deal with a QB “controversy” and all that comes with it in the big bad media. It’s why they didn’t sign a decent backup that may have threatened poor little Daniels job security. There isn’t going to be a QB change unless Jones is injured. Which of course, everyone on the planet knows is the worst case scenario except for this stupid ass organization
AcidTest : 10/20/2024 2:47 pm : link
have benched Jones no later than halftime of the Bengals game.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/20/2024 2:47 pm : link
You know in the post game presser Dabs is going to throw flowers at Jones’ feet. Haha.
That non call on McCloud that last 3rd down  
cosmicj : 10/20/2024 2:48 pm : link
Was the make up call for the AJ Brown non call.
Anyone who expects the defense to throw perfect games is ridiculous  
Sean : 10/20/2024 2:48 pm : link
This is all on the offense.
Anyone else notice that Jones this year kinda resembles Kurt Warner  
200711 : 10/20/2024 2:48 pm : link
in 2004?

Like not as far as athleticism goes and running the ball but just not doing anything except making bad mistakes?
RE: Can we trade Jones and a second to Cleveland  
Jim in Forest Hills : 10/20/2024 2:48 pm : link
In comment 16653659 GiantBlue said:
For nothing in return????

RE: Can we trade Jones and a second to Cleveland  
cosmicj : 10/20/2024 2:49 pm : link
In comment 16653659 GiantBlue said:
For nothing in return????

Cleveland wouldn’t accept that.
Does our offense  
Blue100 : 10/20/2024 2:49 pm : link
Have confidence in Jones bringing us back?
The Eagles offense has been awful  
Essex : 10/20/2024 2:49 pm : link
They had one play where we slipped and got faked out and another where Brown clearly committed OPI. Besides that it has been pretty bad, not catastrophic bad like us, but not impressive at all
RE: Bench Jones, then what  
Danny Kanell : 10/20/2024 2:49 pm : link
In comment 16653650 Phils2008 said:
We cant run the ball. How do you pass when a defense is not concerned one iota with your ground game? Receivers seem to stand around when Jones scrambles. This whole offense is dysfunctional including the play calling.

I just don’t think fans of this franchise can stomach watching Daniel Jones any longer. There is zero enjoyment in it anymore.
Something tells me  
BNY Giants Club : 10/20/2024 2:50 pm : link
We get in the endzone on this drive.
I think the Eagles don’t believe the Giants can score a TD  
cosmicj : 10/20/2024 2:50 pm : link
So are playing it very tight and conservative.
bluefin : 10/20/2024 2:50 pm : link
Let’s gooooo
Theres nothing new here  
HardTruth : 10/20/2024 2:50 pm : link
Its been 6 years of this
I get the feeling that Schoen and Mara told Dabs that he needed to  
PatersonPlank : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
do the best he can with DJ at QB, and they will change things next year. Just the way that Daboll seems resigned in the pressers, its like he is just doing what he was told. I think this proves to everyone that DJ is the issue, better OL, better WR corp, its Jones
jeff57 : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
RE: Anyone else notice that Jones this year kinda resembles Kurt Warner  
JohnF : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
In comment 16653668 200711 said:
in 2004?

Like not as far as athleticism goes and running the ball but just not doing anything except making bad mistakes?

No comparison. Warner was able to throw TD's at home. He also had a bad OL, and his WR's never got open. Plus, he was still recovering from the battering he took in St. Louis.

Jones will NEVER reach the playing ability of Kurt Warner. Even when he was bad, he wasn't this bad.
AcidTest : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
drop by Robinson, so three and out.
Nice drop, do i is.  
speedywheels : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
Toth029 : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
By the short armed man.
Wan’dale drops yet another one.  
bceagle05 : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
NO shit about getting  
SomeFan : 10/20/2024 2:52 pm : link
The ball out faster
Another drop  
kcgiants : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
JT039 : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
2nd round pick.
I'm with you  
NY-Fan : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
I just don't want to watch Jones play for this team anymore.I would rather watch someone else go out there and at least try, even if they lose. I'm tired of watching him as QB for this team.
another joe schoen special  
bigbluewillrise : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
drops by robinson

hes not a first division player.

Well at least we netted 50 on the punt  
Mike in NY : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
RE: Something tells me  
Jim in Forest Hills : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
In comment 16653674 BNY Giants Club said:
We get in the endzone on this drive.

Yeah, going to have to disagree on that one
Nice drop, Robinson  
speedywheels : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
Him and slayton doing what they do best…
Robinson sucks  
Essex : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
He is the Daniel jones of slot receivers
mittenedman : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
just had to have Robinson in the 2nd round too.
Great halftime adjustments coach!  
thrunthrublue : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
Three…and out, this is torture. F Jones…F Daboll, on two….hike!
God damn  
46and2Blue : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
Robinson is like averaging a drop a game…so over this team
RE: Something tells me  
bluefin : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
In comment 16653674 BNY Giants Club said:
We get in the endzone on this drive.

Next drive for sure!
When will we give  
Beef Wellington : 10/20/2024 2:53 pm : link
Bo Nix a shot???............oh wait a minute.
I wonder if it might be a good idea  
santacruzom : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
To stop throwing passes to the 5'9 receiver that is surrounded by at least 3 defenders, all of whom are a split second away from making a play on said receiver.
You can say drop  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
But look at it, defenders right there, they know what is coming and who is getting the ball. I am tired of this pathetic offense.
Defense will be gassed...  
bluewave : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
By mid-way through this quarter and Eagles will probably score two more TDs as a result. The offense is killing us!!!
RE: Nice drop, Robinson  
k2tampa : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
In comment 16653692 speedywheels said:
Him and slayton doing what they do best…

They are both body catchers. Always have been.
As bad as it was, Warner pitched for an over 7 yards per pass  
cosmicj : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
Attempt in 2004. Just to put context around what DJ is doing ( sub 5 YPA today).
dont draft body catchers  
bigbluewillrise : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
joe schoen special
This is unwatchable.  
UberAlias : 10/20/2024 2:54 pm : link
I’m out of here.
Have to stop dropping balls!  
Simms11 : 10/20/2024 2:55 pm : link
Robinson and Slayton have been horrible this year in dropping balls! Giants are #2 in dropped balls this year....with jones being so bad, and WRs dropping passes, offense is offensive!
Yes Robinson could have caught it, but Jones throws the same 2 passes  
PatersonPlank : 10/20/2024 2:55 pm : link
repeatedly. Everyone knows its coming, he doesn't look anywhere else. In that specific case it hit Robinson, but he was surrounded by 2 guys and they made it a contested catch. Surely if Jones looked somewhere else, as a normal QB would do, somebody was more open.
2 got his arm in there?  
Stephen in Sofla : 10/20/2024 2:55 pm : link
Tight coverage on predictable play....
RE: When will we give  
Blue21 : 10/20/2024 2:55 pm : link
In comment 16653698 Beef Wellington said:
Bo Nix a shot???............oh wait a minute.
Got the best WR in the draft and can't get him the ball.
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