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Giants and Schoen got what they deserved

gpat1031 : 10/21/2024 10:56 am
This whole thing was a big charade.
Barkley was clearly the best offensive player on the field, and he should've been resigned. This team made the bigger commitment to a less talented player in Jones who was benched instead of a franchise back in his prime. This is pathetic, somehow the Eagles found the money to Sign Hurts and a #1 WR in Brown and still have a solid oline and sign arguably best back in the league that used to be a Giant.
What Schoen planned is not working and this is pathetically embarrassing at this point cause now the next big move is to get rid of Jones thr guy you made a big financial commitment to 2 years ago.
I said this before, you donot get better by letting the most talented players on the team walk.
I don't think they should have signed Barkley  
Ben in Tampa : 10/21/2024 11:04 am : link
but your point stands. This mess is their making.
OMG im so tires of this narrative  
blueblood : 10/21/2024 11:06 am : link
its silly and shortsighted..

the Giants are a BAD TEAM.. having a 14-15 million dollar RB on a bad team is a HORRIBLE idea..

Ive said this 100 times..

Running backs are like icing on a cake.. You need GOOD CAKE.. you put icing on a bad cake.. the cake STILL SUCKS...

The Giants have bad cake..

Philly isnt bad cake.. they have good OL.. Solid QB play.. Soild WRs..

Paying Barkley would be STUPID on this roster.. the team would still suck

They shouldn't've paid him given the direction  
mittenedman : 10/21/2024 11:10 am : link
of the team.

I know this is unpopular, but the decision to draft him at #2 wasn't the killer mistake. The decision to draft him at #2 and then basically try to make the team a passing team was the mistake.

Want to take an All World RB at #2? Fine. Effing COMMIT to it, hire a running HC/OC and build a beastly run blocking OL and make people deal with it.

To take him at #2 and then continue on with west coast offenses and shotgun bullshit just shows you the team has no real plan or over-arching strategy. They just pick talented players and hope for the best.
Schoen made the right decision on Barkley  
JohnF : 10/21/2024 11:14 am : link
but the wrong decision to extend Jones.

Look, Barkely was never going to do well here as long as Jones was QB. Yes, it sucks to lose him, but we've seen his act before. He can have great games, but he gets injured far too often. And he's not Walter Payton, he can't carry a team on his shoulders.

To sign Barkely long term would have been foolish. The Giants simply aren't in the position where he would be the difference in competing for a championship. The Eagles are in a different position, they may think their window is closing, and they need to make a splash to get further in the playoffs.

Here's a study about NFL running back effectiveness/age. The odds are that Barkely, like most running backs, will start declining after age 28.

The Peak age for a Running Back - ( New Window )
For like the 1000 time  
Essex : 10/21/2024 11:16 am : link
the Giants should have traded him to a contender last year and it probably would not have been the Eagles. That team would have worked something out with him. Now we have to watch him possibly win a super bowl with our bitter rivals. The Giants did not get a thing for him, saw him go to our bitter rivals, and then saw him basically put up 200 yards on us. Just because we might not have been a good team to resign him does not change the fact that 1) we got nothing for a valuable player and 2) he is now helping our hated rivals.

This as about as bad a handling of an asset as I have ever seen.
The mistake was in 2023  
sb from NYT Forum : 10/21/2024 11:22 am : link
If the marching orders were to keep both for 2023 ("We're back!"), then he should have made the Barkley signing happen and franchised Jones.

Honestly though, my feeling is that they should have let Barkley walk if he wanted a McCafree level deal. He breaks down every year, not worth the money. No RB is anymore.
Trade him or tag him  
Paulie Walnuts : 10/21/2024 11:23 am : link
Was the appropriate actions schoen ffed up
Decision on Barkley was fine  
JonC : 10/21/2024 11:26 am : link
just unpopular with fans of his, and magnified because the Giants still stink and SB had a good game against them. Separate your heart from your brain and eyes.

The problem is Jones at QB, and the reactionary approach Schoen and ownership take with most everything they touch. They're just really not good at this.
Strange to me that people think Barkley proved anything about NYG  
Giantfan in skinland : 10/21/2024 11:29 am : link
1. He was untouched on his long runs. There was nothing in particular he did that I thought was all that impressive. It's not a shocking result. Plug a healthy athletic RB into that offense and they will produce nice numbers. See D'Andre Swift last year. He was an ok splurge for a team that views themselves as a contender. He made no sense on the Giants.

2. Does anyone really think the Giants performance looks any different with Saquon in blue yesterday? I don't. The problem is Daniel Jones + (now, again) an inability to block consistently, not the absence of Saquon.
He made the right decision last offseason  
ajr2456 : 10/21/2024 11:30 am : link
The mistake was the previous offseason. He should have signed Barkley then and franchised Jones.

He got what he deserved by not bringing in actual QB competition, not from not signing Barkley
g56blue10 : 10/21/2024 11:35 am : link
RBs on this team are not the problem. Barkley is a great RB but he wasn’t making us that much better. On top of that they offered him a sizable contract the prior year.

The mistake has nothing to do with Barkley but that we choose to sign jones to a long term contract. I was ok with it at the time. I feel like we made a mistake in not drafting JJ this year. Although I do love Nabors. I believe the same thing that Sy does. This team is a QB away from being a contender. And maybe some added depth
'But Daniel Jones works really hard and is always the first one  
ThomasG : 10/21/2024 11:35 am : link
in the building and last one to leave.'

Then make him a security guard.
Should have signed him in 2023  
Breeze_94 : 10/21/2024 11:36 am : link
As well as McKinney. To me, McKinney hurts just as bad. He is a legitimate difference maker at safety and those are very hard to find. Guys like him don’t/shouldn’t hit the market at 24 years old.
Barkley is irrelavent at this point - Its all about Jones  
PatersonPlank : 10/21/2024 11:52 am : link
He needs to go, this week
RE: Trade him or tag him  
Adirondack GMen : 10/21/2024 11:54 am : link
In comment 16655843 Paulie Walnuts said:
Was the appropriate actions schoen ffed up

Was it Schoen or Mara!
Schoen may be running things  
Dave on the UWS : 10/21/2024 12:32 pm : link
but as long as John is "in the building", looking over the shoulders of everything the GM and HC do, they will continue to stink. Somehow the Steelers have gotten away with it, because they've had excellent HCs.

Its still a bad, bad model for how to run an organization.
afann : 10/21/2024 12:48 pm : link
I think that was the plan to sign SB and tag Jones. SB wouldn’t sign so they had to pivot and tag SB and sign Jones. The Jones contract has an out after this season, which we all know.
Giants4me : 10/21/2024 1:05 pm : link
should go. The team isn't better than when they arrived.
The refusal to fix the qb position alone should get them fired.
only problem  
46and2Blue : 10/21/2024 1:32 pm : link
I have is that he wasn't traded for assets
There are so many examples of bad teams drafting RB high in the draft  
Tom in NY : 10/21/2024 3:46 pm : link
and it follows a familiar arc:

1. Bad team invests high draft pick on all world RB
2. Rookie all world RB lights the league on fire
3. Team drafts middle of the pack, but never quite high enough to make the full jump to the "next level."
4. Team signs all world RB to contract extension
5. Team cannot resign some of their better players due to cap issues.
6.As team acquires better players/talent, all world RB gets injured and/or slows down due to heavy workload.
7. Team and all world RB part ways due to lower production than salary....RB finishes career on another team.

LaDanian Tomlinson, Adrian Peterson, Ricky Williams...are examples. It also appears McCaffrey is going down this road now as well.

Give me the RB by committee approach with a great Oline and QB every time.
I like the guy we drafted. He'll never be as good a rb as Saquon, but  
Ira : 10/21/2024 4:03 pm : link
he's a good rb and a better receiver than SB. The team didn't want to spend that much on a rb and I think they were right.
RE: Decision on Barkley was fine  
Gruber : 10/21/2024 5:31 pm : link
In comment 16655850 JonC said:
just unpopular with fans of his, and magnified because the Giants still stink and SB had a good game against them. Separate your heart from your brain and eyes.

The problem is Jones at QB, and the reactionary approach Schoen and ownership take with most everything they touch. They're just really not good at this.

They needed to have been ruthless about getting a franchise quarterback. Trade Barkley in week 8 last season. Keep playing Jones, as more likely to lose games, and get a high draft pick, top three. Mara, Schoen and Daboll needed to be on the same page, and it's clear Mara wasn't.
If you go back to the start of the Gettleman reign, there was a similar problem: the Giants, starting with the owner, weren't clear about the s**t they were in. Mara deceived himself that the Giants were close to competing, and he's done it again with his estimation of Daniel Jones.
You have to start with a clear, non-emotional, unattached assessment of where you stand and Mara has failed that on two occasions now. Maybe Schoen has too. Gettleman almost certainly landed the job, because he bought into Mara's belief about the team.
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