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User Profile

Handle Reese's Pieces
Status Standard User
User Level 5
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Registered May 2011
Giants Fan Since 1962
Location Long Island
Occupation Systems Engineer - near retire
When my family moved here from the Washington suburbs in 1960, I quickly became a fierce fan of the Yankees, Giants, and Rangers. The only time I followed the Knicks intently was during the Willis Reed, Dave Debusschere, Clyde Frazier and Earl the Pearl era.

The Yankees and Giants I followed through all the dark days of the 60s and 70s. I never adopted an alternate team to root for while the Giants stunk. But in the late 70s I became a fair-weather Yankee fan, not much paying attention if they were a non-contender. Only with the Giants have I always remained die-hard.

My reward came as early as the year they drafted LT. Even while the offense was still very bad, it was enough that the defense was feared by other teams. The Giants, I would explain, just had to go into their prevent offense. Don't lose any yards and don't turn the ball over. Get the defense back out on the field and let them be concerned with scoring.

The softening up of the game, along with all the lengthy reviews, has taken something out of it for me. The Giant defense of the mid-eighties would have been flagged on every other play.

The four championships were all great, one better than the next, and I can stand a down year or two now. But if more than a couple of years, I'm not sure.

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